Why did you do that, Sup Forums? Now Dobson is sad! How will he ever recover?

Why did you do that, Sup Forums? Now Dobson is sad! How will he ever recover?

By eating at McDonalds again and playing Skyrim at 10 FPS.

>waaaaaaah life is haaaaard
maybe end it all if you feel that way

I feel bad for him, but he's still a retard.

Good, I hope he breaks completely.

Does he not understand that he's being fucked with because 1) he makes it so easy and 2) because he's a horrible person?

he will

That strip always makes me diamonds

Was he ever happy to begin with?

mass reporting someone on twitter for lulz is stupid


However, that's social media for you. If Dobson wouldn't bait so hard, he wouldn't attract retards.

Maybe he should stop threatening to kill the President so much. I mean hate him all you want but don’t threaten to kill people, dumbass. You think Dobby wouldn’t be so stupid.


Dobson is a know it all who knows fucking nothing and he's a prick to nearly every person he interacts with, to the point of telling a woman talking about missing her dead parent to knock it off, but this actually makes me feel a little bad for him.

Retard or not, I feel nothing but scorn for him.

>Somewhere a Dobson cries. I feel nothing.

>That time he shit talked about his girlfriend publicly online simply because she was Jewish

>T-the cyber bullies are at it again
You know, if you didn't constantly react so hard they'd get bored and leave you alone


Something I found amazing about Dobson's behaviour compared to other lolcows like Chris Chan is that he is not mentally handicapped since he can still (barely) work as a functional human being, with Chris you can argue about being morally wrong to mock a literal retard, but you can use that argument with Dobson because he is just a normal person with a really shitty personality.

I want break his bear avatar sexually

Okay wait wait wait, what? First of all, he has/had a girlfriend? Second of all, what the fuck did he say exactly?

Wait I may remember, something about Hanukah being weird for him or something banal and conceited like that?

>Act like a fucking stuck up faggot for most of your "career".
>"Damn, why do people hate me so much?!"

it was years ago. iirc it was a post about how he felt left out with her family bc they celebrated Hanukkah and not christmas and sulked the whole trip or something


What's become of CWC is a sickening case study in the internet gone wrong. I won't be surprised if papers are written on him some day.

Dobson's just a garden variety tool. That one useless tool that's always on top of the toolbox, but just a normal tool.

Yeah. Like dude, smile and nod, eat the food, buy a few presents, wear a nice shirt, talk mundane but interesting things with the family, and get the fuck over it.

>I'm not even doing anything wrong
He's wrong and he knows it.
Or maybe he has legit autism and doesn't know that he tries to alienate as much people as possible with every single comic and tweet.

What are we going to do when he's run off the internet, go over to his house and poke him with a stick?

I've enjoyed Rosh Hachana dinner at a friend's house and I'm an alt right shitlord.
The bear needs to get over himself.

I assume he'll still try to attend conventions. Poke him there.

>Being an asshole to everyone who disagrees with you
>Cry about people being mean to you

Jesus Fuck Dobby stop being a dick to people and maybe you won't have people spitting on you all the time.

I've seen more civilised threads on Sup Forums than your typical 'discussion' on Deviant Art back before you ran off crying.

There are screencaps out there of you utterly tearing into anyone who disagrees with you in the slightest.

As in someone says something like 'My personal taste/opinion is that smoother lines and a softer colour would be better there, other than that I liked it and look forwards to the next comic'.

And you respond with 'Wow you sure showed me! What do I know I'm just the artist that's been drawing this character for years but if your tastes are different then maybe I should change everything just to please YOU!'

You have chased away almost everyone of your actual fans and keep tossing out bait to the trolls.

Either accept your lot in life or change your behavior.


I'm not the kind of internet surfing retard that just hates people because "lulz" but Dobson needs to get a grip. He incited all this by pursuing ideas in the most basic, antagonistic way possible.

You talk shit, you get hit. It shouldn't be that way, but that's how it goes.

Is he going to be at Wondercon?

how do we teach the dobbo self-awareness?

Theraputic beatings, same for Perez.

Yet there is a thread here and yet you bothered to post in it.

dog training methods

Every time he does something introspective and/or clever, give him a biscuit.

Every time he acts like a dick, yell at him.

tbf, I agree with him for once.

Being banned from a social media/forum site was something I was upset about back when I was 12/13. I love how Dobbo is making it sound like he was sexually abused or something.

Anyone have that pic of Dobbo making a date all about himself, but it turned out he was being a little shit?

this one?

be sure to spray water at his face, or piss so his PTSD freak out can be justified this time

In the bear's defense, Perez Hilton is an absolute waste of space, and ten times worse than Dobbo.

>That time he was a judge for Miss America, and he fucked over the woman who should've won because he didn't like her opinion on gays
>Then he goes on the news and says he did it for America

Why yes, thank you user.

the dude lived in another state with her while his parents were in boston or something (still paying his rent for him, iirc)
they hooked up in college thanks to a mutual friend & lived together for a few years. she invited him to spend hannukuh with her family, & he was so miserable that he drew a pic of the human from his garfield ripoff spinning a dreidal while wearing a santa hat & looking sad

she found this shit because he can't hide a piece of paper to save his life & called him out on it. dude went & waaahed about it on deviantart where she had to get on her own account to get him to talk to her about it

tl;dr: he's a retard & made the jew look like the better person

he'll never go to another con in his life
the spray bottle incident kept him from doing another artist's table, but getting called out for being a creeper at another one at his old university


The only way dobson can redeem himself is killing the blue bear persona and going back to early dobson


Who reported him? i never heard about a mass report attempt against him, at least not from Sup Forums.

So, he should go back to draw himself slim and with hair?

Why would you want people to separate your drawn persona from your real you, if they are the exact same fucking person? If he was trying to draw a self insert OC I'd get it, but he admitted that's literally him.

He should go back to panel three because no matter how much he likes to deny it, there is no seperation between him and his "cartoon representation"

Somebody needs to send this and to him at the same time

did he delete his youtube? i cant find it


It's all fun and games till they turn the Ban Hammer on You.

I hate this one because he almost has a point, and then shits all over it.

What a little bitch

Is that what he actually did? Because I'd like to know what got flagged in the first place.

remember the time dobby stole, I MEAN TRACED, big ben and tried to sell it?

What I don't get about all this is that he can leave any time he wants. If it's causing that much pain for him (and maybe it is, I don't know) then he can just delete his social media, maybe lay low for awhile, make art under a different pseudonym, or even do something else and get another job. Getting made fun of on social media isn't his only option. I refuse to believe that there is nothing else for Dobson to do.

I mean, if he had stood with Carl at his wife's grave, or listened to Pearl singing on the hotel balcony with a tear in his eye...
But Pokemon? Really? Losing your shit at a lame one like that, designed only to impress children?
It's not so much the scene as the loss of decorum.

You're missing the point so hard that I legitimately cannot tell if this is supposed to be bait.

>make art under a different pseudonym
Yeah, like CattyN

You know Ronnie isn't this much of an autist, and he constantly makes depression jokes

I don’t get this. There’s a reason there’s a mature reason in the first place. It’s to separate what kids can and can’t watch. Blood/violence/sex isn’t shit you show to kids, so it’s given the “mature” label. Just because something has a good story doesn’t mean it should be on the “mature” level. Story doesn’t have anything to do with it. It’s like putting MLP (a show about magical colorful ponies learning about kindness and friendship) on the same level as Breaking Bad (a show where a cancer patient becomes a murderous drug kingpin) because “the story is deep”. Which one do you think is appropriate for kids? Why do you think one is rated MA and the other PG? BECAUSE ONE ISNT APPROPRIATE FOR CHILDREN.