This is an honest diner owner, say nice things about him

This is an honest diner owner, say nice things about him

Attached: jeanbon.jpg (600x450, 39K)

I made a meatloaf shaped like my friend because of this episode and he really appreciated it.

Was he the only none evil villian?

His carving style is well rehearsed.

He made the best burgers.

who was the scariest villain

Attached: tumblr_nle1tqvpLL1rawb5do1_500[1].jpg (500x448, 44K)

I find him oddly cute. I wouldn't mind letting make me a burger desu

Attached: richard.png (230x192, 39K)


Was he a pedophile?


Attached: courage-schwick8.jpg (517x377, 103K)

Nah, just had a weird shaving fetish.

His hamburgers look delicious.
Probably uses fresh meat all the time. Never frozen.

you wanna know how I got this bones

Good job paying the health inspector on time, dont want to miss out on your burgers because of "an insurmountable list of health code violations"

This boss motherfucker right makes the meanest burgers this side of Nowhere.

>not murial
I bet he doesn't even add the secret ingredient.

Nah, he was just



You don't wanna know how I got those bones

You know you're good if fuckin Eustace gives you praise.

Never seen a man handle meat so well.

No. Freaky Fred was a lighter and softer version of Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The show portrayed Fred's shavings as something akin to a serial killer skinning their victims alive. Unlike Sweeney Todd, Fred isn't motivated by revenge or manipulated by a woman into killing people. He's fully sane, in control of his actions, and just likes shaving, which makes him much scarier.

He was actually pretty chill, all things considered.

His wife was a total creep, and a major asshole for wanting to steal and eat someone's dog.

I want bara art of him

Reminder the secret ingredient is Vinegar

I'm sure there's some of that on pixiv ;)

How organic is his beef?

There's no such thing as organic beef. That's just a term made up by Soy Cucks to discredit the fast food industry and prop up their vegan lifestyle. Truth is that clean beef is best because it meants less risk of getting food poisoning. Organic isn't the way to go, unless you spend extra time cleaning the meat before cooking it for consumption, or serving to others.

Attached: Courage-the-Cowardly-Dog-courage-the-cowardly-dog-20514326-474-356.jpg (474x356, 24K)

Nah, he was a nice guy. It's his wife that was the fucked up one that wants to eat dogs and possibly humans

And don't forget they were REALLY cheap


I think she might have been my first boner as a kid

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Katz was pretty scary. I shit myself over Ramses when I was a kid, though the man in gauze, the man in gauze, the man in gauze

She was a gay and therefore evil by default.

I would do some if somebody ask on the drawthreads.

With that said, muscles don't look good on him.

Now I'm afraid of browsing drawthreads

The hunch back, the wood carving robot, the egg laying brothers, the chihuahua lady, there were a lot of villains in that show that weren't actually evil.

Attached: The_Box_Demon.jpg (900x700, 118K)

You see that door?

You wanna know what's behind that door?

You don't wanna know what's behind that door.

Attached: you dont wanna know whats behind that door.png (480x353, 254K)

Freaky Fred wasn't evil. He was just... Naaauuuggghttyyyy.

That episode used to make me crave burgers like nothing else.

Attached: face-on-a-burger.jpg (600x450, 29K)

Bigfoot wasn't evil.

This episode freaked me the fuck out when I was young.

Whichever one caused Eustace and Muriel to become puppets. Courage doesn't even save them, he just reenacts their behavior with the puppets.

Jeanbon seems like he'd be alright to work for, so long as you're a little into theatrics.

Idk what's wrong with all of you guys, but I'm starving.

Give me the biggest burger you got

There is plenty of bara art focused in the chub user sama.Like this one I did

Attached: f9b557ba-ff0f-46ad-b5fe-33f2b1bdee47.png (666x666, 145K)