This will require some heavy computer uplifting to look good

This will require some heavy computer uplifting to look good.

But it looks good already

It... It already looks good.

Don't worry, they'll mute the colors to hell and back, then crank up the saturation again when the trailer has an inevitable backlash.

>its another marvelcuck making a dc thread just to shit on it
this should be a bannable offense

Looks like Superman Returns

Why did they make the bolt so small? It should go all the way down the abdomen, not just pecs

The lighting looks like a cardboard cutout so I'm pretty sure it's only a place holder for the computer effect lighting.

>Going with the hood/full mantle instead of the shoulder cape
I mean, I know that's how he looks now, but I could still hope

Closer look

I love it. Comic accurate, simple, and not too much. I think it'll look better on film as we've seen it has texture. I['m just glad the lightning bolt isn't just that garish Justice League War one.

The only problem is that should be a little darker

I smell another costume and makeup oscar

At least now we can all admit Snyder wasn't that bad and should never have been fired.

But that was all Wilkinson, not Snyder

You're right. I would have loved to see how Justice League could have been any worse than it was.


There's literally no middle ground with fanboys, is there.

its good that it has texture. its consistent with superman suit.

DC threads should be a bannable offense

I won't Snyder is shit -- he's a talented visual director -- but it was ultimately for the better. His take was so specific, I think it was bound to be bombarded by criticism, some of it fair and other parts not.

The reason why I'm sad is that I know he had a vision; I knew he had it when I saw Man of Steel, but I hated it. I still hate a lot of it. But I see it now and appreciate it how much thought he put into it. I think it was just a big idea he had, and while some of it peaked through his execution, it just seemed to mediocre on the surface level. Zack was passionate, even if his film was not that great. It had integrity. Batman v. Superman, though, is just a mess.

Most live action costumes do, OP

pun intended?

I'm pretty sure a Shazam movie is going to require heavy CGI anyway.

>WB executives: "Who would a teenage boy rather be: John Cena, or the guy from Chuck?"

Literally a less shiney Nicholas Cage muscle suit

That actually looks pretty good, save for the lightning bolt. That either needs to be raised, or just given a glow/pulsing looking.

Cena can't act for shit, Levi only needs to get bigger

>Batman v. Superman, though, is just a mess.

Batman v. Superman is great as long as you didn't want a cartoon tier team up movie.

It's even bright shiny colors and people still cry lol.

>Cena can't act for shit
Pro wrestlers are great at being hammy, which Shazam is

Shame they went with the JL: War lightning bolt

Why does he keep pulling this face

Batman v. Superman is great as long as you want to see two OC assholes dressed in Batman and Superman costumes fucking with each other, while Jesse Eisenberg trips on meds and calls himself Lex.

it made in krypton too?

In the DCEU you gotta have texture

if it was spandex, it would be extremely weird

>guy on Sup Forums: "who should shazam look like? my fave wrestler john cena of course"

Billy always took the appearance of his late father and not everyone's dad looks like a wrestler /woo/.

For you

>Billy always took on the appearance of his late father
And yet Shazam is always huge and not a pencil-necked wimp

>Cena can't act for shit
neither can Levi

do we know the main villain yet??

It's a New Line Cinema children's movie.

It's going to look about as good as Son of the Mask.


why are they making him wear that stupid prosthetic nose?

the Sup Forums version of this thread is hilarious

Not being able to get buff isn't the same as being a bad actor

ok so no black adam

it's because it's made out of neoprene

neoprene comes pressed with designs

is that Mark Strong? again? dead on arrival

poor dumb bastard

not DCEU

Hey cool, it has the tiger's face on the buttons.

is the tiger going to be in it

>not DCEU
oh it's you again

>not DCEU
What makes you say that? The Rock said it was going to be part of the DCEU ages ago.
And what's wrong with Mark Strong?

To make his jewish disguise more convincing


>we want the Stranger Things audience


What if I wanted a movie where
>>I couldnt outsmart and whoop Luthers ass
>>Jimmy and Mercy were added to die without much more then a line
>>Superman gives a passionate speech on how he can and will help humanity at the senate..or says nothing and everyone there also does nothing
>>a good fight between batman and superman, surely snyder will provide the visual we get grade school shoves, and he hits him with a sink, superman...a sink. Batman spends a year planning on how to take down an alien that flew through his building and satellite and hits him with a sink. A sink.
>>Jolly rancher, jar of piss
>>Worlds greatest detective, is used and mislead entire movie
>>You don’t owe this world a thing, the only home youve known, where you have been living as a refugee here your entire life
>>Cave Troll
>>Lex’s Justice League Logo designs
>>After spending a movie killing henchmen like the punisher, Batman decides killing is wrong because Superman is humanish now because his moms name is my moms too, and he never thought he had a mother till now. But batman knows killing is wrong, juuust let him gun down these last few guys, and he’s just gotta blow up KGBeast, just one more thrill kill for ol Batman.
>>Lex Luthers entire “plan”

I will be laughing at that courthouse scene for the rest of my life though, so much quiet staring, a cripple explodes violently, and superman squeezes out a fart. Only made better by months of trailers making me believe anyone would say anything during that scene. Fucking Gold.

the Rock was going to be Shazam/Black Adam since 2007 but then nothing ever happened

he's not even in this movie, what the fuck would he know? his EP credit is just a holdover from when he was due to star, now he gets paid for doing fucking nothing

and why would you put a movie into the DCEU now that it's clearly fucked anyway? if they want Superman their tv shows have shown they're willing to have two Supermans running around

but oh yeah let's put the last possible chance for a good DC movie into the Cancerverse and see what happens

I'm sure the Rock's producer powers are strong with this one, can't fail, hero of the DCEU, going to replace Snyder after ceremonially beheading him beneath the Warner Bros. water tower

Executive meddlings probably tripled down after their failures. He has a feeling he made a huge mistake

The biggest issue for the whole DCEU isn't Snyders vision, it isn't even the actors... It was the writing.
Affleck did great in the first movie as Bruce/Bat. Cavill did as best as he could with the stroyline he was given. BvS had all the makings to be a great movie, the trailer was fucking hype. And while I enjoyed it, it fell short... So so short.

I feel sorry for Snyder, Cavill and Affleck. Affleck especially.

It looks pretty good. I think the lightning bolt should have gone down further. My main issue is that the solid color makes him look like he's starting to get a beer gut.

He already looks like a comic book superhero. Kudos.

Comic book superheroes look like dweebs in padded muscle suits?

Ben Affleck was a totally unremarkable Batman/Bruce Wayne. Television actor tier.

And they really need to cut it the fuck out with the retarded Batvoice.

Calm down with your soyrant

Name Affleck's great scene as Batman.
Because he doesn't have one.

You know, put the n52 thunder away, put the classic/Alex Ross style and it be mostly perfect

I mean, i dont like the modern details loke the belt, but it looks rather good.

Remember it's a kid in an adult's body, he probably unconciously created the costume by what are stereotypical superhero's costume in in the DCEU universe

I think you posted the wrong Captain Marvel pic

I hope they CGI her a butt

It's called regret and it happens to everyone who does a DC movie

>last possible chance for a good DC movie
There's never been one before and there will never be one


Just give the fuck up already retard the kid's wearing a superman shirt and they're selling merchandise of the Justice League the movie is shit part of the shit universe and destined to bomb hard if it even gets released


I’d like Cena for Prime from Ultraverse

>Snyder wasn't that bad

Snyder has been a blight on the entire DCEU, he poisoned the well right from the start

Opening scene fighting the criminals. The workout montage.
BvS was good for Batffleck until his Bruce started mumbling words and getting awkward comedic. But it was better than Kilmor and Clooney that is for sure

Here’s your (You) Ladderbro

Looks like shit

>hood and half-cape hybrid
I seriously want to know who was the moron behind it. Wilkinson was great, the new guy in charge just fucked up really really hard, the half cape it's terrible.

Half-capes are not funtional (so the hood is retarded) they are supposed to look ROYAL and MILITARISTIC. The hood just makes it look as if an adult just grabbed the hooded cape of a kid.


What costumes do you like?

I'm gonna guess balebat's abortion of a batsuit?

>I seriously want to know who was the moron behind it
That would be Leah Butler

Who was also behind the costuming for other such classics as The Bye Bye Man and Annabelle Creation

And in other "it's impossible for DC to make a good movie" news

That's the worst cap costume though. Why would you like that?

Spoken like a true marketing intern.
>Only listen to histrionic shitposts and ignore everyone saying they love it.
>Ignore the fact that it isn't comic accurate and shill the idea that comic accurate is silly because the non-accurate suit garners shitposts which you've exclusively taken into consideration.
>act like spandex is the fabric every character should wear

Kill yourself. Nobody cares about "accurate" beside casuals and nobody cares about spandex unless it fits the character. Flash should be in spandex. Captain Marcel's suit is made of threaded fabric which looks absolutely fucking perfect. The only problem with his suit is the boots and bracers which, surprise surprise, are the LEAST "accurate".

Why are manchildren so triggered by people saying a suit that looks bad looks bad?

It makes no sense, on one hand you have the egyptean chestpiece, the new52 retarded hood and a terrible halfcape. An ugly belt (the ugliest, so far in the DCEU) and some weird looking arm things that seem to be part of a toy. Putside the tiger pins it's not a good suit.

>If I say things I don't like it makes them bad.

You people are the worst.

Damn Emma Watson looks like THAT

>The Bye Bye Man


Why are you so triggered by people liking the suit.

And judging by your non-answer in guessing you do like the balebat suit lol.

Snyder needed a fucking editor

How can you call that a "non-answer" when i wasnt the guy you were asking that, i gave you several arguments about why the suit is bad, and your only reaason to like it is that is bright. It's a bad designe and they will probably go full marvel and just CGI over it. Something they didn't need to do with the past suits.

Fuck, I hope they bring back the half cape. Full cape looks fucking retarded.

>Kristen Wigg
Oh fucking hell. Even as a teenager watching her era of SNL I could tell she was shit.

This is their attempt of a halfcape. They really really fucked up. This is what you get when the designer uses comics and mix stuff instead of using real life armors, uniforms etc. Even nips in armors are more realistic than a half-cape abortion with a hood

Don't answer questions posed to a specific reply without saying, "not them but...". That's on you.

user said people have shit taste but didn't display his own. You literally cannot have a conversation with someone if they're starting by telling you you have shit taste while not even telling you why or what their taste is.

The non-answer, had you recognized the question you were replying to, was that I bet he liked the balesuit.

ITT I've shared similar concerns to you. I just think the suit itself, the red fabric suit, is good.

That's the half cape? Look's pretty full to me.

Sadly the anser is yes, it's a half assed attemp between new52 hooded tunic and the half cape, behold the shittynes of the 3/4rs hooded capnic!

it looks fine

No amount of CGI can make that atrocity look good

there should be a death penalty for having taste as shit as you.


>blind items
That shit is just ambiguous gossip.

Herr Starr?