What's your opinion on Mr Pickles Sup Forums?

What's your opinion on Mr Pickles Sup Forums?

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Unfunny, edgy trash. How it went through all the production steps and still got made is beyond me.

Tried watching the vegan episode after only seeing the pilot and dropped it after about five minutes. It was nothing but the same joke repeated ad nauseam.

When none of the characters are likable and the only joke is violence there really isn't any reason to watch more than a clip of it.
It never needed to be more than a single short.
It sucks that Hellbenders never became a thing because of it.

its interesting, when was the last time anyone saw a corrugated metal trash can with two handles?

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It killed Hellbenders so I already dislike it's existence

sheriff being the special ed kid who polices the town gets a slight chuckle out of me but that's pretty much it.

They get used by wealthy white female homemakers who want a backyard barbecue themed wedding party for their daughter Jessica. You put ice and beer in it.

Isnt he that cunt from down the street that makes shitty toys for his kids?

I use them to hold chicken feed

He's pretty cute.

he's a good boy.



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You can still buy them. I think my family put compost in em.

Best character coming through!

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I get what it tries to do
It's just that it works for only one episode at best, after that it's just unnecessary violence

It tries to be tasteless for the sake of being tasteless but has absolutely no charm of any kind to back it up. It wishes it was on the level of writing ren and stimpy had in its prime but can't.

It's okay. The problem is so many of the jokes are reused (Tommy's dad is a loser, Tommy's grandpa blames Mr. Pickles for everything, each side character has their own specific joke that gets in each episode). Sometimes the way they resolve the plotlines is okay, sometimes it's disappointing.

On the plus side, it's funny occasionally, and the dog himself is actually a pretty decent character.


Violence for the sake of violence. Tastelessness for the sake of tastelessness. Worst Adult Swim cartoon.

I like the non-violence parts.

it's a meme show that was taylor-made for reddit

No one likes this shit, maybe the edgy shitters who like crossed

>It was taken on as a full show instead of Hellbenders
Fucking worst timeline

he's a good dog.

Season 2 was much better than season 1. The biggest issue is that it relies too heavily on the grossout humor and lazy jokes. I like the character Mr.Pickles and the premise of the show is good.

the shoes episode was badass when mr pickles attacked the stranger things evil lab and started beheading and shooting niggers in the face

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Edgy, but the mom is thicc.

Edgy crap made for shock value.
But no one was shocked because this isn't the 90's.

What premise?

A boy who has an evil intelligent dog that commits gruesome acts while everyone is town is oblivious. The only person who notices it is the grandfather who people just assume is senile.

Its not a bad idea but the issue is

Formerly chicken fuck

Hellbenders has the same issues but everyone also talks in a goofy voice.

The dad is the only good character, also they should use this guy for full blown incest instead of hinting at it.

This season has actually been pretty good (compared to season 1). Tommy doesn't deserve such a good boy though.

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>reminder that he canonically fucked a feral milf wolf

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>Midget bank robber episode.
>Midget running away from kid.
>2 guys are holding a huge pane of glass.
>Goes right under it since he is a midget.

I don't know why but this had me in stiches.

Also when is the team going to release the full version of Like a Ghost?


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alfred alfer ripoff

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>Also when is the team going to release the full version of Like a Ghost?
Around the same time they finish with the concert tours.
And Yes, this is going on right now.

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The seasons have been progressively better.
This current one has been pretty much fairly rounded out.

Hell, even S.H.O.E.S. ended up being fairly entertaining.

This got a series but korgoth didn't.

Like I'm not mad at the show for existing. It is what it is, but why?

The creator really has a bestiality fetish.

>people cry about tasteless humor while posting on Sup Forums

>people thinking Sup Forums is about tasteless humor
le asshole of the internet ecsdee

I actually liked Mr.Pickles. Not at first, but it got better as it went on. It's fucking stupid, but funny-stupid.

Wow, I consider myself to be pretty unflappable, but that made me very uncomfortable.

Worst part of Wonder Showzen got its own show for some reason.

Thus I never cared for Mr. Pickles at first but the series has been getting better and better

It has some terrible ep, and it has some great ep.

It doesn't have to be about it, but you don't have to cry about it like a numale mama's boy.
>Wow so mean spirited, why do they even put this on tv!

still waiting for that dog to fuck the mom.

I like it.

Im surprised nobody here went "I want to fuck that wolf," yet.

I like the mom and i wish they'd release a soundtrack.

I want that boat ride song dammit.

I wanna fuck that wolf? Doggy style? periodically pinch the nips?

When I watched a clip of sesame street

Let us talk of this new episode even if to shit on it.

it begins

I have no idea what this shit is, but I'm pretty sure that's a Boys From Brazil reference in the name of it, so it has that at least.

This episode didn't seem that bad.

>dinosaurs lived 4,000 to 65,000,000 years ago
>Both theories are valid

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>zero posts

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Needs more Alpha wolf mama

Edgy for the sake of being edgy, not the worst thing I’ve ever seen but far from the best. I probably would have fucking loved it if it came out when I was in middle school.