Kids have a fully functioning society and trading economy

>Kids have a fully functioning society and trading economy.

In what baseless reality would this ever work.

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What makes you think they were going for realism

Did K.N.D. bother you to this degree?

>let's be progressive and put muslims
>doesn't know muslim kids don't have to cover their hair until adolescence

Well while op makes a complete ass of himself, does anyone have any genuine problems with the show?
Hits most of my boxes (good visuals, good characters, good jokes, good setting, ect) , but i find some of the voice acting to be weak.

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Go fuck yourself William Golding, you whiny baby.

It's like a kid's show or something.

Looks like a NickJr show

I saw some girl younger than my daughter with one on a few weeks ago.

You should move.

Also is this show good?

The dialogue needs improvement. The lines written and the way they deliver them still give off the feeling that these kids are larping instead of everything being 100% real and serious from their perspective.

Enjoy your hard islamism. that's not islam.

Why do you do this

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Yeah, what kind of idiots would make a show like that?

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This show is a lot better than Clarence


Did nobody in your neighborhood or school have Pokemon cards?

people complain about how kids in cartoons would never do stuff like they do in real life, but the truth is that the kind of stuff kids do in real life usually isn't all that engaging enough to put in a cartoon

Like how elementary schools are sometimes portrayed as waaaay too serious than they really are. Imagine a cartoon with a REALISTIC elementary school. Do ya really want a show like that? With annoying kids who typically don't know any better? Kids can be pretty fickle.

>That hijab girl

I hate this decade

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I hate when a show has too many characters
there is no place for character development there

4 or 5 kids would be enough

While I do agree with you (a minimalist cast works better) character development isn't necessary for a episodic comedy

My recesses used to be a lot like this, back when Pokemania was a thing. Kids would lay out their cards and shout for trades, like a tiny marketplace.

Anyone who disagrees with OP likes Little Lamplight.

There. I said it.

How the fuck is this supposed to be entertaining at all? Their is literally no humor in this, and none of the elements are interesting or that fantastical to begin with.

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it's like KND were kiddie shit is blown out of proportion.

they were playing tag and being "It" makes you an outcast

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Still boring as shit. I dont want to watch a bunch of dumb kids that act way too normal for cartoon characters doing mundane shit that is neither funny nor interesting. I mean you might as well make it live action at this point, god what is this world coming too?

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So is the show are ungodly shit as the pilot was? Judging by the screenshot alone it seems like yes, yes it is.

>live action
>on CN

killed my (You) mood, dickbag

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Would it honestly even surprise you at this point?

Im saying its so bad its literally live action shit material, which doesnt belong on CN just like this show. I know adults arent the target audience, but how the hell do they think kids and teens will like this, or any of the other shit they are planning for this year? Are they purposefully trying to bankrupt the channel of ratings for some insurance scheme, or are they genuinely that disconnected from their viewer base?

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>inclusiveness, diversity and political correctness started this decade

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90s did it right though and made them feel like people instead of pandering cut outs, also it didnt demonize men

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link to episode

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No, 90% of them were still cut outs

>it didnt demonize men
imagine being this triggered

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ten years ago that eva refference might've been charming, but these days shit's just grating

They were more enjoyable characters then things like rey or riri
Oh, so i should say nothing aginst things like TLJ or fembusters, will my complete compliance in your growing malevolent behavior calm your triggered tits?

loud house could be live action, it's not looney tunes level of zanyness and yet it pulls millions of kids & teens.

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I am talking about muslim propaganda not racial diversity

But its actually funny and charming most of the time, except for the annoying shithead you posted.

>He thinks this show has good visuals

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>good characters, good jokes
Are you fucking kiddng me? The characters are lame as hell and their is no good humor at all in this

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I've enjoyed the show so far but Clarence has been better than it

>doesn't recognize quality work when seeing it.

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The only thing that quality can be attached to this show is the quality of horribleness the creators seemed to make ooze out the cartoon.


I don't know the phrase sadboy pilotgeddon is pretty funny.

>He never played society with the other school kids in elementary school

>it's the three nerds from Matt and Ben's old internet cartoons

I don't know why you're implying that to be horrifying. It's just some head cover.

I guess? It's like, single amused snort worthy at best. I can just imagine some background artist going "haha reddit's going to love this I'm so in the know and geek chic :)" and it sucks the fun out of it.

Kids are much more natural and well behaved than you think. Its the parents who destroy that effect with their believes and no time or will for explaining shit

Both are in my top 10 of cartoons for different reasons

>i dont know why you think zealotic religious indoctrination at such a young age is horrifying
The whole muslim acceptance push really made me disillusioned with the dems and the modern left, they are as extreme and backwards as bigoted bible belt baptists but can get away with it for being brown.

I want to fucking strangle you for not only liking this show, but for considering it one of the top 10 cartoons of all time. You are more worthless then dirt.


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>In what baseless reality would this ever work.
A cartoon perhaps?

nah thats just nostalgia, the 90's were the worst of all.

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>There can not be people this fucking stupid

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>being this paranoid about some character wearing a headscarf
>projecting your bigotry this hard on people you haven't even met
You should get out of that moldy basement some more, friend. The world doesn't operate like you fear it does.

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No, its not all just nostalgia you idiot. Things are worse now and are much more panderous and poorly written.

Eh, I think here in this case, people who are against muslim women having to wear headscarves that cover them up completely are doing the right thing for the wrong reason.

The background looks nice, but the perspective is a mess.

You what now? I was just saying how backwards and bigoted muslims are. Fucking gut yourself you pig.

How in the hell is their ever a wrong reason to against religious barbarism?

But Muslim women want to cover their heads. If women have the liberty to wear very revealing clothing and feel pride in being looked at like a piece of meat by some men, why not allow them the liberty of covering their heads and wearing non-revealing clothing?

Although, I do admit you're right if you're referring to the face cover. To my understanding, that's a cultural thing and Islam only advocates head-covers, not face-covers.

Nope, you're projecting like an insecure autist.
Please stop being so backwards and bigoted. :)

It's barbaric to be a delusional madman, my friend.

Oh, so stoning gays and female curcumsions is right in your eyes, and letting these people be prudish backwards medieval cavemen is fine and if we speak up im a bigot? I want to fill your fucking face with lead until you bleed out, burn in hell you worthless shit pile.


>stoning gays and female circumcisions
This is happening in America? Well to be fair, I wouldn't be surprised, considering the police are too busy shooting blacks to care.

Wowie, the barbarian edgelord reveals himself to be projecting his prudish, backwards, medieval caveman tendencies on other people. Quite poetic, indeed.
May God straighten you up, friend. Living with that much anger inside you must be hard.

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Dude KND was actually reliably funny and entertaining and the "kiddie shit blown out of proportion" aspect was WAY more blown than what we have here. It's the uncontended king of that theme. KND had an actually fascinating setting.

You little bitch, you cant just throw those words back at me when they dont apply to me, and think that muslims can get away from those labels just because “muh oppression”. Bite your tongue out you cock sucking bitch.

You don't even have to be black to be shot. Just be anti-war or anti-police brutality and you'll be treated like a punching bag.

>/biz/: the animation

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Most of my entire 4th grade class played 'the rock game' every recess where we used rocks as currency and traded them for property (trees) and shit like mulberries, lunches and Pokemon/Yu Gi Oh cards. We based how much they were worth on size and gravel was basically loose change. I don't know why you would assume kids over the age of, say, 6 have no clue how basic economics work. If anything they're more likely to get a basic system working because they're not sly assholes like adults and don't bother with things like taxes.

They've been to stores and shit before, yeah? Of course they know on some level how they work.

Oy, vey, let's go back to the original topic of elementary school kids knowing how to jew each another, instead of offtopic discussion relating to the real world.

reread the greentext manual

Sure thing, Benyamin.

I myself think it's idiotic to have kids have a somewhat trading economy when that Recess episode proved how much of a shitshow it was.
Kids trading cards and games? Cool. Actually using fabricated currencies? That's just stupid and makes no sense, they have no real value and just promotes hoarding and greed.

>a somewhat *realistic* trading economy

I used my sweater like this as a young boy
I would use it that way to sometimes cover my face and look like a ninja, but revealed my face to avoid muffled speaking
some kids just like to wear/not wear stuff user, no need to get triggered by it

you're a fucking bummer and pic related is literaly you.

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thanks for the tidbit user, this is really cool to know


Its the modern day speed racer reference, the only anime the creator knows about.

The fact that it's a slice of life show.

No, I'm just saying it doesn't make sense for kids to roleplay what makes adults miserable.
You're being a projecting buffoon once more, friend. :)

It's just a single reference and a nice injoke. You're just putting way too much thought into it, ruining it for yourself.

Yeah it did. One child being molested would have toppled their entire society.

what the hell is this?

I like Clarence, too - however, I'm inclined to agree on the act that our MC (and by extension, his friends) isn't written to be dumb, which has a big problem with Clarence for me, personally - as well as one reason I'm sure the internet has little to no love for THAT, compared to THIS (hence why iking Clarence has become unpopular opinion, now...).

I'm just sad liking THIS show around here is unpopular opinion, when it is better than Clarence, right out of the starting gate, honestly. And this is keeping in mind that I ENJOY BOTH SHOWS.


Considering muslims have overwhelmingly voted for same-sex marriage in Germany, do you have anything to say that isn't double-standards and ignoring christian terrorism?

Cry harder redneck pedo.

It's not real?

>Posting Clyde instead of actually likable characters from good cartoon
Piss off and KYS right now, user. Please and Thank you.

It's just a cartoon, OP - an actually good one, too - unlike the clearly obvious fap fodder you likely hide behind (e.g.: Social Justice Universe and/or Star Vs. Pure Obnoxiousness - UGH, fuck that noise.).

This show is like Clarence but way better.

Do YOU know WHAT it is, however?

...Say you. Otherwise, Social Justice Universe would have been forgotten by now.