ITT: Sup Forums jokes and memes you never get tired of

ITT: Sup Forums jokes and memes you never get tired of.

I love every real life Mike cover-up photos.

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Kek, nice

I wonder if they're intentional.


Those cookies are so fucking good.


>"Oh my goodness... I'm ON A CEREAL BOX!!!"

>Cereal box
Get your glasses, Grampy user.


Probably. There's plenty of other space they could have placed it.

so good, but eating one feels like eating half a cake.


I eat the bigger ones, and pretty much one does you in, if you eat more than that it's just too much and the taste gets kinda strong.

It's weird when you see shit like this, especially if you've gotten used to the current decade's tactics with censors.

I wish there were more


My sides

a new one

Raini posting and jokes about bigotry in his films. The jokes are great and give the best comic film series more recognition

Randy Savage left us too soon

Raimi posting and Obi-Wan's various Good Friend rants usually get my goat in a comedic way.
Baneposting too, but only if it's clever.

It's all a conspiracy, he fucked Stephanie macmahon and somebody cut his break lines.

Raimi's Spiderman will never be topped and that's just a fact.

Dying Uncle Ben says terrible things

and its mostly sully who is covering him in the pic

Macho Man will never die as long as you believe in the Randy that believes in you.

To be fair that's an anime.

I-I think he was italian..


everyone ITT but OP is a fucking idiot with awful taste that needs to fuck off back to Sup Forums

weird, there are people itt that are just agreeing with or posting the same thing as OP

Jokes about Daredevil being blind.

Blind jokes in general for me.

Jim Gordon's ass

I have to believe these are intentional - if not on the part of the manufacturer, than on the part of some bored, overworked stockboy at the grocery who remembers the movie fondly


Say what you will about how Raimi's Spider-Man fits into the comic book movie trend... but there's no denying that it's still far and away the MOST memorable, MOST quotable super hero movie of all time.

He should have thought twice about having sex with his aids ridden boyfriend then

>Sup Forums jokes and memes you never get tired of.

I need more of those.



Kek, this is pretty bold


Steamed hams.

>Oh my gosh...I'm in a video game!

He died so that we may live.

This but unironically.

2 Savage 2 Live

yes, it's a real greeting card.


alt covers


I've not lurked Sup Forums for a while, these threads are still a thing, right?

not as often. Sup Forums has been dropping in quality lately.

I love racist Judy

that's Hopps.

In what sense? It was already bad when I stopped

Posting Stan Lee when someone famous (usually comic-related) dies

The thing about blind jokes is that you never see them coming.

>I have great faith in the boy, he is a credit to your race

When they're done right, this. So many great versions.


Why do I feel like if they put this perfect moment into the Netflix shows they would have to over explain the joke?