Assuming I never read a lot of comics (most of Injustice, some one batman one shots...

Assuming I never read a lot of comics (most of Injustice, some one batman one shots, Scott Pilgrim) what would be a good entry level place to start on Spiderman? I want a fun spiderman with interesting character development.

If it's any measure, I liked all 3 movies spideys equally, with garfield lagging a bit behind.

Thanks, Sup Forums

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>I want a fun spiderman with interesting character development.
Jesus Christ twist the fucking knife why dontcha

Oh shit, what did I do?

Anything published before 1990. It's where the masterworks are.

Basically read all of Amazing until around Superior ends, after that Slott turned Peter into Tony Stark and it just turned into garbage.

Read Ditko and Stan Lee Amazing Spider-man and then go from there.

So you're saying that with Spiderman the place to start is at the start in the 60s?

From the top all the way until OMD and then just stop

Well, yes.

Pretty much yes, it might seem like a lot, but honestly it’s not, after you get out of the slog of the 60s and 70s then things start picking up. A lot of people would drop the series after OMD, but there were things that happened in the series later than I really enjoyed such as Gauntlet and Grim Hunt and Ends of the Earth, but everything in amazing after Superior has just been shit. Spectacular and Spider-Man and Deadpool have been amazing though

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So right here?

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You can kind of just start from the beginning. Spider-Man was actually pretty decent for like 25 years or so.

this is a meme

don't ever recommend someone The Clone Saga

You should probably read Amazing Fantasy #15 first. It's AMS #0 for all intents and purposes.

Fucking shit, now I gotta fap because I took your advice

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>Greg Land's childhood

Thanks for the advice, thread.
What is that guy talking about, anyways?

Early Spider-Man holds up very well. It's a little wordy, but the adventures are fun and you get to see where all his classic bad guys come from.

Spider-Man since 1994 or so has been REALLY. FUCKING. BAD.

The changes that have been done to his character and continuity are almost heartbreaking. They have just completely fucked him up in ways that are almost hard to believe.

Well, at least we had the 90s cartoon with that kickass guitar riff intro.

Do yourself a favor. Just remember that opening and never go back to watch it.
>shitting on based Kingpin: The Animated Series

Ultimate Spider-Man & The Sensational Spider-Man.

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>slog of the 60s and 70s

nigga those were the best Spider-Man comics aside from MAYBE the 80s

At least it didn't permanently ruin the character's development

Well, Peter was never allowed to age since then so it kinda did.