
So I'm catching up on Invincible, when I stopped they had just decided to move to space.
Not only am I getting another fucking stupid time-skip but now Mark is Man of Cuck?
This is disconcerting.

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He was gone for 5 years, and honestly, considering how his sister fucked, the dude Eve was with fingered her at best.

The guy literally wanted to throw Terra in the trash and Eve still fucked him for an entire year.

>fucked him
Again, looking at how the have sex, it was masturbation at best.

How would you know?

The only thing that Chad ever did in the entire manga was to brag how he was the best lover Eve ever had and she knew it. She didn't even try to deny it.

She most likely said that to him.

The biggest surprise in the final issue of Invincible is that Eve managed to stay drama free for 500 years.

>Robert Kirkman's amazing superhero comic is ending, and that's OK
That fucking add-on isn't even warranted here, fuck these talentless cunts

I still think the entire thing was unnecessary, and thrown in for drama's sake. But she legit thought he was dead, of course she'd move on. The guy was a massive fucking douche though. I don't know what Kirkman was trying to achieve with tis, but it just made me look down on Eve even more. Mark deserved better. The kicker is that Terra inherited her mother's slutty ways as well. Poor Mark.

>throw Terra in the trash and Eve still fucked him for an entire year.

Sound like normal female behavior. They are like chimps that want to get rid of their cub to have another one because they can't protect it themselves.

The blue alien chick is hot.

>entire manga
bruh what, this isn't Sup Forums

OP here, now there's the Man of Murder I know.

>her mothers slutty ways
Women having sex doesn't make them a slut, dude. Mark was basically dead to the world for like...8 years.

Oh, so that's where that shitposting picture was from.

Okay this I don't buy. Why would Allen ever agree to fight for completely selfish reasons and not against a threat?
Kirkman you hack

So that's the end. While the comic sure had ups and downs I still recommend it and respect Kirkhack's decision to end it.
See you space cowboy...

There's really no reason to read this as anything other than saving his daughter for himself.

>We are Viltrumites, we're not bound by petty human conventions! I am the emperor, btw!

Why is giant flying jizz trying to impregnate her ears

>People are leaving because they don't need us anymore
>Yeah they should be able too

well he is a leader and was probably under pressure from whatever body of government the coalition uses to do something about planets just leaving, especially if they were part of a larger support structure
you don't just sit on your hands as the president if Hawaii, Alaska and Washington state just decided 'nah we out' especially if there's a specific group you can pin the blame on

user, those are clearly used tampons someone tricked her into believing are earrings

>the story went on after Fatom Eve lost weight

Literally why

I have zero investment in any of the characters that aren't delicious, jiggly, self hating dumb MILF redheads

Bu who would ever sign up to fight agains an empire of peaceful murder immortals? When they were a threat they didn't have a choice but now?

The people that fought the last group of not-peaceful murder immortals?

Alright, Mark and Thragg had a hellacious final battle on the surface of the sun. But the question remains: Did Mark's dick burn off, and if so, did he get a magic alien medicine replacement, or a cybernetic cock?

his cock is invincible

You should have jumped off this comic a long time ago, op

This. It's bad enough the comic was always edgy schlock, without that I have zero incentive to trudge through it anymore.

Maybe getting old and dying over and over again did wonders for Eve's temper?

I mean, story wise its just tit for tat with Mark and the Anessa thing.

>the entire thing was unnecessary, and thrown in for drama's sake
That's Kirkman for you!

>And behind me

That was really stupid and spoiled the ending for Allen. He was better off dying then this character assassination he got.

It's not hard to imagine how the greater political structure would view it as a war like act, given what the viltrumates had done in the past. Dismantle the coalition through peace just so they can conquer the galaxy unopposed. Really not far fetched for this comic.

Teenager trying to get knocked up by a drug dealer definitely not a plausible realistic thing that a father would try to prevent. Nope. Clearly just wants to fuck her.

It's canon that vultrimites are incapable of being cucked. Their physical prowess makes them sex gods and utterly devoid of jealousy or insecurity.

Oh, it's over now?

Thank goodness.

So how did it end? Stopped reading at the time skip suprise you missed raising your daughter twist.

Mark returns to the proper timeline, eventually defeats the Viltrumite army and becomes emperor. The final issue is a series of flash forwards, showing his family and friends and how the new Viltrumite empire flourishes. Pic related is Terra.

I miss invincible already.

Almost every major character in the Invincible universe slept with other people while still married.
Both of Invincible's parents.
Atom Eve.

When you're near viltrumites you either fuck or get fucked by them.

I'm surprised Mark didn't want another kid considering his wife is even more immortal than he is

Maybe he saw fit to be able to control his offspring. More offspring of the emperor more chances for there to be a feud/ergo more chances for it to be conflict as to who is the heir. Remember Marky Mark has nephews too.

I found it kinda sad that given how Eve's power works, she'll outlive her entire family,
maybe even the entirety of the universe.

>500 years old
>Still no grand kids.
Hopefully Marky Mark's picking up the slack.

Allen didn't save, Mark, he saved Thragg, who's now wearing Mark's skin.

Like Eve wouldn't figure out how to revive/de-age Mark when needed.

How could he possibly be wearing mark's skin?

To be fair, Nolan only started having kids when he started going grey
I wouldn't really expect any viltrumite to start having kids at any specific time