Can we discuss this without being gay about it?


I want to fuck scout

What? Buddy Thunderstruck? The show literally throws gay undertones without even being subtle about it.


I like the fast pace and the voice acting, the slapstick humor is great and shows that Stoopid monkey can do so much more when they are more focused and restrained unlike with Robot Chicken where the complete freedom fucks them up and they animate even the most laziest half-baked idea they get

I want to grab his horns and mouthfuck him.

First episode didn't really grab me. I was more annoyed than entertained.

I found the show got better as it went on. The humor got more on point.

it gets better, you have to get to know the character dynamics and the humor improves a lot

Is he one of us, or just a normalfag?

Trying to talk about Buddy Tunderstruck and not be gay about it is impossible.

have you ever heard of the phrase "confirmation bias"?

at most the characters are a little bromantic for some jokes, all buddy thunderstruck characters are cis.

this me and my friends tried to talk about the show but 5 min into the conversation we all got into a gay orgy

Yeah man I hear ya I was talking about it with a work colleague and he started sucking my dick in the break room and we both got fired

please read the title opener


chill dude, they are just bros and one of them is married

Season 2 when?


Supermansion comes out in April, so summer probably?