ITT: future school shooters


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Nah. He is too much of a pussy. Nice trips tho.

He'd be the kid that would load up with the gun trip leaving to school shoot himself and bleed out.

The cartoon equivalent of Randy Stairs.


Darwin has a gf tho

For now.
losing her is what will make him snap

>not Rob
>not Allen

>They all show up to Columbine Elmore Junior High at the same time
>three way shootout
>all of them constantly miss until they're out of ammo
>cops show up and gun them down

It would be Tobias.

Nah, I thought about Tobias, but he's legit normie central.


Two words: domestic violence


Tobias tried to kill, all of Gumballs friends in cannon give him a gun and he'd do it.

Arnold has had enough of these field trips

Charlie Brown.


The guy had a cute girlfriend, I doubt, he is slightly better than part of Sup Forums


glad to hear that i not the only one that thinks that.

Funnier than the show

You are now aware that Flea was making Donny's sounds back in 1989 on the Magic Johnson track on Mother's Milk. God I love that song.