ITT: Shit that fucking freaked you out when you were younger

ITT: Shit that fucking freaked you out when you were younger

>Pic related, this fucker gave me nightmares for years.

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Looking at that makes me think of this:

I’m glad Klasky Csupo isn’t a thing anymore, they made some ugly shit

You were a very impressionable kid, OP

selfish bump because i like these threads

made me uncomfortable

I loved Extreme Ghostbusters, but this fucker legitimately scared the shit out of me. I only ever saw this episode once.

The organ harvesting scene in Zim fucked me up. I was always afraid of medical stuff, especially internal organs, though I wouldn't really say I'm squeamish, though, for some reasons organs are creepier inside a living person than on the outside to me.


Bob from "Prometheus & Bob".
I could sorta tolerate what was essentially a claymated zombie, if he had a personality, but this was a literal retard moaning and waling all over the place. As funny as the shit Prometheus went through was, it still felt disturbing.

Don't know if it ever freaked me out when it was younger, but it's weird how they just feel nostalgic and kind of comfy now.
Not as much as these ones, though.


This show was a fucking nightmare.

>they just feel nostalgic and kind of comfy now
that's exactly why these threads are good


I thought it was kinda cool. my dad's friend was producing it and we got to sit in and watch an episode get made.

Oh yeah well my dad works at Nintendo faggot

_____________You're not perfect_____________

As a kids I was scared of the most weird shit, including weird movie logos. But the Klasky Csupo logo never creeped me out as a kid

When this bitch got huge I ran crying from the theatre.Not sure how old I was, I was even born when this was released so it must of been a special screening, definitely younger than 5 though as I hadn't started school yet.

This was pretty fucked when I watched it as a kid but watching it now is a riot

Not Sup Forums, but I still can't believe anyone posted this.

Those teeth at the end of ed edd n eddy or courage the cowardly dog. Like an all black screen with teeth in white.

I got chills

*anyone hasn't posted this yet

The sound alone made me want to run out of the room when I was in gradeschool

lol youre all a bunch of fucking pussies

But their spirit lives on in western animation.

I thought was a bad word in Scandinavian or whatever language it was.


Tapeworm episode. *shivers*