Which generation grew up with the better/worse Robin?

Which generation grew up with the better/worse Robin?

Late millennial robin.

I sat through Batnipples

You're pretty much just asking people when they were born.

90's Tim and 2010s Tim >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I grew up with the late Millennial Robin. I also like the Core gen Z robin. I think Late Gen Z and the Early Millennials have it the worst.

How dare you insult BTAS

Sorry, Xennials. The live action one.


Better or worse?

Gen X and Core Gen Z

The worst

No late z is the worst. Core z is good.

honestly say what you want about ttg, but they gave us a robin that actually works in a comedy without simply being the non funny straight guy

he's just as crazy as the others in a way that makes sense: a perfectionist that was raised by batman and has an inferiority complex from that and having no powers

i'm not saying he's the best or worst robin, but at least they tried making him a funny character in a way that works for their show when they could have easily have not

Core Z is boring as fuck

He and the rest of the young justice crew were just boring ass characters in a boring ass show

I know what I said

definitely worse

Boomer Robin is the only good one

Bat Nipples has gotta be the worst. Even TTG is better.

>Bored at work.
>Someone left a magazine about Bruce Lee on table.
>In the section about Kato they talk about how when the Green Hornet crossed over with Batman Bruce would just sort of "menace" Burt Ward

Cusp early Gen Z/late millenials.
Because that's me.

>TT Robin worse robin
Haha, now tahts shit taste

Folks born in 1997-1999 are in an odd zone because you probably dont remember 9/11, which would put you more with Gen Z, and you would've been right at the forefront for "Early Gen Z things" like Hannah Montana, Flapjack, Bakugan, and the Wii, but if you had Sharp memories you might've caught the tail end of "late millennial" things things like Yugioh, Ps2, Lizzie McGuire, Samurai Jack, etc

This thread again...
That stupid movie Robin again...

So, I am the only one that liked young justice?
Never heard anyone talking about it on Sup Forums

Unironically Boomer's, I didn't even grow up with this show, but I love his personality here.


What's the current justification for Robin's costume and name? I get that back when it was about Robin Hood, is that still true? Why does a stealthy billionaire have a neon hero-of-the-people as a sidekick?

It's an iconic name that you can't change

That is not me.

I say better.

Right, but do they try to explain it in-universe at all? There's always an explanation for why the Mad Hatter is the Mad Hatter, for instance, even if it's a bit of a silly concept. Not that I'm knocking it, Hatter might be my favourite bat villain.

Dick Grayson is fine, Jason Todd sucked, Tim Drake was ok, Damien Wayne is shit.

All of them.
Robin's a shit character and is literally the kind of thing that Sup Forums will lynch someone over if he was released nowadays: a bullshit demographic insert to lure people who weren't (and shouldnt be) reading the original comic to begin with. Robin is literally the reason why Batman never stayed to pulp crimefighter that he was suppose to be,

60's Holy-istic Robin and BTAS Robin were always my faves and ones I most grew up on.

TT (original) Robin and YJ Robin get some love though.

>why Batman never stayed to pulp crimefighter that he was suppose to be
He'd had died off if he was simply that. Batman's biggest strength is his flexibility as a character and his colorful, populated world. Robin didn't hurt him or his longevity in the least.

Like him or not, he's a part of mainstream history.
The only one that doesn't belong is the BATB one; who the fuck knows him? May as well replace him with this one since his show is actually talked about.

So is The Batman in the same continuity as Teen Titans?

the last generation of the 20th century

Who late millennial Robin/born in 1996 here?

This isn't right.
I'm a mid-millennial and I grew up with BTAS and Batman Forever.

Oh, and basically all of these are good. Weakest is probably TNBA. And you forgot Dick from The Batman.

For reference...

Gen X:
Gen Z:

holy shoestring budget, Batman!
I have vague memories but very vague
tried too hard
uh I'm guessing that's BatB. I honestly don't remember Robin in it
he was ok if a little too Batman
makes fun of how TT Original Robin tried too hard. Not bad, one of the better parts of an extremely... limited show

though honestly I don't really like Robin in general.

You can question the costume, but the name's good. In addition to evoking Robin Hood, and bird names just generally being good names, implying agility and virtuosity, it's also somewhat of a pet name, suiting his position as sidekick.

>character so shit he needs to be propped up by a series of virtue signalling non-characters to be around anymore

Gen X, early millennial and late gen Z are the same character

>Forgetting The Batman Robin and Lego Batman Robin
>Using Damian Robin who only showed up in one B&tB episode and not yellow pants E2 costume Dick Robin
I don't think you thought this through.

Late Gen Z

>A good name for a little boy who hangs out with and helps a guy dressed as a bat who shoots and kills mobsters

I think you meant to say Nightwing.