So the Ring just turns niggas invisible? Why is it so dangerous?

So the Ring just turns niggas invisible? Why is it so dangerous?

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Cause them little white bois ain't dangerous.

Real Nigga Maiar make that shit hot as a piece in a gay nightclub.

Feel me? The bigger you packin', the more that rings gonna give.

Nah, that's just the capacity of power a hobbit or hobbit like creature can posess while wearing it.

Think of the one ring like ZPM from stargate with a built in variable rate resistors and a grounded circuit breaker built in so that way a person just doesn't explode when wearing it, Sauron and things like him can draw on 100% of the power and abilities stored within, where humans can only tap into maybe.. 10%, most elves in the 15% range and even high elves at most rank in the 50% range with the eagles topping out at being able to pull 75% of the power out of it.

Hobbits can only use >0.1%


If the Ring wants to get back to its master so bad, why does it make people so possessive of it?

So why didn't they just fly an eagle to mount doom?

how much could gandalf or aragon have used?

Because it'll be easier to find on a person than just lying around in the middle of bumblefuck nowhere. The minute it gets a chance to ditch Gollum to get to Bilbo, it does.

I'm guessing because it only has a limited amount of power over people so it just tries to keep itself out of harms way?

Its a power booster. Hobbits are naturally stealthy, so become invisible.

A. Sauron would have seen them immediately
B. Fucktons of Orcs with bows and arrows would have seen them immediatley
c. The Nazgul on their flying beasts would have seen them immediately.

Theoretically, Gandalf as a maia could've used the ring to its fullest potential. Aragorn as a half-numenorean could've used it to some extent, but not as well.

But didn't Isildur use the Ring to go invisible when he got ambushed by orcs?

I’m watching the first movie right now and Gandalf states he would be able to channel great power with it if it fell into his hands.

Can you imagine a world where niggers can turn invisible at will?

He wanted to get away and be hidden, like most of the times when the Hobbits used it to go invisible. The ring has a lot of utility, its just Hobbits both cant access all of that and arent going to anyway because of their character as a race.

The One Ring also has a mind of it's own too and wanted to go back to the orcs but fucked up.

70-100% depending on if he was Gandalf the Gray, Gandalf the White, or in full maia mode.

probably 15-30%

But what was Aragorns tax policy? You can't just gloss over these things by saying he is a good king so the land is good. This is why G.R.R.M is a much better author

Because you weren't just "turning invisible", you were legit entering the ethereal realm that is populated with all sorts of nasty shit.

This was just base level. The ring could do other stuff if you actually knew what you were doing with it.

Because it contains part of the soul and mind of a literal fallen angel. It empowers people, not just turns them invisible. But it only empowers them based on their own potential, so people like Aragorn, Gandalf, or Legolas would be very dangerous to hold the ring
But little hobbits whose big power fantasy is being owner of the best garden in Hobbiton? Yeah, that shit isnt all that dangerous

Does ASoIaF even cover actual tax policy. If I recall they just cover really general terms.

>We're in debt due to expensive tournaments
>Lannisters are rich because of a gold mine

Why didn’t some mercenary just set out to kill Sauron once and for all and spare us the ring debacle?

And yet because of that, the bland little hobbit was the only one capable of resisting the ring

This. The invisibility is more of a side-effect of not being powerful enough to maintain your form in both realms than an intended ability. A wearer of a higher race, such as an Elf or a Maia, could wear it and not turn invisible from it.


Thats why people get so butthurt about Martin's comments because he didn't do what he is blasting Tolkien for not doing

10% of all grains grown in the kingdom. 5% of all monetary profits in the kingdom. Its the last surviving old kingdom of man, and therefore is really populous. But you can't tax them much or else they don't have enough to grow and expand, just enough to subsist on.
where did I get those numbers? my ass. but it makes sense for average medieval economy

Every time someone puts the ring on, thier basically strapping a big neon sign on themselves that says "HEY SAURON, HERES YOUR RING. COME KILL ME AND GET IT". Both Sauron and the Nazgul could sense that from literally anywhere, so making people possessive of it makes it easier to find. Random folks corrupted by it tend to just sit there and worship it (i.e. Gollum) and keep it on themselves at all times. The temptation to wear it becomes harder to resist, so sooner or later someone driven mad by the ring will just become a slovenly lunatic that makes taking the ring back that much easier

>last surviving old kingdom of man
Rohan still exists

And even then, only to an extent. Smeagol murdered his friend to get the ring through sheer greed, and as such was far easier to corrupt, whereas Bilbo and Frodo took it out of curiosity and necessity, and even then it managed to corrupt both of them to an extent, the latter to the point where he basically failed to actually destroy it at the nth hour.

The ring is a fundamentally evil thing, no matter how simple you are or how pure-hearted, it will corrupt you eventually. It's just a matter of how long it takes.

He had no body. literally. after the ring was lost, he could no longer hold a physical form. The closest he had to a physical form was that flaming eye over his fortress in Mordor.
You think a sword or arrow in his flaming eye will do anything?

Also, that genocide comment Martin made was likely true.

Aragorn probably would have raised levies to go into the borders and cleanse Orc pits and goblin nests. Since they breed the heterosexual way, that would include killing little orc babies.

And then there is Sam, he is the only one to ever fully resist the Ring

Not an 'old kingdom'
Old kingdom as in "founded by the exiled numenoreans" not merely old. and even then Rohan isnt all that old. The hobbits as a race were around longer than the Kingdom of Rohan

Even if you just stopped with The Hobbit and couldn't be arsed to watch/read LotRs so ignore the whole nature of The One Ring, you'd still be a dumb cunt.

"For all men believe in their hearts that injustice is far more profitable to the individual than justice, and he who argues as I have been supposing, will say that they are right. If you could imagine any one obtaining this power of becoming invisible, and never doing any wrong or touching what was another's, he would be thought by the lookers-on to be a most wretched idiot, although they would praise him to one another's faces, and keep up appearances with one another from a fear that they too might suffer injustice."
—Plato, Republic

>Hey little Hobbit, join me and I'll make you into a garden god. You'll grow PO-TAY-TOES the likes of which you've never seen!
>Nigga shut the fuck up, gonna get you back to Mr. Frodo and melt your evil ass
Sam is the friend all of us deserve

>The best thing Sauron could offer Sam was turning Middle Earth into his personal garden



Daily reminder that all of this is Feanor's fault.

To be fair, Sam had it for like a day. If he kept the ring longer even he would eventually succumb to it

Don't forget it makes you live longer.
Kinda. I mean, it spreads out your life over a longer period. Like butter on toast.

Because you can't kill Sauron the old-fashioned way. The best you can hope to achieve is banishing his spirit to The Void, which can only be done by destroying the ring.

The eye of Sauron as a literal entity was just a Jackson movie thing to help give Sauron a physical presence in the movie. In the books it's metaphorical; Sauron is basically just a disembodied spirit, and you can't kill a spirit by stabbing it.

>he is the only one to ever fully resist the Ring
You forgot the merry forest faggot


Its true power is that it controls all the other rings of power.
I'm still not entirely sure what that means but it's bad.

We do not speak of him.

Tom Bombadil was the personification of the music that sang all things into existence
Still a pointless faggot tho

Not in the retconned shadow of war version.
There he was cleaving orks new ones while wearing the ring and he got shot in the back when the ring decided to abandon him.

>retconned shadow of war version

Just dont say that to the Finnish tom bombadil.

Oh and also, Shelob is a hot grill now too for some reason.

Neither of those are directly from Tolkein, so they aren't really worth speculating from.

Fug, forgot the link to Finnish tom bombadil.

Isn't the real reason the ring turns hobbits invisible because Tolkein hadn't planned the entire thing out and it had been just a generic ring of invisibility originally?

It's not canon?

Yes, also the mithril vest Bilbo (and later Frodo) got was originally something called silvered steel.
Then in later versions of the hobbit book it was replaced with mithril.

She isn't even hot, just super fucking annoying

eh he was still running from the orcs, killed a few who happened to be in the way. Not really a retcon, just a different angle of seeing the action

Admittedly, a lot of writer don't plan out their entire series. They try to mold it as it takes shape, with little pieces and callbacks from previous books to make it seem fluid.

Except he wasn't blasting him on it, he was just highlighting their different writing styles and why directly comparing them was stupid which you would know if you weren't some ass blasted fan boy

That smooth jazz soundtrack doesn't have quite the same impact as Jackson's score.

It's cannon to the movies, so take that what you will. Overall though it just took a big flaming axe to Tolkiens lore and didn't give a FUCK what the collateral damage was.
>Issildur became a Nazgul after he died because Sauron ordered his body recovered and forced a ring of power on his corpse out of sheer spite
>ancient Rohan king Helm (of Helms Deep fame) also became a Nazgul because reasons
>disregarding the Nazgul were all kings of men from BEFORE Sauron made the One Ring
>a balrog can be killed by throwing it in a body of water
>also turns out the elf Sauron tricked into making the Rings wasn't so much tricked as he was going along with Saurons plan until he wanted the power for himself
>also there's this forest spirt on par with Sauron that's never been mentioned before this exact second that can give balrogs a run for their money

That's what they decided to add to the television version for some reason.
Here's what they sang on the stage version.

I for one actually liked what they did with Shelob. Giving her a human form made sense since she's pretty much a not-maia so changing shape is nothing to her. Plus the whole lovers with Sauron bit reflected how her own mother had a similar love-hate relationship with Saurons old boss Morgoth.


it makes Tom out to be some sorta ancient shaman who sings to not be bored. I guess that's as good as he gets

>Sauron introducing his fiance to the witch king of Angmar, colorized

It turns you invisible by sending you to hell


Why the need to rape so much the source material? Just make your own originao work.

because the only reason people play the game is because it is LOTR

literally Kate Beckinsale

Because they got their grubby hands on the license. It is literally non canon though, thats why their titled Middle Earth, instead of Lord of the Rings

You mean nighttime?

She literally cannot shape change willingly you moron. She's a giant spider because of fear reasons.


Damn director ruining shit with his waifu

Why, what if he DOES get the best garden in all of Hobbiton? And what if he grows pumpkins in it? And those pumpkins grow so big that they win Biggest Pumpkin at this year's Harvest Festival? We Hornblowers have won Biggest Pumpkin every year for three generations! People swear by the Hornblower Pumpkin Patch! If they won Biggest Pumpkin, our reputation would be ruined, and we'd be laughed at!

That's MORE than dangerous enough for me, thank you! We don't have any need for any magical rings of power here in the Shire!

Exactly, rember that Balrog in LOTR that Gandalf stopped at the bridge in fellowship that fucker could’ve taken the ring and gone full Sauron on the world but guys like Frodo only get invisibility and long life spans

What was Bobby B's tax policy? A copper for every cracked skull? Two silvers for every fucked girl? And what of Targaryen BOOOOOARS? How many gold dragons a year so you think the Iron Throne pulls in from Betty's massive tits alone? Thank the Gods for Betty!

Well what did you expect? Sam's a devoted bottom. The Ring tried to get between him and his Mr. Frodo.

In the books he only has it for like a couple days, and by the time he's going off to save Frodo who's starting to have dark fantasies about conquering the kingdoms of Middle Earth and turning the world into a big garden.

He was definitely on the path to corruption and only held out long enough to give the ring back to Frodo.

The Ring holds Sauron's power, and to a certain extent, part of his soul. You put that on, you get warped into a mini Sauron, based on whatever your original nature and power is. You can't avoid it. Galadriel talks about how she'd be strong enough to control the ring, but she would be corrupted by it in turn.

Sauron wants the ring more than anything in middle earth. Everyone who wears the ring, carries it, or hell, comes close enough to it will come to feel an echo of Sauron's desire.

Shelob isn't Ungoliant, she's mostly just some buff spider. Ungoliant had no love-hate relationship with Morgoth either, he hired her to help fuck up the Trees and steal the Silmarils, then they tried to kill one another over the payment. Balrogs came, Ungoliant fled, nobody but her monster spawn ever saw her again because in time she literally ate herself.

We're already laughing at you Cockblowers.

Proudfeet represent.

The Eagles were some terrifying shit, just the fear of not knowing where they nested kept the orcs out of parts of Beleriand for centuries.

Tom Bombadil had the ring in his fucking hand, on his finger, and gave it back to Frodo because he didn't want the damn thing.

The eagles were spirits similar to the istari, so they would've been able to draw out lots of power if they wanted to, or even gave a shit about what was happening in middle earth.

BASED Hornblowers Pumpkins

I've heard the opposite. Friends say it is an alright game if you pretend it's NOT LotR.

The eagles told them to fuck off, they only answer to Manwe

The stronger you are, the more influence the ring has over you, the eagles would have been corrupted by the ring halfway there and killed Frodo for it.
The reason Frodo was the ring bearer was because he was a small, innocent creature with no dreams outside of just living a comfortable and happy life in the Shire, therefore the ring took months to fully corrupt him

>Shelob is an ancient demi-god who can shapeshift and all that with all the side fiction
>Was fought off by a toddler with a dagger and a glow stick
Trying to make characters more "badass" doesn't really work when they get absolutely BTFO in their very first appearance.

Sam had both Sting, a blessed elven blade and the Light of Galadriel, which is basically Shelob's kryptonite. Of course she'd get BTFO if everything was stacked against her from the get go

Bombadil was never meant to be a part of LOTR. He was a character Tolkien made up for a children's book he never got around to making, but he liked the character so much he just sort of stuck him in. He's immune to the Ring because Tolkien just couldn't see Bombadil having anything to corrupt inside him to begin with. He's basically a pre-school character operating in an adult story

It's a powrr booster, OP...hobbits are good at hiding and trowing rocks.In Froddo's case, he goes insivible and can hit you with a pebble between your eyes from five miles away...if shiting bricks were your main defining skill, you would be poping out Gizah Pyramids like it were nothing 24/7

Would they be also SEEING both realms as well? It would suck if you got serious power, but were getting fucked up by unseen entities.

Bombadil is the last bit of creation song given form, you leave him and his good wife alone

Fuck you, Bombadil was awesome.

>Another LOTR question thread
>on Sup Forums of all places

Protip: /tg/ is the only board where you can have a good discussion about LOTR

How is LOTR /tg/ related? I'm not being sarcastic, honestly curious.