How was your valentine's day, Sup Forums?

How was your valentine's day, Sup Forums?

I spammed a few threads with my waifu and was told se's shit.

Then I cried for 10 inutes.


My best friend Wine Bottle eased my pitiful existence by a bit.

Drawing porn for a shitload of money


it's the 15th dumbass

God I cannot wait to get drunk tomorrow

The same as the last 12 since my waifu isn't real.

Your anus must've been absolutely cavernous afterwards.

Masturbated some, went to work for a few hours, finished altered carbon, masturbated more then drank before bed

Do kids still give valentine's cards to their whole class these days?

Had to turn off my phone to avoid a woman from work I was dating.

Spent the evening playing classic starcraft just to forget about how much of a mistake she was for my life.

You should be more frank with her, user. Avoiding your problems won't get any of you anywhere.

I was frank that it was over.

Shit was going well until I discovered I was the other guy and I was basically fucking her on her fiance bed.

A man doesn't fuck another man woman, she has been pestering me for the last month that we should be together and she was planning on dumping her old boyfriend anyways because I'm a better fuck so it doesn't matter if I make less money.

I'm just so fucking disgusted by the fact I just bent her over sideways on almost every room of that guy house for T we o months and just feel for the lie that it was her brother house, I'm just as sickened by her attitude as I'm disgusted by how much of a horny fool I was.

I played vanquish and some dark souls 3 all day then i started to feel kinda sad and went to sleep and woke up feeling worse, but then my sister came home and made me some wheat cakes. Then i was feeling pretty good. There ain't nothing like family anons.

Well, at least you recognised the problem and you took steps towards fixing it. The best of lucks for you, buddy, those situations are never easy to solve.

The problem is that I still work with her, not in the same department granted, but it's still the same fucking building.

I know people like to joke about cucks and shit, but actually being the one doing it to another guy makes me feel like scum, even if I stopped cold and don't want to ever look back.

The worst part is that she pretty much complimented me on being a better fuck and even if we aren't dating I should consider being her fuck buddy because I'm the best she had, or the fact that she would consider dumping the poor bastard just so we could fuck more.

That should be a compliment but it just feels do fucking empty, not to mention I feel terrible for the other guy, at least I was always careful with protection despite her insistence that raw was better so I think I dodged a big bullet there.

Anyways anyone got any recommendations on a light hearted cartoon marathon I could sink my eyes in to avoid thinking of this crap? No romance just dumb fun if able, not trying to be picky but I just need a distraction building pylons and playing custom games only get you distracted for a while I need to sink my senses on a good to on to forget this shit.

My partner and I sat next to each other on the couch listening to music and chatting with random people on

We had Chili for dinner.

just like any other day

my gf messaged me happy valentines day and I said it back to her and then we didn't communicate in any other way kek

Venture bros

Already watched, at this point it would be better to suggest something foreign or obscure as fuck, I think I should just rewatch Asterix movies, it's been a while since I saw those.

Made a shitty romantic dinner for my girlfriend that she loved the I picture related her till I ran out of fluids, drove her to school this morning.

Ignored it.

Dumb holiday anyway.

>past tense

In 22 years I have never once had a date for Valentine's day.

Shitty. Had to spend the whole day working and dealing with life and health related stresses instead of just sitting my ass down and writing incestuous /ss/ like I wanted to. Oh well. At least I got a bunch of writing down the day before and a little bit done today.

Well how forigen do you want? Honestly, in these situations I just rewatch old episodes of Dragon Ball Z or JoJo to get my mind off of it.

I drew cute couples without being in one (anymore).

got more dipcifica?

Thanks to the Princess Marco thread, it was pretty great.

Got ignored by my crush, failed my exams and masturbated.

It was great.

Well, it seems like you're a decent guy. As for shows, have you given Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency a shot?

I had a co-worker try to invite me to her open marriage, despite me already being in a relationship. She manipulated a situation with friends so that she would be alone with me in my car at like 2am, with her pretending to be drunk. I was aware the whole time and had just hoped I was being paranoid.

Had a long talk about the values of polygamy and open marriages and so forth, but I had to continually insist that I'm in a monogamous relationship, and she should've talked to my girlfriend as well. So I turned her down, drove home, and jacked off like crazy.

Funny enough, my girlfriend broke up with me about a month later because she thought I was cheating. No evidence (and not true), but just paranoia. So... karma?

Want to commission one?

sorry, too broke

So am I.

Wrote a romance fanfiction despite being 23 and without a girlfriend.
Feels pretty bad /co.

>she would be alone with me in my car at like 2am, with her pretending to be drunk
You made the right choice man


Have you come clean to the boyfriend? Breaking it off after finding out she was in a relationship is a good start, but you should let the other guy know what's what and that he shouldn't trust her.

You dodged a nuke, that's a recipe for rape allegations.

Checking info on that show though seem interesting.
How do you tell someone that you fucked her woman multiple times a day for since August? Sometimes on his kitchen table only to go take a bath and do it there again, others in his own bed or at the couch in front of the TV only to fall on the floor not give a crap about it and continue doing it.

There is no square inch of his house I didn't fuck her on nor furniture she wasn't bent over.

If it wasn't for one nice old lady that asked me if I knew him or was his friend since she saw me a lot in the hood I would have never guessed I was railing someone else fiance.

Do you really want MD to destroy a man? They have been together since high school for crying out loud.

Curiously enough I'm following most of this seasonal Anime and my entire watch list has no in line, I basically watched everything I wanted to watch that has subs, I guess I could start other airing show, probably Madchen Marchen seems to be magical girl shit and I need healing direly and the next Yuru Camp can't come fast enough.

Thanks for the recommendations.

Girl of my dream left me a while back and I entered a deep depression still going on to this day. I was making tons of progress in life but got hit with the depression stick and now on the edge of suicide. I'm not even taking classes now.

She almost had my kids and is now with another guy. I was so close to suicide two of my closest friends actually watched me sleep and made sure I did not hurt myself. Supposed to clean up right now and go to a normal fag party but honestly half and half between that and jumping in front of a train or something.

Valentines day was pretty bad I have no idea why women used to like me or would ever like me again. If I get drunk t this party there is a pretty decent chance I may jump of the nearby bridge as I was thinking about it pretty much all last night.

Could I commision Pinecest

Killing yourself for a vagina is truly pathetic.

my husband and i got stoned and went to ihop

Been there man. In my experience getting completely fucking destroyed drunk or high makes me substantially less likely to kill myself but your mileage may vary. At least you got some friends looking out for you that's always a plus.

As long as it's not straight-up pornographic, I'd be open to it.

It's so cute to see gay couples on this board.

>took wife out to $200 dinner at fancy as fuck restaurant
>find out when we get home shes on her period and i get no sex

There are times when the crushing lonliness gets to me but then I see threads like this and I just feel more and more like relationships just aren't worth it.

I'm not trying to be a fedora tipper or anything. I just feel like there's more potential for me to get in a messed up situation that leaves me hurt emotionally or worse that I just don't need.

Also I spent Valentine's at work and then jacking it to eroge

did you at least get head?

It's fuck THEN feast you fool. Also,
>stopping sex
Towels and showers exist

Watched the new Lego Flash movie with my fiance.

Then we chatted up this girl on kik, were trying to pull a threesome with


Probably, judging by what I see on sale in walmart.

>Dirk Gently: Holistic Detective Agency

>open marriage
what is this meme, I know some dude who had the same thing sprung on him while he was engaged and everything.

>drove her to school this morning
Hope FBI won't catch you user, stay safe!

Get medicated, either offically or with friends.

That's life. She probably feels like shit right now.

I can live a month on 200$.

Thanks, we're very happy.

What shithole do you live in where the cops give you shit for pursuing a romantic relationship with a seventeen year old? California?

Russia. Funny thing, northern parts of California belonged to Russian Empire in the XIX century, IIRC.

Russia has an age of consent of 18?

Oops, my mistake. I checked again and it says that marrying age in Russia is 18, age of consent is 16.

Now you know, go get yourself a teenage qt russianbro

Nah, it would be really weird since I'm 30 and balding.

Shave it off, get kinda in shape, get your finances in order and go live a little

>marrying someone who can't fuck while on her period

UTIs are the worst thing, bro.

I'm also a virgin.


>$200 dinner
talk about money to burn

>200 dollars

Dinners out with my husband generally run 150 to 200 but we have extremely disposable income.

I'm sure she's grateful and feels bad though. She'll pay you back.

I started writing romance fiction and shipping fanfiction to make up for my unsatisfactory social life. Spent Wednesday brainstorming.
Mostly they involve girls I waifu with guys I project onto

I've contemplated doing that. Not ready to jump off that slippery slope yet, though.

There was a Valentine's Day?

You don't go into that kind of detail, but you leave a note or an email or something to tell him - 'hey dude, slept with so-and-so, didn't realize she was dating you, broke it off as soon as i found out, if it were me i'd want to know, sorry man'

>Do you really want me to destroy a man? They have been together since high school for crying out loud.
Do you really want the poor bastard whose girlfriend you've been fucking to wait until he's getting divorced and fighting for partial custody of his kids to realize the woman he loves is an unfaithful whore?

I got the damn flu and slept through most of it.

Good on you user. Use them brain muscles.
Go ahead user. Even if you only make them for yourself and never show anybody, you should do it. Writing is a highly enjoyable hobby!

>Mostly they involve girls I waifu with guys I project onto
aw cmon user

Princess Tutu

Better than self-inserts, right?

at least a self-insert is honest
when you're inserting into an established character you ruin that dude's characterization on top of your waifu's

What's a Valentines Day?

What about an original character heavily based on yourself?

same thing really, might be a little better

your waifu probably wouldn't date you as you are so you gotta spruce yourself up some, think of it as self-improvement

What makes you think the OC would be a BETTER version?

you'd degrade yourself in your own fiction?

if you've got enough self-awareness to do that, maybe you should be writing an actual character instead

Of course I would. It would be all my negative traits amped up.

>went to class
>Wrote an essay
>In my room listening to a house show being thrown at my house
>Waiting for gf to get home from her job
Brety gud

Smoked too much, drank too much, only thing I ate in a 24 hour time period was a large Dominos pizza (in one sitting), watched End of Evangelion for the first time

Fuck all you queers that got to jerk off. At least you're capable of getting an actual erection. No, I'm not a tranny.
