I am stronger than 10 men, I'm longer than 10 men, and a boy can carry me. What am I?

I am stronger than 10 men, I'm longer than 10 men, and a boy can carry me. What am I?


Sounds about right.

Yeah I'm gonna have to go with his penis on this one.

Let's just get back to work, father

A stick.

a... rope?

Emotional trauma from 's penis.

A ladder?

What would consist of 10 men? A group?

>It's over, Satan! I have the high ground!

A whale being carried by Captain Marvel.

a steel ladder, or 's big ol' dick

Yellow pages?

Ten men standing one on top of the other but the one on top has a hammer stapled to the top of his head and they're all in the international space station.

Or 's magnum dong

Armies are afraid of me,
weapons leap away from me
There is no good fighting man
who could ever strike my flesh
And no warlord has lost such
as few battles as have I
I have devastating tools
that destroy the greatest armies

Great slayer of warriors

Who am I?

You're the motherfucker who's going to answer one riddle before you ask another, that's who you are.

A woman

A (football) team?

My OTHER penis

Nah plenty of women die in battle. Who never loses a fight?

A duck


Since when are armies afraid of football teams? And how can they destroy armies?

The 1985 Chicago Bears had the best defense of ALL TIME!

Nuke or the common cold.


You're all completely on the wrong track.

It's not a disease or a weapon or a sex or a natural disaster. It kills armies and soldiers but it doesn't kill men.

Public speaking

You're only allowed to have one penii, user

Disease? The wording on this one is really wonky.

Pacifism or some cake boy shit like that, what was OP's answer that's what I want to know, and the thread before this one?

My double penis.

Fear, or time.


I would have accepted pacifist or diplomat

>Armies are afraid of me,
The Norse would refer to charitable kings as if gold rings (which were sort of the currency back then) would leap off their arms and be afraid of them. In the same vein I'm saying that the pacifist or diplomat defeats armies because he stops wars.

>weapons leap away from me
>There is no good fighting man
>who could ever strike my flesh
Key here is "no good fighting man". A bad guy could kill a diplomat but a good soldier shouldn't.

>And no warlord has lost such
>as few battles as have I
Diplomats and pacifists don't fight battles. So they haven't "lost" as many battles as have warlords.

>I have devastating tools
>that destroy the greatest armies
>Great slayer of warriors
This is just reiterating the above point about diplomats and pacifists.

A midget with a rifle

I regret to inform you the correct answer is MY penis. That said, I am willing to non-homosexually swordfight you for dominance of the correct answer.

this is horrible

>what was OP's answer that's what I want to know

A rope mayhaps?

Does anyone else feel like a brainlet for struggling with riddles


All of the day.

A treaty or agreement of some kind?

Diplomats don't "destroy" armies. It's not like military forces vanish into thin air when there isn't a war going on. Same with warriors. I realize this is riddlespeak, but it's still a stretch imo.

Also kind of weird to speak of armies being "afraid" of a peacemaker when most people in the military aren't exactly eager to be going into war in the first place, usually.

>Oracle, I've tracked Riddler to the old warehouse. I'm sending every convicted rapist in Gotham.

A roll of Bounty. The quilted quicker picker upper