Well Sup Forums?

Well Sup Forums?

I'd press orange personally, I could care less about money or fame, though I do hope people would like the story

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I'll only click orange if nobody gets profit or popularity from it.

Blue is obviously the best choice by far.

I'd hit grey and take out someone like Stan Lee or Bob Kane. See how that effects things.

First, I begin presenting my life as an elaborate piece of performance art. Then I press Purple and make everybody in the world love me.

Grey is the most spiteful choice and anyone who does not choose that is not a real user.

>bob kane
he did absolutely nothing wrong

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Joe Quesada.

Purple. Produce some shitty webcomic and make people think it's a masterpiece.

He did absolutely nothing.

purple. batman begins or iron man flops. mcu and dceu never exist.

>Comics in America

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I'll go with orange

Gray Bendis

Purple and make animation a medium with the same general public respect as live action.

If I hit pink, would the thread be made again?

>not more
Shame on you.

Gotta go with blue

Orange is also pretty good. I'm not sure why you'd bother with the other six

Blue and Orange are by far the best choices.

purple is OP, and here's why
>make a terrible, no effort drawing, song, film, bideo game, whatever
>publish it on a public platform and charge some big bucks for it
>activate purple to make the public obsessed with it
>everyone gives you fat stacks for something that took next to no effort
>now you have the time and resources to hone your skills to do orange on your own.

Grey. Stan Lee.

>user and being wrong
name a more iconic duo.


No rule saying I cant.

Erase everything Adventure Time post-Season 2. Wipe the slate clean.

>erasing dad's dungeon and princess cookie
kill yourself faggot

So Undertale?

So it's like being a meth dealer in music/movie/game form?

I would press green. Make a genre famous. I could make something I like popular. It could resonate for years. Decades. The next hundred years and more, if not a permanent seat amongst the main favorites for the human race's group consciousness forever. Spinoffs, copycats, lookalikes, it's just how it goes...

Purple. Comics are now treated with the same respect as movies. People flood stores to pick up new comics. Money pours into the industry, they can afford to hire better creators and what would've been niche titles that scrape by on the bare minimum find an audience. Amen.

Every one of these has a potential downside.

Red- Personal Taste doesn't translate to popularity or sales. While you may get the run you want, it's potential lack of sales could push both out of the business.
Blue- Initial results could be good, but may result in that thing you love outliving itself, while the product in it's lifetime would be fantastic, the project could result in dead end writing or open ended stores that lead no where.
Yellow- Some things are in that format for a reason. Not many downsides to this one if you chose right though.
Green- Popularity isn't necessarily a good thing, especially nowadays where over-saturation is rampant.
Orange- Time/Skill do not translate to desire. I know plenty of people with skill and time who waste both enjoying the mediocre over the creating something greater because it's easier. But hey, if you got the passion, goferit.
Purple- This could go anywhere. If you like breeding chaos, this is your button.
Grey- Same as purple, but with less of a bang and more of a whimper.

Purple is worded vaguely enough that "any work", not "any one work", which means I can control what people like and dislike. My tastes will be catered for because they'll be everyone's tastes.

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Orange. As long as people watch and enjoy it I'll be satistied.

not an argument

Stay mad.

How is orange any good?

>tell the story you've always wanted to tell
>not good

Purple is by far the best choice.

I might've misread it. I thought it was basically that you just sort of instantly bring a cartoon/comic into existence that's exactly as you want it

hitting green for more casual nudity in cartoons. That's a genre, right?

You can get time and skill without wasting a good button. Plus time and skill aren't motivators, as pointed out. With orange you'll never profit so you'll never get better supplies/equipment/resources. You'll be running in place. You won't even get a "hey, good job". How long would you really stay motivated to finish your story then?

Nah, you just gain the skills and time, you still have to do it yourself.

How the fuck am I gonna have the time for a comic if I'm not even profiting from it? Do you think rent just pays itself?

No its not.

It should be.

I write that story that I always wanted to write, and slam on purple.

fuck you ken penders

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The public masses are strongly into animal people now. The majority of all produced media is now furshit. The japs will create hundreds of thousands kemono hentais each year.

Orange, I can make the dream comic and with the skills I can make a mint off of furries.

make mein kampf extremely popular and beloved again and renew the shoah