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jesus christ

Eobard got fat

Here you go, user, for your troubles

Honestly the funniest shit I've seen in ages

I'm not sure if this is intentionally or unintentionally funny.

Oh man, I love Sci-Fi's old shows. But why are you posting this on Sup Forums?

Okay, now I'm officially interested in season 2.

He's so short and fat she can keep up even with super speed!

Isn't Jessica a flying brick?

Good god, man! He has the power of Benny Hill!

Not fly
Jump good

Fucking Pat

Given he's a crazy fat fuck on more pills than Ozzie and his name is the Whizzer, I'm going with intentionally funny.

I thought the same thing.

>Pat tries to outrun Woolie's girlfriend

Sure thing, droney.

I'm glad I chose not to watch this

Paste Pot Pete when? I expect a guy coated in maple syrup

Fuck, Marvel Studios should just declare the TV shit non canon now this is embarrassing.

Hey user, thanks a lot. And remember, if you ever want your head surgically removed from your ass just call on me, Dr. Oney.

The reason Quicksilver is fast is because his dad is the Wizzer

That shot where he's running past JJ is one of the funniest things I seen in a long time.

Can I have a gif of when he runs past her and does that silly ass running down the street?

How can anyone think this wasn't intential with a fat guy named "Whizzer" with super speed?

is he robert frank? Isn't he supposed to be scarlet witch's dad?

>the way he's shuffle running

holy shit, is his power spilling his spaghetti in front of women then sliding across it giving him super speed?

No, different guy.


>My name is Robert Frank, and I'm the fate-shit,....FASTEST man alive. 2 years ago I got bitten by a cobra that I ordered online, and because of a mix up my lawyer is still trying to figure out, I was given a blood transfusion with a mongoose which somehow gave me superhuman speed. My metabolism is still slow though, and cardio isn't really working anymore for me. These pills are also prescription by the way, and I can stop taking them and talking to myself anytime I want! Fuck, I got off track......basically I'm special now like my mom always said, and I use my powers to save this city from stupid normies. I am.....THE WHIZZER

Binge Barry, Binge!

Thawne... Easy on the speedforce.

Don't get scared and run away now, fatty.

So much for that speedster metabolism


>At first I thought he was running like that because someone thought this would add to his goofy character
>It's really because the actors feet are fucked to hell and he really can't run normally because his feet look like trash compactors fell on them in the snow.

Maybe this is the Whizzer who became Speed Demon.

This wouldn't be so bad if it weren't so obvious that the direction of his steps doesn't match the direction in which the backdrop is scrolling. At all.

Might as well, I mean he's in hell now anyway. He can come back as the villain in season 3 to punish Jessica for not saving him.

Remember those leftovers you planned to have for lunch that went missing from your fridge? IT WAS ME, JESS! I ATE THOSE LEFTOVERS!

"Shit, man, that was part of a corpse I was saving as illegally obtained evidence!"

Funny thing is that's probably not the first time this exact thing has happened, but usually she's the one who wakes up in the morning, hung over, and forgets it's not week old takeout.

>Wasting the Whizzer on the Netflix show
>We'll never get an Invaders series in WWII

Fucking faggots


Did you ever consider he's just A Whizzer, and may not be THE Whizzer.

Kids just called him that in school because he reminded them of the ONE TRUE Whizzer. You know, only fat and gross and his run is more of a mobile truffle shuffle.

They are non canon

It's the meds, I swear!

user I highly doubt anyone gives a shit about The Whizzer to even consider doing another

And this, r/Marvelstudios, is why the TV properties will never be canon.

That's some Steven Seagal in Out for Justice shit right there, that's amazing

That user did, and now you think you can take away his dream? You little shit.

I liked what they did with him in the 70's where he was a homeless veteren wandering the country. That'd be a good angle for a miniseries.

>VERY fat guy running at incredible hihg speed

>we need an actor for the Flash, a character that spends most of the movie running
>I know, let's get the one with fucked up feet

>tfw we'll never had a speedster in MCU movies

They'll probably bring Quicksilver back in Avengers 4

Kek. Marvel trying to take shots at DC is hilarious.

Who the fuck wants an Invaders series? The First Avenger was already the token period piece of the franchise.

>Underrated post

oh wow, that is really bad. i thought people were exaggerating.

They showed Stil-Man's pants in Daredevil. That means Lady Stilt-Man for Jessica Jones season 3.

this is from a comedy show, right?

Jessica Jones is a joke, so...yes?


Oh shit, I forgot about that. If they were gonna have Barry run, why not just show the top portion of his body? Or have a stunt double do Ezra's running, jesus.
BvS is a masterpeice though, and nobody can change my mind.

Also, did anyone notice that Superman IV-level roto/greenscreening in that one camera cut?

She's slow because of her $%^ed up feet...

Something else i find hilarious is how "fuck" doesn't exist and something else gets used every time it's clearly meant to be said.

dare we enter his magical realm

>because his feet look like trash compactors fell on them in the snow
jesus christ is he Kirsten Ritter's brother

No, it's because Zack the fucking hack that he is wanted him to run like an ice skater would.

Someone approved this. Someone watched a test reel of this episode. Saw this. And thought "yeah, that looks fine."


Race when?

He was never his dad, remember taht Wanda and Pietro get a new origin every month


Unfortunately a pipe already did that.

Gotta run fast if you're gonna jump that wall, nino!

Chris? Is that you?

Wasn't Dr. Oney the guy who treated Chris', you know, huge putrid infection of flowering womanhood? Seems like a good bloke for a bit of head-ass relocation surgery.

No no, Chris 'Oney' O'Neill, not that Chris.

Reallly? I thought it was actual real online degree Dr. Chris Oney, the fat jackass who peddles liberal conspiracy theories and enhanced soy powder cure alls to idiots who watch his alt-left show, Informwars.

This is truly the Reverse Flash


Marvel speedesters are so embarrasing.

Oh god can some effects wizard paint the Reverse Flash outfit on him like they did on Tom in those shots from Scrubs? You would make me happy.

Long toes plus tight fitting shoes.

Bwahahaha. Someone add this:


Looks like her face is a little fucked up too, and when I say a little, I mean totally fucked up.

Before I started reading comics I did think that reverse flash got his name because he literally had to run backwards.

>everything about Jessica Jones is laughable
You don't say.

he stole curtis' balls!

Wait, seriously? They made Whizzer a fat dude who speed walks?

Are you guys saying a fat guy being fast is funny? Huh you fucking skeletons.

Not the whole war, you dumb faggot.

Damn she's hideous.

>quad dubs

>The state of marvel netflix
Glad this shit is dying

I'm not sure which of them looks like a worse runner. JJ's form looks like it could compete with DCEU Flash.

in all honesty, I loved it; you'd think they were trying to just throw it in as a sort of easter egg, then he actually fucking does it.

for fuck sake, they didn't even get the law of relativity right. Notice how everything else is still in normal motion despite this guy running at obviously superhuman speeds.