/CTG/ Channel-tans General

Mamma Mia Edition

Drawfags and Writefags are more than welcome to contribute

>What is a Channel-tan?
An anthropomorphic personification of a television channel.

>Why are you making these?
For the simple reason that we can.

>Why are they all girls?
Japanese -tan tradition. But we do have some boy -tans too.

>Where is the gallery for all the images?

>Where is the Pastebin for all the ideas?

>Previous Threads?

>How can I help?
If a Channel doesn't have a personality yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel doesn't have a design yet, then you can suggest ideas for one.
If a Channel has a personality and a design, then you can draw them.
If multiple Channels have all of the above, then you can draw comics of them interacting.

>How many Channels do we need?
All of them. but mostly those who are Sup Forums related.

And last but not least, remember to have

Previous Thread:

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I've been up too long.


Welcome to /CTG/!

My dudes I'd like to request the Viacoms celebrating St Patrick's day

I know brother, happy early St. Patrcik's day


I've one question, who's the judge there?

Lol never saw that coming

Instant fav. Nice crossover, elfranco!)

Okay, to start off /CTG/ here's my request for a new channel-tan, AwesomenessTV-tan,

She's caucasian, wears california street attire, and has a valley girl-like persona, she wears a red cap, white t-shirt, and black shorts.

>Viacom in front of the judge during the trials with YouTube

Viacom has been on the jury so many times that he is already an honorary lawyer

For those of you who don't know what AwesomenessTV is


This is probably my favorite crossover with Vi done so far

This seems kind of strange for Viacom but at the same time I love the reference!


Howdy, ho
Here cute doodle of Vivendi with Crash Bandicoot plushie, I also know Vivendi worked on Crash Bandicoot games

Here Jetix-tan for St.Patrick's Day and Bunny Fem Vivendi doodle

Coño elfranco que as logrado sacarme una carcajada hoy, gracias hermano!

Greetings Dasha! Thanks for join us today!

Too bad no matter what he'll loose

>Bunny Fem Vivendi
Someone do a draw with her children dressed as easter eggs

Does this mean Nick or GaS are Maya?

Oh shit can't believe one of my fav games merged with the eldritch being of Vi lol

Merci, dashy

Fem!Viv us rocking that outfit

Here doodle of Maid CN and Jetix in sporty clothes
imgur.com/a/KUoi9 -Doodle of Stony as 2D and Syfy as Murdoc from Gorillaz, cute outfits for Jetix, Crunchy and Annie, another Yume Nikki crossover with Jetix-tan

Vivendi also made a port for mobiles, she loves Crash

Gotta get ready for the upcoming summer games!

a match made in heaven!

I wonder if she's fan of the new trilogy or even the original cartoon pilot

Let me sit you down for a second and tell you why this a bad idea.
I mean lets say this tan does get made and it's everything you'd imagined it'd look like, and the tan will probably get some new art cus of new tan hype and then that will be it. It'll slowly fade away because no one wants to bother with a channel that's barely known but maybe once in awhile, it'll get some art.Maybe.

Make a new request user, as for someone who's been here since the beginning, this cycle of tans is getting tiring.

Here cute relationship of Jetix and Youtube because Youtube helped her to revive in Russia as channel
imgur.com/ydKfw1r -another doodle of Youtube made fun with Jetix-tan's pants

Lol she looks lovely with a dress

Here cute doodle of Jetix-tan in different clothes, plus I did fit Jetix-tan workout and as ghost

It's a trap Jetix, YouTube is a foe!

He really loves Crash and his daughters know that.

Thanks for the lovely art of Fem Vivendi, she's one of my favorite MILFs

Late for Woman's Day since today is Men's Day.

I've lost my eraser so I can't finish my traditional arts, even the Pocket Princesss parody.

Awww, that's cute.

I didn't know she was a fan of the series
That's cool

Just doodle of cute Syfy-tan with blueberry pie

Greetings Perla, welcome back to the thread!

I also would do T@N as Noodle and Qubo Owl Night as Russel someday

Sweet outfits!

Hey Perla how are you doing there?
That sucks hope you can find a new one soon

Happy IWD, Perla!

Here my personification of Russian Music channel called "Muz TV"
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muz-TV -if don't know about this
Muz TV-tan is fan of Russian modern music, but shows some 2000s music

The top left outfit is really nice is a reference to something?

She's proud to be a woman.

Looks delicious

That must suck Perla but at least you could drop this nice draw today, good luck finding that damn eraser!

And this is a problem how?

I'm sorry for the loss, but I'm sure you'll find another.

That's a nice fella right there, Dasha


I love her design, basically on her logo. But yeah, she shows a lot of russian music.

She looks grovy there

Jaded user is jaded. I feel you, at least.

It's nice to have new ideas, and it's fun to make a new tan, but I also feel kind of sad whenever I look at the sheer amount of tans there are and the sheer lack of art for all of them...

Then why is there a channel-tans general every saturday and sunday? i'm just hoping there's an artist to claim my idea

It doesn't matter if they get little art is like the characters from a show, not everybody has the spotlight but sometimes they get their special episode focused on them

Here personification russian-tans: REN TV (left, girl with alien hoodie) and TNT (right)
REN TV-tan is girl who obsessed about aliens, mystic and modern russian cartoons, she looks trashy now like as Rai 3-tan. (Did you know Ren tv had Fox Kids/Jetix block in 2000s?)
TNT-tan is comedian girl, who loves jokes about sex and Putin now, she airs Comedy Club everyday. I also know TNT Russia had Nickelodeon block with cartoons.

I like the blonde fella

Because /ctg/ isn't mainly focused on cartoons or comics, so we decided to only have two threads on the weekend so we don't bother Sup Forums.
Even if an artist does pick it up the outcome of what i just explained will be the same. I doubt the same artist in question will keep the tan alive too.

I didn't know there was a russian TNT with different owner
That's coolio

Requesting Ren TV-tan in 2000s design when she was good and friendly to Jetix-tan

That dark skinned cute is a sweet heart
I love it

If the tan get's little to no fucking art then there wasn't much of a point unless the channel-studio-website-company-whatever had some importance in it's life

You'd just be making more "in the way" tans that no one's gonna bother like MTVU MyNetwork13 and basically every single family that isn't the main threes

they were meant to be a theme on saturday morning cartoons

This is pretty sweet!

Howdy, ho, Perla


Happy Women and Men Day Perla
That's nice draw but I am sorry to hear your misfortune

I love bunny Jetix!

Jetix-tan looks cute in swimsuit

You should try to doodle something online tomorrow Perla, just in the mean time while you get a new eraser

>That Jetix
The Ghost in the Shell ref?

I hope you'll get time to doodle something else with TNT she's a cutie, Dasha
Thanks for share these new fellows with us

Holy shit that Attie looks creepy af, but still... kinda cool you know? the neon glowy and those crazy-eyes looking at ya
I like it

She got the perfect attitude to hang around with MTV or Classic

I have no idea if she's our hero or doom. But I love 'em! Look how cute you are!

I shall request more cute fem Vivendi

She has good teste on vidyas after all she brought Gameloft

Thats CNs future at the Disney Mansion


Too much little-girl vag right up in my face there.

Still nice work tho.

Those posters are awesome!

Feel Weeb Inc


Dash, love your designs but I have one suggestion design for TNT, because she looks too sporty for me, and she airs nothing but entertaiment stuff. So I had to update her clothes a little.

Oh lala, that CN looks british af

Sometimes Jetix seems like a person, but when it comes down to it, I can't get past her being a computer

Be careful Jetix, that cat is evil just ask Viacom or Papa Turner

They look lovely together

Welp Perla that really sucks do you think there's a change to fix it or your eraser was gone forever?

How cute, a robot and her hellish catso

Thanks for the lewds based Void!

Based Perla delivering the best girl asap

>sometimes they get their special episode focused on them
No user, not all of the tans get that, a handful of tans that were created in the beginning have yet to get a spike of popularity. And if the old tans have yet to have gotten their episode, i can assure you the newer tans won't either.

Unless those new tans are designed to be fap bait, then ya, they'll get popular and stick around... For a little while.

She looks very slick.

I think I lost it in my school. I need to buy a new one.