ITT Heartbreak


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What noise should he have made?




And that's why he only train fishes now



Johnny. Johnny! JOHNNY!!!!!


This movie shows that disney only cares about superficial beauty, and punish anyone ugly by making them the villain or cucked. Fuck the sewage sucking rat

I unironically want to read this. Where can I find it?

It's really good. The Arby's arc got out of hand for a while though but the final chapter was worth it.

it's called I Will Survive
I am surprised at how good the art actually is
just google it, or if all else fails just go on znn, I think that's what it's called

fuck my shitpost didnt work






Of all the pictures in this series, this tears my heart into ribbons.

What happend in this scene?

name a flaw



So, how was everyone's Valentines Day?

Her elderly friend died suddenly and she just thought it was one of his many pranks, so she got the whole town to come to a "fake" funeral so he can come back and crash it. That's the point when he doesn't show and she realizes he's really gone.

Jeez Frollo went savage

Missed a date due to work hours not aligning well.

fuck you

I don't like to think about it.

It would have been my first one in 25 years


I'm still 23, maybe i have a chance ;_;

Never give up user!

spent most of the afternoon sick in bed watching Pubg streams on youtube. Then i walked to my local #6 mall and ate a naked burrito at taco bell. walked home catching pokemon along the way. got home, watched more pubg streams.

pretty fun day for a sick day. (skipped work because classes were cut thanks to ash wednesday mass)









It was great, actually.

Did some grocery shopping, bought a couple of ribeye steaks, pre-seasoned that shit and waited for my fuck buddy/girlfriend to leave work. Older fuckbuddy came by to bum a shower and pay some money she owed me. She also went out of her way to gloat about the amount of dicks she was receiving. She's such a frustrated chump, I swear.

Girlfriend eventually came over, we made scalloped potatoes, mushroom sauce (which Mt. St. Hellen'd my nob off) and cooked the fucking steaks to perfection.

Sat down to eat, had some champagne and then fucked until 3am. She had to do a presentation at some ritzy hotel in the morning, tho.

Fucking Colgate-Palmolive.




Not only did he have a heartbreak, but also a brainbreak.

ytp kino



I'm still mad this wasn't the endgame

Who's this?

Burnbot. A character from this guy's
review series. She a cute. Sup Forums used to waifu her but no one ever came on a tv in her honor

Can't really blame them, today's televisions are flat. Burnbot, on the other hand, is t h i c c.



You mad?

I'm supposed to get coffee on Sat with this girl, so pretty good I guess

hell yes

What happened yesterday OP?

waited and waited. turns out she went with her work friends to a bar. F her.


Aw man fuck you

thats brutal

here there were dragons

i didnt understand until i understood

It's dumb. Art is good, but it's dumb.



Don't think of it as Valentine's Day.

Think of TODAY as "Discount Chocolate Day".


Ex-fiance came back to talk to me. Started off innocently, but soon we started to talk about the past and long story short, it tore my heart to shreds. She made me feel like all the progress I've made since we seperated was fruitless and like I'm worthless. I'm feeling a bit better now that I'm at work now and I can distract myself, but I'm struggling to maintain. It hurt, user.
I'm just going to keep drawing my feels out when I get home since I started a new poster and I'm going to keep trying my best to move forward despite feeling the pain I do. Sorry if that was too much info, but Sup Forums has been one of my favorite places to visit for some time now and I know the anons on this board are pretty cool. I just needed to vent.
How was yours?

If she's that much of a cunt, she's not good enough for you anyways user

Meh. Gf worked that previous night, so she was asleep all day. I think I'm getting a fever, so I felt really sick all day, but I got some chores done. When she woke up we ordered out some Carraba's, ate it at home, watched the Doctor Who story The Ark In Space, then fell asleep.

>inviting thots back into your life
Jerk off before you do stupid shit like that because you think you'll get your dick wet.

What a bitch.

No, actually I had no intention of it going anywhere, not even as friends. She just had a lot to answer for and so did I. Hence the conversation.

I know, user. Thank you.

well fuck

People who know its over move on and dont talk to cunts unless its to get something legally back, you thought there was something worth saving in talking, closure. That was stupid and probably a result of you thinking you will have sex one last time in the back of your mind after talking about feelings for an hour.


Given that she's gain one hundred pounds and has become something of a village bicycle, sex wasn't exactly on my mind.


As I wanted it to be
Just spent the day with my gf in bed, watching movies, only to pause them to have sex or get food

I'm sorry for all you guys who got screwed over, at least those bitches could have said no, instead of keeping you guys waiting

Although the scene loses its gravity on rewatching, the soul crushing it was the first time is something I'll remember, not even Jurassic Bark was this heartbreaking




This warmed me. Why?

It's been years since I watched Bart the General.
Can someone explain the plot to me? I recall I found it a bit hard to follow.

1. Nelson bullies Bart.
2. People give him advice.
3. It doesn't work.
4. He winds up talking to Abe,
5. They enlist Herman to help.
6. Bart gathers up all of the kids Nelson has bullied.
7. They water-balloon him into submission.
