Which batmobile is the best batmobile, and why is it Tim Burton's?

Which batmobile is the best batmobile, and why is it Tim Burton's?

TAS Batmobile is best Batmobile.

I found the design from Arkham Knight to be a nice combination of the tumbler and the Burton design.

Its nice but I still like the '89 a bit more. Course all take inspiration form their '60s Ancestor with the Jet Engine.

It introduced the sliding roof in Batmobiles

Yea. Just wish we could have had it feel a bit more organic. Though driving it into the GCPD is a pretty sweet moment.

BTAS and the Adam West Batmobile are my personal favorites. Burtons is a close 3rd though.

TAS had a jet engine too.

I've always thought this Batmobile was fucking badass yet everybody hates it, and the only reason seems to be its association with a shitty movie.

Golden rule of Batmobiles: Racecars>>>>>Tanks

But a tank is more practical for what he's doing.

Choose your destiny

It's so fucking classy, true it's not very "creature of the night" but dam is it sexy

Movie may have been meh but this thing was sexy as hell.

Not really. It's a pursuit vehicle, not a war machine.

It always surprises me when I'm reminded of how small the Tumbler actually is.


This one, Burton's and Affleck's are the best

Yea that's what I mean. For the most part '60s Series Jet Engine design has been a constant.

I like the Telltale Batmobile. Looks cool and changes enough in transformation to be distinct.

I came to post exacly that.

You'd think that a vehicle meant for getting around an old crowded city quickly would at least be built to corner well, but most Batmobile designs look like they'd take a turn worse than a fucking oil tanker.