Amelia Bedelia 3 Boogaloo Recharged

It has been months since our last Amelia (Not the Cat one) Bedelia thread, gotta fix that

Attached: do it for her amelia.png (1400x1000, 719K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Also thanks to HentaiBoy for be such a VIP and make lots of stuff about her in the last thread

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Apparently any kind of thread about any individual female character is going to get deleted or saged.

That Fangora thread a while back and the Cassie thread the other day were both deleted despite generating original content and being fairly on topic.

You can't bump threads you started, which really sucks for people trying to storytime long works since it already takes hours because of the cooldown.

Aw geez, you're going to make me blush.

Attached: hbameliabedelia5.jpg (535x916, 125K)

All of our drawfags deserved it, would be nice to come up with some nice greentext while we are it

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Well, I can't promise much, but if someone comes up with a good idea for a pic, and if I have time, I might be able to draw some Amelia. Probably not tonight, though, since I'm going to bed soon.

Sure, go take some rest

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Attached: Several metaphors, none understood.png (411x407, 229K)

Up to this day I dont know what the fuck the last word is...

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Amelia Bedelia dating sim would be the hardest dating sim imaginable where you would actually have to think about your decisions.

I need this thread.

For reasons.


Attached: WHOPR.png (500x324, 105K)

Quite literally the plot of Noucome (My mental choices are completely interfering with my school romantic comedy) in this case the God of this universe being Amelia

Has anybody made a list of her feats?

She has to have superhuman dexterity to pull off some of that stuff.

Attached: Camping.png (239x561, 185K)

Her power levels are off the charts

Attached: 1490818864873.jpg (920x593, 142K)

My favorite fotm. She is precious

Attached: MrRogers'DragonMaid.png (900x1100, 499K)


that can't be right...


time flies, i guess.

>time flies

>be me
>try to see if there's an image of Amelia throwing a clock out of a window
>find pic related instead
>everything went better than expected

Attached: AMELIADROPPINBEATSsmall.jpg (934x1200, 373K)

Attached: 1516167202700.png (1500x1950, 1.25M)

what happens next?

Attached: amelia bedelia the maid of doom.jpg (700x450, 205K)


Attached: Pure Disgust.jpg (680x680, 71K)

Hey! That's pretty cute!

Attached: 57749592_p0_master1200.jpg (574x600, 126K)

Still a funny joke, though.

Attached: 1510306705613.jpg (800x1183, 314K)

Attached: 1505654312381.png (1135x3619, 1023K)

post porn already.

Attached: 1446786959292.jpg (340x670, 121K)


thicc amelia best bedelia

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Attached: 1505874403708.png (626x771, 325K)

I don't get it.
Junk in the trunk is the only thing I can think of, but a book doesn't really imply Junk.

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we need more qt hatless Amelia

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Attached: Well, okay, but why do we need to go to your home to play Doctor.png (438x574, 294K)

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Amelia! Dont let the thread die!

Attached: 1490994979720.png (996x780, 133K)

She didn't even know it was sick.

Attached: 1492677890384.jpg (819x682, 112K)

>The Dark Souls of dating

Attached: 1516118837389.jpg (648x814, 83K)

Hang it there with the thread Amelia!

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Amelia, I love you and I hope this thread doesnt die on us yet

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>r63 tintin

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the whole thing in proper order

Attached: 1452968627633.jpg (663x3357, 414K)

The options will fuck you out bad

Attached: 1490827184402.png (762x435, 161K)

Amelia I want to grab my Dick and get it to your second base

Attached: 1490881835725.jpg (600x800, 222K)

will this suffice?

Attached: d-d-d-drop the bass.png (385x558, 324K)

I want to get fucked in the butt by Amelia.


name 5(five) things wrong with that

Blistering Barnacles!

So, if we give you ideas you might draw some?
How about Amelia setting out a bunch of open mason jars, and when asked what she's up to, replies that it's Daylight Savings time, and she's going to fill as many jars with daylight as she can.

Really? Bump a two hour old thread, just to beg?

This whole thread's a shitty begging thread, mate. It's like a drawthread, but concetrated.
Just look at the local attention-whore, and OP, here he couldn't even post the right image for the guy he's trying to suck dick for more free drawings.

>any year
>not filtering tripshits
We got filters for a reason. Might as well use them.

Anons that actually contribute shit, be it drawfagging, storytiming, posting dl links or something else that isn't just posting their shitty opinions, can trip all they want. The rest gets filtered on sight.

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Well, he ASKED for ideas. It was just coincidence that the thread was on page 10 at the time. It was on page 8 when I clicked on the thread, and it took me that long to come up with an idea that I liked. At least it wasn't a lewd request.

I've been in a lot of Amelia Bedelia threads, and often they start out a little slow, but once they get a little extra attention, they usually start to get better. Though starting out by calling out an artist is kind of a dick move.

Bump for Amelia

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The other artist didnt posted the handle/username that uses online nor a tumblr, HentaiBoy did put his signature there, something needed, I still thank to all the drawfags that were in that thread and the ones trying to do greentexts

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>tfw the only time She has appear in animated form it was in fucking Family guy

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When I was little, I'm pretty sure that I saw one of those old style, semianimated filmstrips of an Amelia Bedelia story.
I can't remember which one since it's been so long.

Lost media, uh?

Attached: loli Amelia.png (289x260, 82K)

Workin' on stuff.

Attached: hbameliabedelia7tease.jpg (184x199, 40K)

>The madman is it at it again

Attached: Amelia Blind dates.png (874x1153, 1.22M)

Attached: Amelia Blind dates 2.png (895x568, 908K)

>freckled chest

Attached: images (4).jpg (198x255, 13K)

Attached: Amelia Blind dates 3.png (895x1726, 2.45M)

requesting other fusions

Attached: maid41f40d5f14a874912c.jpg (1500x1500, 240K)

I have some fan art but it's too lewd.

You can always link it.

Yeah, why don't you link it? Unless you don't really have any.

Get this jap crap outta my sight nerd.

I agree. Surely we can find some western styled maids to fuse her with?

Attached: Amelia Blind dates 4.png (876x576, 634K)

Haruko actually has twice as many episodes made for the West than Japan since Adult Swim is paying for two more seasons but could be replaced with somebody else.

Attached: Housekeeping.png (1800x1800, 462K)

Deepest lore

Attached: pixel_amelia_bedelia_by_teh_shmarah-d5bnzf8.png (129x266, 7K)

Attached: amelia_bedelia_by_lovediesnow-d30arar.jpg (900x1165, 191K)


Why not make something for the actual thread, instead of shilling your old shit?

Shit like this is why drawfags stop appealing to the autism, they are doing shit already free dude be thankful

and you are helping the thread with what? You could come up with some greentext at least if you dont draw mate

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Amelia I love you, please be my waifu

Attached: 1516432996314.jpg (800x600, 121K)

Supposedly Tom Hanks was thinking in make a movie about her ages ago

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I never thought I'd have to write a sternly-worded letter to Tom Hanks...

But here we are.