ITT: Oh yeah, that happened

ITT: Oh yeah, that happened.

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All I remember were the jokes about a rejected script for a sex ed episode and the girl saying she has no gag reflex.

hilarious if abby gets sick seeing astrid pig porn.

It had one kickass theme song

I saw one episode (first maybe?) where the plot was that a villain who turned horribly disfigured after his older brother made him sniff his farts during all his childhood and wanted to take revenge on him many years later and then the older brother was like a full blown normie with "we were just kids xD I grown out of it, just move past it LOL" attitude and then the """villain""" got BTFO by these 2 retarded kids and I never watched another episode because it made me so fucking mad
I don't have a reaction face to show how angry I am

I remember it being forced as fuck by Nick, which is sad since nobody remembers it now.

It was on Discovery Kids, though

this is the episode if you are interested:

What happened to that kid that turned everything he touched to rot? Teletoon or YTV here in Canuckland aired stuff out of order and re-ran so many episodes that his origin was the only one always shown.

I may have some rose-tinted nostalgia for the series in general, but yeah, that episode was shitty in retrospect - he literally gave his brother RESPIRATORY AND PHYSICAL COMPLICATIONS out of his stupid fetish yet HE HARBORS NO REMORSE NOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DAMAGE BROUGHT as he likely had witnessed throughout his brother's life?! What an arsehole!

>guy smokes out of some rebellious phase
>his brother gets secondhand smoke induced lung cancer
>brother demands money to cover his medical treatment
>"Chill brah, I grew out of that punk phase years ago"

Oh yeah. That. I liked that show.
He didn't get the story resolution he deserved. Kid Rot's last appearance was surfing a tidal wave of green bile through the wilderness, in the summer camp episode. His romance with Abby was not included by the writers that episode.

Wow that's shit.

Thanks user.

never watched it. what are the best episodes?

>looks for new fan art

obscure crossover ahoy!

here was an episode with mind control by LICE


jesus fuck that's just disturbing, poor guy

Watched the show when it was on, ginger was hot but eventually my strict evangical cunt of a mother saw a part of it and banned me from watching it because it was too “raunchy”
>about a rejected script for a sex ed episode and the girl saying she has no gag reflex.
Is this real or some bullshit the internet made up

>believing the second hand smoke meme anti smoking campaigners spread
You really think something made up by these people is true?


I mean the end of the episode is literally the kid getting crush by all the rotten forest, implying he might be alive, but his arm completly rotted, like he's some kind of walking corpse now

the no gag reflex is legitimate but the sex ed episode is bullshit

Provide me your rebuttals if so.


I remember that actually, that was a really fucked up episode.

Mr. Enter pls go away


There was an advanced aging episode but no sex ed jokes sadly





ha ha

Grossology was an interesting idea but horrific execution (It's probably the blandest show animation wise)

What in the fuck did I just watch.

bully brother getting away with it and not seeing anything wrong with it even after 20 years

t. faggot that got farted on.
You were just kids, user, that was years ago. Please grow up and move on already.

I wanna say this show started certain fetishes for me but I remember only watching it hoping for certain fetishes to appear


I like this idea.

The Spectre would give the older brother uncontrollable farting disorder as punishment

That episode where Abby has to wear a diaper because she keeps getting horrendous shits.

The MULTIPLE episodes with farting Abby.

Anime, apparently.



I remember watching this when I was younger... the head lice zombie episode gave me a mind-control fetish. I also vaguely remember an episode about the school janitor going nuts and planning to make all the pigeons around school into a pie and... feed it to the kids or something.

THERE it is! That's the one where I got the weird fetish... I don't suppose anyone has the link? Might be nice to head back and relive the old days.

God dammit, that one hits me HARD. I was obsessed with this show when I was younger. I remember the villain being pretty neat, even though he did sound like a malnourished cat with a nasal cavity filled with bees...

Let's hit your harder then.

What was it with the early 2000s and spy cartoons?

Hit: Confirmed

Would you approve for a reboot?

It's like they intentionally want to give children fetishes