
Yes, becasue giving a retard super powers to destroy anything with flashing lights or loud noises and over power and rape women because of his savage urges is such a good idea


Why is everyone on Sup Forums always looking for something to be angry about?

Sounds like any other capeshit character.

I dont, but many things that are in the news make me angry

Retards already have super strength.

Squirrel Girl is already running for years


Do both of them have downs?

>OP is finally represented

you people are never happy

No Lenny, no!

Didn’t the creator make this for his son who suffered from the same condition in order to give him a superhero to look up and relate to? Or am I getting that mixed up with another obscure indie property?

>and I have down syndrome!

The only funny thing he's ever done.

Retards deserve to be euthanized, not paraded around and celebrated for their genetic defects and being representations of humanity's latent natural stupidity and flaws from imperfect DNA, that can create such monstrosities as downie filth.

First rogue
The Tardwrangler

Who exactly does this appeal to? Retarded people are too retarded to care about representation and everyone else isn’t the target.

Is this a joke?

You know, I'd be okay with a super-hero with down syndrome, especially if it were because you could find unique stories or angles to play on without forcing the writer's virtue signaling down the readers' throats. It's a shame people are going to make this popular for all the wrong reasons...

>Who exactly does this appeal to?
Current Marvel fans

>that art
have they ever seen a mongoloid person?

Because Sup Forums is the other face of tumblr, and if there is one thing that milenials fucking LOVE, is getting angry at the dumbest stuff.

So what was your mom's excuse?

Mongo Lloyd, the Mongoloid!

Being angry is fun! FUN!

Fuck off Sup Forums

unless you're 38 or more you are a millenial too

Finally a hero for DC fans

Conservatives love these freaks of nature, they think god can do no wrong and that these drooling violent affronts should be cared for. Just look at sarah palin

>Sup Forums
wew lad

High functioning kids with downs syndrome and non-disabled kids so the idea that "everyone can be a hero" is introduced to them at a young age.

Seriously, it's for kids, chill the fuck out.

Because you're confusing people on Sup Forums with the tourist posters from Sup Forums

Retards shouldnt be given anything but a kick in the teeth and a shot through the skull. Their kind utterly disgust me and i hate how much people give them attention and free stuff even though theyre leeches on society and are literally retarded

>Sup Forums

Then I call you a hypocrite.

Barneyfag? Is that you?


Why can't heroes with interesting disorders like schizophrenia get made?

Just don't call him when the pet store catches on fire. Sure, he'll put it out, but then...

Hey there, my fellow octogenarian!

Is that fucking John Cassady? They payed him to do this lol? Why get someone who probably has $500+ page rates?

Badger already exists

No, no you see, the era you're born in is a social construct, if you hate the people you're the same age as you actually are not a millenial anymore. He's transtemporal shitlord.

I feel really bad for mentally retarded people but why do they not all live in homes together? My duplex mates have high level autism and they constantly have morbidly obese nurses coming over. He slams his doors at all hours and doesn't pick his feet up when he walks.

Why do normal people have to deal with them?


nope. millenials doesn't contain people borm after 00's, or even the second half of the 90's

Lol did a tard use his tard strength to plunder your ass when you were a kid?


I thought Handiman was first?

actually I'm a nonagenarian

I remember that character from somewhere... What was it? Looks like something from BabyTV or Paka-Paka

I am, but I seem to be the exception.

No, they sickend me ever since i was a kid. My neighbors daughter got raped by her tard brother after he saw some of his parents porn. Retards are violent soulless beasts and need to be brutally killed instead of treated like the pampered royals they are.

Real Talk: Who from us is mentally "special" and what is your favorite Sup Forums artist or writer?
I just have a minor speech impediment and I my favorite Sup Forums writer is Manu Larcenet and my favorite artist is Arthur Ranson.

Because that would be too “mean” to them. Regardless on how they cause property damage when they through a fit and barely have any semblance of thought. Society is ruled by feelings for lesser creatures now and i fucking hate it

There is literally nothing wrong with this. If the writer is good it will be interesting. If not then it'll be forgotten. If it's bad and not forgotten, or doesn't serve as the catalyst for better stories with a similar premise but gets shoved down our throats, then it might be a problem.

I think the best way to handle SJW comics is by being critical of their writing until the writing is good enough to offset the virtue signalling.

They do know that even the most incompetent comic book villains are more intelligent than a person with down syndrome, right?

desu autists/spergs/all mentally deficient leeches on society need to be purged and hanged.
Literally kill all the people on welfare now.

Hey, we aren't ALL bad.

At what point does us feeling sorry for them become a detriment? Wouldn't they be better off with round the clock nurses and among their own kind with similiar issues?

How is that a selling point? All the mental conditions you could pick to have an interesting story and you pick Down Syndrome? Who is this even for?

Boco youre not retarded, calm down

I'm autistic, same thing.


>Why do normal people have to deal with them?
Because actual homes meant for disabled adults are hard and expensive to get into, because nobody wants to give money to disabled people until it's literally waved in their face and people aren't exactly lining up to go into what's a very draining and stressful career field.


Even that is a waste of time beacuse youd have to pay nurses to give up their lives to take care of subhumans that offer nothing to the world and are secretly hated by their parents. I honestly dnt understand why we dont just kill then whenever one is born.

Autism isnt the same thing boco
Maxie zues is crazy but not retarded

>Who is this even for?
Children with down syndrome.
Then why are you still alive?

>Who is this even for?
People with down syndrome?

That's not even true. He isn't a match for Herbie.

>be a nurse to a normal children's hospital
>the kids that get better are insanely grateful to you, they recover and smile again and continue to live their lives with tons of possibilities
>be a nurse to a retard home

>hur hur ill call all people who insult retards as retarded
If you truely cared about these genetic disgraces you wouldn't use their condition as a insult

Yeah but the fact landlords don't have to disclose if they are renting to the mentally disabled is pretty ridiculous I think. Sure they shouldn't be discriminated against but if they cause issues for other people they shouldn't be allowed to rent in apartments or the landlord should inform the normal tenants so they can consider that prior to renting.

We already had a lot of retarded heroes.

>a retard super powers to destroy anything with flashing lights
>rape women because of his savage urges
But we already have a lot of white male superheroes.

I'm about to blow your mind but some people willingly go into a career helping disabled people. You're better off asking them what they get out of it instead of screaming about a comic aimed at kids on a Thai basket weaving forum.

>But we already have a lot of white male superheroes.
F-fuck you

We just like to shit on you, you fucking retard.

You never where in a children's hospital before did you? Those fuckers all deserve to die.

Jesus, dude, go see a therapist. Calm down.

Stop defending retards and you wont look retarded yourself

Why is he beating up the martian manhunter?

He is a special "special", he can save them without harm.

>Sup Forums
it's like you've never set a foot on there

What about the hugs?

Rich, coming from the frothing retard with delusions of genocide. Go to a home with a rifle and wipe some out if you care so much you fucking pussy.

We are not defending you.
That's King Piccolo.
He is super "special".

... Is that John Cassaday?

You two are children without any concept of empathy

You deserve to die for not thinking tards should be killed, filthy bleeding heart tard lover

Empathy for subhuman garbage like retards is a weakness and is making society a bunch of soft hearted babies who cant progress without having to do what needs to be done

Pretty funny that they hate tards while being a bunch of basement dweller autismbux collecting shits, really.

>Downy VS The Tardwrangler in our major new #1!

If anti-retards laws are get passed by, you will be the first in the oven. They are are "special" you are just a retard.

Probably depends on what counts as a big enough disturbance it warrants something being done about it. It sounds like the door slamming could be the only real problem this guy is causing for your friend, unless the nurse is going out of her way to interact with him too.

Not that idiot but empathy for them is fine for people with downs but autism and the like is most of the time just an excuse for them to be inconsiderate. They aren't mentally deficient, just socially. They know their behavior harms others, they just don't care. People with mental disabilities like that should be forced into homes together where they can receive care but not be a burden on normal society.

Have fun getting shit thrown at you and being spat on by the downies you love to protect, fucking retard

Down syndrome folks are generally benign folk, contrary to their looks and speech impediment. Depends on their upbringing and social environment, probably.

And apparently the stereotype is that they have retard strength, so I guess that's what the comic is going for?

If anything all of them should be locked together.

Actually in America they don't have to disclose it at all to their tenants. Ive had a few friends who had to deal with this to the point that one of the handicapped people would peek in his windows when he was having sex.