Invincibleverse storytime

THE MAIN BOOK IS FINALLY OVER, so instead have some side stories about people other than Mark.

I updated the folder with Invincible Presents, Guarding the Globe, and Invincible Universe:












Did Eve just pink herself into existence?




















the fuck, dude



steamed hams?







killcannon is like, disturbingly older than her



Jesus Christ!




>they win because the bad guy has a timer and runs out
How many times has this happen now in this universe?


Planned obsolescence is a bitch.




Seriously, what the fuck Benito?







They even ate her cake this shit just keeps getting worse somehow.



Rape machine is property of the U.S.A!






Hey now! The proper name is rape-birth-repeat machine.





Man why is everyone in this universe a huge dick


Universal constant




I miss rex. At least he died before it turned to shit.


Anyone have a full Invincible torrent?



I liked this mini series, it really makes his sacrifice in the Invincible War arc something poignant instead of just an "oh, I guess that guy is dead now" moment.



Can someone link to the previous thread? I didn't get to read the end



>The US is spending money and resources ordering hits because of baseball team feuds.
God bless America

>dare master
I love it.


>folder with everything in the OP
>people are still too dumb to use it
Were the both of you dropped on your head as children, or are you just missing chromosomes?


