Sup Forumsntrarian thread

ITT: Comics, cartoons or Sup Forums films everybody loves, except for you

OP starts with the gritty, "realistic", dark superhero book.

Attached: Watchmen.jpg (600x883, 163K)

>If movie
Your justified in your opinion

>If comic
Overrated, maybe but it isn't by any means bad

Johns is a hack whose whole schtick is a character or army of characters sneaking up on another in the final page yelling something epic in a colorful voice bubble rinse repeat

Snyder is a hack who coasts on hicks thinking edgy shit is cool

King is really good, not quite great, but thats ok. He gets undue shit here.

Marvel Comics has better runs than DC. DC has a better universe, characters, graphic novels, but few memorable runs, especially the past couple decades.

Russos are Marvel's worst and only truly bad directors. Winter Soldier is incredibly overrated. soulless direction, no cinematography, cant shoot action, 'whoa what if the government is compromised' is not actually a political thriller and it has a CGI mess of a ticking time bomb third act.

Nolan sucks too. Dour, ugly, artless handholding exposition, Batman was a dink, a lightweight, not a martial artist let alone the best or a detective.

Best capshit is Snyder the GOAT and the new Marvel guys, Gunn, Cooler, Waikiki


Mike Mignola makes DC and Marvels continuity look like the work of moronic children

Superior memes of spider-man

You were on spot until the last sentence. Zack is a hack too.

>Sup Forumsntrarian thread Anonymous 03/10/18(Sat)13:09:12 No.991
I really, really liked BvS: Dawn of Justice.

Dan Slott is simultaneously one of my favorite and least favorite Spidey writers. His entire epic since Big Time has seen the many rises, falls, and an actual demise of Peter Parker. His story ideas are absolutely insane and I feel with someone else in charge of dialog he could be so much more. I feel like current Slott would have done well during the comic era of the 70's/80s but today it's just a chore to sift through.

East of West.
Sup Forums loves it, I think it's mediocre. Would be a better book with different artist, Dragotta is rather bad.

>Marvel has more famous runs but DC has the better ones

This but objectively.

Morrison is way better than Moore.

Killing Joke is literally garbage, the only reason why I believe it’s praised so much is because it’s baby’s first Joker story. Aside from the unique job the colorist did KJ isn’t worth the 10 bucks that I paid for it

Pixar's only good movie is Toy Story 1. Even then, it's decent at best.
The Incredibles is a geuniely terrible film. The character designs are hideous, the animation looks works than other movies that came before it, the voice acting is atrocious, and the writing is nonsensical and collapses in on itself in the final fifteen minutes. The sequel looks just as bad.
Black Panther is badly written, horribly constructed, poorly acted, and makes absolutely no sense in the context of the cinematic universe. Kilmonger was a boiler plate MCU villain and not sympathetic in the slightest.

>Johns and Snyder are hacks
This is pretty much the general opinion here.
>King is really good, not quite great, but thats ok. He gets undue shit here.
He's written some good stuff but his Batman run has been really, really stupid.

That's probably because he has direct oversight over his creative universe and actually has a creative direction for the universe as a whole. DC and Marvel are controlled by marketing suits and are just a cancerous mass of low quality books.

DC and Marvel books are for the most part terrible. Superheroes in general tend to be juvenile and written by people who can't cut it in different mediums. Cape comics are holding comics back in general and I wish the American market looked more like the European one.

WALL-E was one of the worst big budget animated movies I have ever seen. I have no idea what people like about that movie. Maybe the obese humans of the future resonate deeply with Americans or something.

Yes. Thank you! Killing Joke is one of the first comics I read and honestly I didn't care for it. I got Long Halloween at the same time and loved that

Also the Mignolaverse has a strong base in the themes of redemption and fighting against fate which runs throughout the universe, while Cape universes have no such central thematic anchors.

Red Son is great up until the time skip which throws out all previous characterisation and tension, and goes for yet another 'Superman becomes a dictator' story instead of the much more interesting story of a man whose very existence disproves the core of the ideology trying to make communism work that was set up in the first third.

The Batman chapter was really off-putting for me. Not even in alternate universes we're safe from the bat-wank

Morrison sucks so much, ASS is ass

I can't get into the "Superheroes as gods" motif, also the ending scene at the restaurant is awkward as fuck.

Attached: 51g+ZNylBxL._SX326_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (328x499, 54K)

>Snyder is a hack
>Best capeshit is Snyder the GOAT

Pick one

There is more than one Snyder who happens to be a hack that works on DC related projects user

>Snyder is a hack who coasts on hicks thinking edgy shit is cool
Except I love his Dceu films and I genuinely don't think they are edgy at all.
They are just serious and realistic like Ultimates 1-2 and Earth One but without the shock value of Cannibal Hulk or MurderPym.

This episode was shit and people only like it for the song.

Attached: I remember you.png (480x360, 333K)

To be clear I meant Scott Snyder

Whatever you say friendo

DC has been sucking ass since infinite crisis sountdown.
New 52>OYL>Rebirth

Brother Bear could have been the best and boldest Disney movie ever made. It is the only one with a central conflict stemming from the protagonist doing wrong through his own flaws and having to deal with the very harsh consequences. Not some outside threat, not because he was an unfortunate victim of circumstances, but because he made a whole series of bad decisions.

And then they turned it into a road movie with Phil Collins songs. It's painful. But the potential was there, the premise was good, and for once it wasn't even an adaptation.

AtlA. It's an alright show and certainly has qualities, but the worldbuilding is lazy and writing is horrendous at parts, and people treating it like a masterpiece really shows how low the standard for action cartoons is.

On Snyder, he's hugely overrated as a visual director. He has like 2 types of shots he does over and over regardless of fit, they're not even that good, and he's dependant on his DP.

It's the opposite for me. TLH, DV and Hush are all irredeemable garbage. Killing Joke is well done and one of the best single issues.

fucking this

>Johns is a hack whose whole schtick is a character or army of characters sneaking up on another in the final page yelling something epic in a colorful voice bubble rinse repeat
>Nolan sucks too. Dour, ugly, artless handholding exposition, Batman was a dink, a lightweight, not a martial artist let alone the best or a detective.
These I can agree with.
The Nolan's dialogue almost feels like a parody of an amateur's idea of what intellectual movie is like. It's painful to listen to. His Joker is a fucking overrated cliche villain with nothing interesting about him. People say he's scary but that's just bullshit.

>The Incredibles is a geuniely terrible film. The character designs are hideous, the animation looks works than other movies that came before it, the voice acting is atrocious, and the writing is nonsensical and collapses in on itself in the final fifteen minutes. The sequel looks just as bad.

Now you're being contrarian just for the sake of it

It still has some gems. Both annuals, the Swamp Thing one shot issue, his Button issue, and the Date Night two parter come to mind.

Frank Miller ruined Batman by starting the "BatGod" meme
X-Men 3 isn't half as bad as people make it to be
Moore, Miller and Morrison made more damage than good to superhero comics
American entertainment is dead