Mm mm mmm~

Mm mm mmm~
Enchaaanted miiilkshake
dancing in my tummyyyy~

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So is she retarded?

Who is this cutie and what is she from

a shitty pilot

but what is its name though

>tfw no retarded brainlet gf that drinks cummie milkshakes and begs you to pet her belly

It's a boy, you homos.

>cummie milkshakes

Welcome to Doozy

Am I the only one who hates little brother characters?

>It's a boy, you homos.
Like thats ever stopped me before

I'm not telling you

>calls herself mama

Why's that?

boys can be girls now, too.

Come to think of it, are there any female protagonists with older brothers? I can't think of many, at least compared to other combinations.

If they don't have a blatant point for their existence, yes they're awful trash. The first one I really hated was May's little brother from Pokemon. Who the hell thought his creation was a good idea? A brat who isn't a trainer or anything and worse the dedicated region movie was about him. Though truth be told what's his face's little sister in the season with Serena was also a terrible and pointless character.

>It's a boy
if he's a boy why does he have a feminine penis?

Sister characters are also often terrible, whether older or younger

Female characters in general are garbage because they have no accountability for their actions. And stupid men don't like seeing twats paying for their misdeeds.

>Im still subscribed to cartoon hangover

It's called, "Welcome to Doozy."

Here's a youtube link.


>he never fucked a tranny with impreg roleplay

Cartoon rule of thumb: If they don't have long eye lashes, they aren't a girl.

But why the belly though.

it's a chick.
this isn't even a thing, it's a chick.

yes it is. You don't watch many cartoons fag.

>Wanting to bone a skeleton instead of the furfag
Shit taste to be honest

>It's a boy

shitty voice acting with little effort from lou

My little brother steals money from me to buy beer.

A enterely straight girl? In this country? In this year? In this channel? Absolutely patriarchal.

my big brother steal money from me to buy stupid things for his boyfriend