Jessica Jones


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But I liked watching her get Blacked.

So does Jessica hook up with Hispanic landlord? It feels terribly predictable.

what do you think? She sleeps with everyone

>That woman seriously messed up my shoulder
RPM Red she gave you a love tap.

There's just something about Marvel series that feel so disjointed sometimes, especially this season. The whole Trish vs Director thing feels so tacked on.

Can someone please spoiler me about the ending?
Did something major happen or can i skip this season entirely?

So how much padding did this season have? Typically they manage to fill a 13 episode season with 6-8 episodes of actual compelling plot.

I hope Jessica sucks off that guy who runs really fast.

the pace was better than last season. But it was stretched out as they all are

Man, they fucked up killing Purple Man in the first season.

I'm just starting season 2, so don't correct me if I'm wrong, but goddamn that's and of a Jessica Jones show thing, not a single season.

he ded

Doesn't mean she can't put his wiener in her mouth.

God (who is a woman by the way according to J Money) episode 5 and I already feel like this shit could reach a conclusion in just a couple of episodes. Ugh how much are they going to stretch this?

that's what happens when you can't solve all your problems with murder and still being forced to anyway

>Vigilante Trish
GEEZUS I'm fucking dying

There's so much stuff that happened this season, while at the same time nothing really happened at all.
They're really just back where they started and it took them 13 episodes to get there.

You can watch the premiere and finale and not miss much in between. It's like they saw Iron Fist as a challenge in mediocrity.

Well they had to make her at least somewhat like her comic counterpart.


Does Luke show up at all?


Are there any characters from the comics that weren't in S1 that are in S2?

Heʻs too busy destroying night nurse

They killed him in the comics, too.
He can easily come back.

Two questions
When does killgrave show up
Do they ever really talk about Jess being in the defenders or is it just a couple throwaway lines

What the other user said who quoted you.

JJ S2 is some of the worse shit ever. There is no bad guy "technically" and no one wins or looses and Hellcat has a horrible Origin Story mixed into it.

Basically it goes like this.
>Over Arching Plot
Who made JJ > Hippy Scientist > Saved JJ and her mother
>Secondary Plot(s)
- Part 1
Lesbian Lawyer has ALS; fucks bitches and self-loath (goes down on a lot of woman for no reason because shes hungry for dat pussy). Her department is trying to kick her out and force her to work at home because she could die any day.
- Part 2
JJ BF is jealous of JJ's powers and tells her how much a useless piece of shit she is and goes and forces the scientist from the Major Plot Point to give her an inhaler to giver her temp powers; goes power hungry and starts to work for a Republican News Channel (not joking) gets more>gets blown up due to greed and power hungry>gets powers at the last episode because she catches her cellphone with her highheel
>Minor Plot Points
- Part 1
Super Rich Detective Agency Boss-Man wants to absorb JJ's agency; drama, it doesn't happen. This entire Minor Plot ties into the main plot to carry on the main plot haphazardly
- Part 2
JJ's roommate basically gets kicked out and treated like shit by JJ and goes independent

- Iron Fist randomly shows up in a super fast scene taking a picture of Jessica Jones for some reason
- Daredevils best friend (forget his name) shows up briefly to offer lesbian lawyer his help. She tells him to fuck off like the independent lesbian woman she is with her "I want to talk to the manager haircut"
- First episode we see Luke Cage and JJ from Season 1 getting a hot dicking from some stalker
- Brief focus on a TV with news from Africa Child Solders(?)Black Panther reference???)

>When does killgrave show up
Late in the season and only for one episode.
>Do they ever really talk about Jess being in the defenders or is it just a couple throwaway lines
I don't recall it being mentioned at all.
If it was, it would have just been a throwaway line or two.
Also, use question marks, they're right there on the keyboard and make your questions less annoying to read.

>Continued... ?

One big thing that is sorta hard to work into my previous post is that JJ's Mother and the Hippy Scientist (I'm going with HS for short, forget his name) have a really fucking weird relationship where they fell in love with each other and they sorta manipulated each other for their own gains. HS used Octopus DNA and Genes to basically bring people back from the dead or cure them of incurable diseases; sometimes the side-effects were super powers. The military wanted this (I think I fell asleep in certain parts) and use a type of it in inhaler form, a ex-military is trying to take out JJ's Mom early on when JJ didn't know who she was; he dies and JJ's BFF eventually gets her hands on it. And through out the entirety of all this bull fucking shit JJ's Mom is insane and basically misunderstood but also manipulative as fuck.

Danny shows up?

>Not liking Blacked

You must be gay

When did iron fist showed up? I must have been asleep

People aren't sure about it but in one scene, I think its around where JJ's BF contacts other paparazzi; there's a guy in the shadows who takes pictures of JJ and her Mom fighting and he looks almost exactly like fucking Bum Danny. It's ether another Red Herring which happens with JJ's BFF, Hellcats new British Boyfriend.
There are multiple scenes with her and this new British boyfriend with purple wallpaper in the background and I think they were trying to make people think that it was the Purple Man but it wasn't. He shows up as a illusion, ala Batman Arkham Knight with Batmans Joker illusions

Ontop of all of this the directors made sure to have JJ always have a alcohol beverage in her hand almost constantly or asking for one or one of her friends mentioning how much she drinks. In the end and this pissed me the fuck off, no one grew as a character; there was no character development. The last scene is basically JJ huddling in a Ferris Wheel with her dead Mom where Hellcat pops her in the head

Are the lesbian sex scenes good fap material?

No, because nothing is scene. Everything is cut-off. Whenever she goes down or starts groping you can't see, all you see are the faces in ecstasy. Early on she has like three woman over, one blonde, one brunette and woman really fucking exotic black woman who looks like she's from Black Panther. They're all smoking weed, snorting cocaine, and shooting up



Easily the worst of Marvel's Netflix seasons.

If this was Iron Fist they'd have crucified it (even more than they did with their lolboycott).

But I guess since this is a show starring a womyn, opening on Womyn's day and it's about muh empowerment, critics will look past the diarrea that is this season and probably will say it's the best thing on Netflix.

Yeah, did you really expect him to come back from the dead in the second season?
I could see it happening either midway or late season 3, but any earlier and you'd be better off calling it the Purple Man show.

>But I guess since this is a show starring a womyn, opening on Womyn's day and it's about muh empowerment, critics will look past the diarrea that is this season and probably will say it's the best thing on Netflix.

Looks like it's rating worse then Season 1 but not by much. The fact that JJ S2 is rated better then Runaways hurts though.

this show was actually incredible

they managed to produce a 13 episode season with absolutely no plot

That was the most pointless scene ive seen so far in netflix-verse

That lesbian lawyer is always horny damn

It was.
Every fucking time someone from the supporting cast or JJ shows up at her door there's always one to five woman fucking around in her apartment and then having them leave just so she can slap em' on the ass or stare are their ass while she licks her lips.
We GET IT, she likes woman.

Does J Money at least get superpowers?

No but I expected Arkham Knight joker
Him constantly being alive in her thoughts at least for this season
Fuck even Korra handled this better with Korra having visions of herself and that was through the whole season.
I don’t expect him to come back to life
I don’t want him to come back to life
But I want her to still have the ptsd flashbacks she had all throughout season 1 even though he’s dead. Because that’s not how ptsd works. I have that shit and that’s not how it works. She can’t just cure it by killing purple man.
Fuck that was 90% the reason I wanted to watch this show and now it’s ruined.
Marvel can suck my dick

Honestly that shit just reminds me of Dexter, which the show runner also worked on.

Just want her to be happy I guess she was in the end with the Spanish guy.

Dexter would have also been better if they had kept the "evil dead brother speaking to him to represent his evil tendencies" concept for more than one fucking episode.

>or can i skip this season entirely?
this season was ten times worse than the first season. and first season was mediocre at best
netflix shows have been a disaster for a while now and you shouldn't waste your time with them.

I can 100% guarantee once daredevil s3 happens it will be the final nail in the netflix marvel coffin

jessica is done getting blacked
not trish is on that bbc train.
literally everyone gets hooked up with everyone, because we need pointless sex scenes and relationship drama.

>disjointed sometimes
sometimes? sometimes? that has been going on for years.
more filler bullshit that you could possibly imagine.
The writers turned up the feminist angle up to eleven. It's pretty annoying.

>Looks like it's rating worse then Season 1 but not by much.
you really going to use RT for these shows, when Arrow season 4 has 100% on RT. Really?

She gets ALS.

So, no. Quite the opposite in fact.

How the hell can you guys watch this crap?

Aw come on.

You're joking.

You ARE joking... right?

At least Dexter show actual nudity, in jessica jones they have pointless sex scenes but they cut off right when the action starts because it's still a "marvel property"
and according to RT season 5 was worse than s4

How dare you stand where he stood and NOT post the webm along with the soundtrack for the scene?

You what bothered me in season 1 was everyone was like there's a person with mind control powers? You're crazy Jessica.

While it's in the same universe as the avengers.

>Horny Lawyer Dyke Trinity starts her own law firm after discovering she has Parkinson's, is even more underhanded now.
>Jessica alienates her best friend and beta orbiter black dude, comes to term with the loss of her family, then decides she does need people after all and starts a relationship with a single dad, also seems to be slightly more willing to accept she's a hero.
>Trish ruins her career, pisses off Jessica and murders people in her pursuit of getting superpowers, probably has super agility now or some shit.
>Beta orbiter black dude quits helping Jessica, and goes to work for some rival PI agency that hates Jessica.
>the whole mysterious company that give people superpowers and makes super steroids plot went nowhere and has no lasting importance.

there, I saved you watching the whole season.

One of my greatest tv related regrets is the fact that they never show Deb's boobs on Dexter.

And also that they didn't fuck.

They fucked up. They ride on this "realistic" thing and they put a fucking fat speedster in the show. WHAT THE FUCK WHERE THEY THINKING.
netflix shows have been doing that for a while

I think that was just the actress decision. Same with Strahovski
As for the incest plot...I'm too tired to complain about dexter these days.

I just have the CW Flash theme in my head.

My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fattest man alive.

You know, I was actually excited at the beginning. Like, JJ is underwhelming with it's action. She fights like a hydrocephalic baby on Defenders but she gets through thanks to her strength.

I thought this season she'd have a physical character that would amount to decent fight scenes. You know, Killgrave was the mental challenge, now we get the physical rival, but noooo, instead we get terrible actress mummy drama for 13 fucking episodes in which JJ is the most unlikeable morally bankrupt hero ever.

And her fucking flying. JESSICA JONES FLIES. She's not the best at it but she can do it and she does it on the first season. You have more budget, WHY would you neglect that ability AGAIN??

sorry bruh no sound webms on Sup Forums I could put it on I guess

If it had been during GoT's heyday, they would have fucked for sure.

Come on.. you know you want to ragereact.

>characters live in a city invaded by flying zombie cyborg dragons a few years back
>characters also say shit like "what? You got powers from a dragon? That's so unbelievable"

That, and ignoring that Shield/Hydra spent decades actively tracking people with superpowers yet somehow never noticed the Hand members, Stick, Luke Cage, Jessica, or DD is just things you have to accept in order to watch the netflick marvel shows.

I think it's a fat Wizzer?

I wouldn't call him beta orbiter, since he fucked a new bitch every day, and fucked trish. I don't think he was interested romantically to Jessica, he just wanted to help her
Nothing would have happened because the writers were shit. That's why the show sucked.

is a fat speedster any worse than a tiny 90 pound woman that can lift cars?

it doesn't involve "cheesy" special effects, so it falls in the "realistic fantasy" category

This makes CW look good

I'm just surprised she never tried to hit on Jessica. I guess she doesn't want to risk it.

it makes birdemic look good

>james mccaffrey shows up out of nowhere
>he plays the character "max"

it hurts too much

it makes 90's Flash look good

Jessica probably has every std known to man.

Not that Hoegart doesn't..

the whole schtick of jessica is her getting rammed by BIG black COCKS hard because "I want to feel something" thing. Her being a dyke wouldn't work really. Unless netflix would show a strap-on action

90's Flash is gold fight me

I'll punch a bee in the dick I don't give a fuck.

it really shows its age though

I guess I would have liked it better if the mother got killed by Jessica or shot by the police in the hospital or turned herself in at the park. She had so many chances for her to be stopped.

Compare with the old Captain Marvel serial where the Cap was a stone cold killer..

Aah, the days where they just didn't gave a fuck.

I imagine this with Benny Hill music.


True, his behavior had more to do with needing to keep his mind off of drugs and trying to do something that he thought was helping people, but "beta orbiter" is what it kind of comes off like in actual practice. Honestly, him trying to reconnect with his estranged family and friends who don't understand his "dude with mind control powers turned me into drug addict college drop out" excuse would have been far more interesting than Trish's or GILFTrinty's arcs

>Honestly, him trying to reconnect with his estranged family and friends who don't understand his "dude with mind control powers turned me into drug addict college drop out" excuse would have been far more interesting

Writers have no time for that. They would rather use him as a big black dildo for Trish.

They have a interrace fetish. I got that distinct feeling when Trish's actress was apparently instructed to spread her hands awkwardly wide when hugging Mal and the camera focused on the hands and skin contrast.

You'd think her black dildo would be enough for the director.

at least 90's flash realized letting the hero vibrate through shit was op as fuck and didn't want to constantly ether have the character forget he can do it, or add magic anti super speed prisons everywhere

I don't know about interracial fetish, but this show has more faggot character than actual faggot shows. And then I looked up and the only male writer in the show is a fag. Makes sense.

Would have been nice if there was some big show down at the amusement park at night. Both fighting and crashing into bumper cars, hot dog stands. A good last episode could have made the season worth watching.

Echo chamber can only produce shit.

ideally, the big reveal would have been that JJ's mom was only responsible for the death of her old boyfriend and the PI that robbed JJ's apartment, and there actually was another powered person around that IGH was using to clean up it's old mistakes in order to safeguard it's military contracts. But that might have made for a good cape show, so I can see why they ditched for like 8 episodes of aging lesbians and mommy issues

First of all breaking bad is plebbit
Secondly, this is an instance where ghost gabe would have worked. Can you imagine that killgrave episode we got without a little less killgrave density and spread throughout the show?
God this season was awful

> Critics Consensus: In its final season, Dexter holds on to much of season seven's momentum and finishes on a strong note, even if the inevitable conclusion feels somewhat anticlimactic.
The mere fact that THIS is the thing is why I don't trust critics. And yes, 52 percent is still too damn high for that abortion of a season.

The less Kilgrave is always better.

Damn, that's so hot

The more Kilgrave the better.

t. teenage girl

SJW garbage