Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #14 storytime

Bad to the Bone, Part 1...of 1.

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>another Kaine issue

hell yeah

I wonder if Damnation made PAD change his plans at all, because the plot for this issue is nothing like what the solicitation suggested.




That's been this way a long time. The solicits actually mirror what's going on in the comics AT THE TIME they're coming out, not the contents of the issue. The issue where Kaine and Ben fought each other was solicited as "BEN'S SHOWDOWN WITH CASSANDRA MERCURY HAS JUST ARRIVED!" since at that point the floppies were still with her giving him the stink-eye at every turn.

Probably explains why a bunch of Bendis solicits always came wrong during his X-Men run too.


I forgot about that.









An issue without Sliney is a happy issue.

Also I fully submit the notion if this had Yost misprinted as the writer's name you'd never tell it was PAD.


This issue reminded me of Yost's run, too.




I definitely didn't think that's where that was going.




Thanks OP.

So, Ben vs. Mephisto.


kek. thanks for the storytime OP

PAD has been writting the always angry spyderman 2099, right?. You can count with him handling Kaine well.

Minor damage Jesus what did you even hit Hydra cap?

Makes me wonder if he's being over-dramatic, like his Hell was a Mexico resort with shit booze, or if he really was dead and for whatever reason no writer wants to pull on that sting on why he's back. Maybe a Damnation tie-in?

He always writes his Spider-Men angry, his run on Friendly Neighborhood did it often too.

But this was really doing its homework, especially with how Yost had a penchant to make Kaine fight the silliest things like the Armadillo rodeo or the giant plushie doll in New Warriors.

I have to admit, I'm pretty surprised he did this huge turn on the original tone of the series and basically brought Ben and Kaine's relationship pretty much to what it was as well as dropping Ben's Deadpool-esque vibe.

that was a nice issue

>or if he really was dead and for whatever reason no writer wants to pull on that sting on why he's back.
While we don't know the skinny on how he came back, we do have enough info already like how Mephisto gave him a spot to torture Peter on in Spider-Man/Deadpool. So it's pretty much mostly that when PAD himself wrote him on FNSM where he said he did die and he was basically playing along with some cosmic forces interested on Peter since he had The Other at that point, that was all legit too.

Is he asking her if her and Kaine are gay?

>written by Peter David
>not one romani fatality so far in the run


It focused on Kaine. Should that surprise you?


This panel got me thinking, is rhino still alive? If yes then why the fuck did they add hippo instead of rhino?

I keep waiting for reverse-redemption but PAD just won't deliver :(

Rhino's currently in voluntary custody after Clone Conspiracy.

I think their talk after the Death mixup is enough myself. Kaine is even thinking "does Ben have these issues himself?" again thinking of him as an equal as opposed to "this man has to stop breathing".

Both are great, user. Don't be that way.

More like just having short tempers.

Fuck it, impromptu storytime.
















And so, art died this day.






And thus the commuter is committed.

That was cute. Thanks for the storytime man.

This is ideally how I'd see Ben acting, with a shorter fuse than Peter because of all the crap he dealt with for 5 years. But the way PAD has him now works for me too.

I knew it.

The big M says something about One More Day/talks about how his deal not to mess with Pet doesn't cover Ben.

Given how Mephisto already messed with Peter directly, too, I sure see that happening

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 001 (2017) (5 covers) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 002 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 003 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 004 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 005 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 006 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 007 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 008 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 009 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 010 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 011 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 012 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 013 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Ben Reilly - Scarlet Spider 014 (2018) (digital) (Minutemen-Slayer)

Very thoughtful of the monster who broke his arm to put it in a cast, too.

Is this a weekly?

This page is such a nice touch.

>tfw Yost will never write a companion book about Kaine as the Scarlet Spider
I just want Yost to write Kaine again. It was so good.

What book is this from?

I forget the exact issue but it was one of the Planet of the Symbiote ones.

I like this story. The newer Spidey stories don't have the same feel as the older ones

is this a good book?
I always liked PAD, but the first few issues were so boring

Yes, it's the best Spider-book coming out right now.
And that includes Deadpool/Spider-man.

It's usually a monthly release, but there have been some bi-weekly releases. The next issue is released March 14th, and it looks like it's going to be bi-weekly throughout the Damnation crossover.

I think the story took a turn for the better with issue seven. Unfortunately, the art took a turn for the worse when Sliney became the ongoing artist from issue six onward, with only two issues since then having been drawn by different artists.

Who's Marlowe?

>I'm pretty surprised he did this huge turn on the original tone of the series
I think it was planned from the begin.
I mean, he was served a shitty plate with Crazy Evil Ben. He's basically "fixing" them by means of credible character development

Probably a new character.

I really wish they'd just get Randolph to do interiors.

He first showed up during Dark Reign in the Sinister Spider-Man mini, he's a hippo granted sentience or evolved by the High Evolutionary or something to that effect. Last time he showed up was in Superior Foes at what amounted to AA for villains.

It'd be really nice to see Janine and Kaine's fucking supporting cast again. Has anyone bothered asking PAD where Aracely is because her not being around is really starting to irritate me since I can't imagine Kaine leaving her on her own, even if for her "safety".

He did mention that Aracely will show up if the series lasts long enough to allow it.

I doubt it. He was always dismissive of Ben in interviews and he said what he was the most interested in was how Ben would be "unhinged" from dying so many times. He even said in interviews he noticed people were having a real hard time rooting for Ben (he said his goal was make the readers "root for the villian") and that he was going to try to amend that with #7, and he also admitted full on the costume went back to classic because of the backlash.

Whatever his original plans might have been though I have lots of respect for him for basically righting the ship instead of going in his own direction ignoring what the established fans wanted.

I only remember him saying "good chances" before the book even launched. Did he expand on it?

>>I doubt it. He was always dismissive of Ben in interviews and he said what he was the most interested in was how Ben would be "unhinged" from dying so many times.
Yeah, but the guy once wrote a rape scene crying and told his wife he HAD to write it even if he felt horrible because that just what the characters were going to do and he couldn't do anything about it.

So, yeah, PAD is trying to write Edgy Villain Spider-man, but Ben's innated goodness wouldn't let him.

Didn't that only happen because Deadpool killed Peter and then went on a journey to get him back?
I kinda figured that M just wanted to dick with his best claim.
Been reading Renew Your Vows, I love the Spider Family. Being Peter is suffering.

I figure she's still with the Warriors since he didn't get her involved in the Clone fuckery; she still thinks the world of Kaine too so him going over to kill Ben wouldn't sit well with her.

Have we even heard of the Warriors members since Yost's run ended? Justice, Speedball, etc.

A little in Web Warriors, Justice and Speedball were banged up with the rest but still wanted to look for Kaine.

If I'm not mistaken, Wade getting tricked into killing Peter was part of Mephisto's plan to break Peter's spirit.

Nah, Wade was tricked into it by Mr. Negative as a plan to take over Parker Industries because he'd already managed to get some people following "Parkers" instructions on unethical experiments.
Mephisto just saw an opportunity to break Peter.
If my memory is at all correct anyway.

Justice had a cameo at the very end of Loveness's Nova.

>you will never see Ben and Kaine giving themselves high fives over getting Justice pissy without even trying since Vance was always getting on Kaine's case in New Warriors and he was ultra jelly of Ben with Firestar when he was also in the Warriors
feels bad man

See, I've been reading Ben's series since it began, and I STILL don't know what the deal is with this mogul brother and sister thing.

Who's the real enemy here? What's the deal with those people Kaine's hanging out with?