How do you go from this

How do you go from this...

To shit? Easy. It's Gotham.

To this this... THIS?????
I mean seriously, that Penguin actor from that old Gotham show did age pretty poorly this?

To THIS!?!?!?!!?!??!!?

>Oh shit, I'm sorry

As someone who never really was into cape comics, I'm surprised that Penguin is actually supposed to be threatening. Sure, he is the crime boss of Gotham, but he is also a fat, ugly guy in a suit. What is it what makes him as an individual threatening?

his peenus weanus

I highly doubt they intended Penguin to be threatening during his creation. But every modern villain has to be scary, i guss.

they did

I can't believe penguin is fucking gay

I thought making the monocle be a beer bottle was one of the neatest, minor touches in those Arkham games.

modernized classic villains get upgrades in how evil they are
heroes are still set to their default settings.

not saying heroes should get more vicious but how do you modernize villains without making the heroes look like antiquated chumps?

I thought it was neat. Then realized it wouldn't work like a monocle and hurt like hell.
Also wouldn't Penguin be wealthy enough not to dress like a hobo?
Also imagine him taking it out and rubbing the skin where the bottle was pressing on the socket for days. unf

>What is it what makes him as an individual threatening?
He's a character who, in his first appearence, took over Gotham's criminal underworld in a single blow, got Batman framed for a crime, then broke him out so that the Gotham police would have a "Shoot to Kill" order out on Batman, and to top it all off, actually managed to get away instead of going to prison.
The Penguin is a brilliant, devious man who knows how to take advantage of the fact everyone underestimates him, and his best appearences showcase the sheer lengths of his planning and the extents he'll go through to pull off his crimes.
Nowadays, writers just like to have him come up with really over-the-top revenge fantasies and focus on other things because they can't write villains worth a damn.
But at his best, The Penguin is one of the meanest, smartest, greatest criminal masterminds Batman's ever fought and arguably the most successfull of them all.


>how do you modernize villains without making the heroes look like antiquated chumps?
Interesting question.

I'd say the first step would be not piggybacking off of reality too hard to make things appear "relevant". It makes everything get dated very quickly in only the span of five years these days.

In a superhero setting more separated from our conventional reality, you wouldn't need to upgrade how evil a villain is to keep up with the real world public image of evil, you'd only need to change their objective every so often if you have a villain you arn't allowed to kill or have locked away where they don't break out the next day.

Cockney accented Penguin or Burgess Meredith Penguins are the best.

Devito a close second.

>Cockney accented Penguin
Absolutely not.
I liked Arkham Penguin but he is far from the best and he's unbearable to listen to.
>Burgess Meredith Penguins are the best. Devito a close second.
This is fact.