Venture Bros. Thread, because fuck you, let's have one once in a while

So when is Dr. Orpheus coming back? I mean, yeah, he cocked shit up with the compound, but did he have to literally be shuttered by the entire show?

For that matter, Dermott. He's living in a trailer park still, and his now revealed father inherited billions, what the hell happened to that mess?

I also want Triana to come back in some fashion, even if it's all basically been burned to shit bridge-wise.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I wouldn't be surprised if the next Goon send by Wide Whale to fuck with rusty was magic in nature, so Rusty gets' him for help.
Or even better, Blue Morpho has no idea how to kill someone magic so 21 remembered that he knows someone magic and is on pretty good terms with him.

When it comes to Dermott I'm sad to say i have no idea if we ever see him again.

Best girl

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Like a lot of shows, its fun to think about a gender-flipped version and how it would play out

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I don't know why, but i can't imagine femonarch truly hating Rusty or Femrusty, i just imagine her as being totally tsundere

Probably something like Dr. Quymm only more of a scumbag

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Nah, I'm still thinking a total bitch. For some reason I imagine her sounding like Vicky from FOP

I cannot wait for them to kill off Monarch

>Dr Mr The Monarch has a very feminine voice

>let's have one once in a while
We *literally* have at least 1 per month if not even more

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>So when is Dr. Orpheus coming back?
>implying the outrider isn't better in every way

Come on, if you're going to ask for more of a character, at least ask for the better one.

ded show.

>Dr Boyfriend was once a boytoy of Lillian G. Fantamos, The Phantom Limb
>Treated him lime a pretty boy and never listened to his ideas
>Jokes about her looking like a weird sex doll or a CPR dummy.
>Has two murderous moppet maidens who want his dick

I just want to see the entire Order of the Triad again. I swear every side character in this fucking show could carry their own spinoff. Billy and Pete, The Order of the Triad, Shore Leave, Hunter and others from the OSI, even fucking Watch and Ward.

Season 6 was SO disappointing. Literally half a season. I'm not sure if I'll be more disappointed or relieved when they wrap up all the hanging plot threads in the Season 7 special and move on to something new. Another season cannot blueball me again, I just can't take it.

Became a drug hippie or some crap.

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i like it a lot more than 4-5.


Oh god I can hear the music
>We had a gas leak that time. The silent killer

If I remember correctly, she started hanging out with preppies, then went to rehab and then became a born again christian.

>When it comes to Dermott I'm sad to say i have no idea if we ever see him again.

How old is Dermott? Old enough to be starting college?
What if he ended up at the same college that Dean goes to? What if in the year (or however long it's been in-universe) that the Ventures have been away, Dermott's matured a bit. What if he and Dean were to start getting along? What if that drives a bit of wedge between Dermott and Hank?

Hopefully it's just the wig that's fake.

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I really hope they eventually transition into just doing Venture Bros comics, so we can keep getting the story on a probably more regular basis.

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So what are the chances that Billy's mom hides her identity because she caught him jacking it to Triple Threat from the show

.I'm thinking the Ventures are gonna get some sort of calling back to Colorado at some point. There's no way Orpheus is going to be compeltely forgotten about since he was a staple character for so long

Still holding out for her to become a Christian themed supervillain

No way Monarch is getting killed off. This is the beginning of his redemption arc.

Dermott had already matured considerably later on, compared to how he was in his first few appearances.

>"Hey Fella, where'd you stash the Wiimote?"
>"WHITE! Knock next time... I was uh... in the middle of "quiz practice"."
>"Is that a "Cosplay Deviants" tab I see?"
>"A gentleman does no-HEYYYY!"
>"*smirk* I don't think girl in this photo is even old enough to have seen "The Rusty Venture Show" let alone the reru...oh no"
>"White either you tell me what's wrong or leave the room so I can put something on under this bathrobe."
>"What? What's my mom?"
>"Triple Threat!"
>"N-no...that's not true...that's impossible!"
>"Search your feelings Billy, you know it to be true."
>*Billy tips over the office chair he's sitting in and faints*

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Oh god, I read it in their voices!

Would they ruin the show if they gave a reason or a backstory to The Monarch's hatred of Dr Venture? I'd be fine without a backstory, just keep it at Black Manta levels of hatred.

Not that I don't want one, but we just had a very long VB thread that lasted 3+ days with a lot of gifs, webm and video clips on it.

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Gotta love the end to Operation P.R.O.M., would have made a great series finale

>i can't imagine femonarch truly hating Rusty or Femrusty, i just imagine her as being totally tsundere
Even Regular Monarch walks that line sometimes. Yeah he honestly hates Rusty, but he hates him so much that Rusty defines his entire life. Throwing even the slightest amount of sexual tension into that relationship would be like lighting a cigarette in an open gas mine.

>It's over, I love you but its over!

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It was funny and well written though and gave every character something new while feeling like classic venture, really the problem was the creators had more content than episodes funded because Lazzo is too busy throwing money at Rick & Morty (who btw were given a budget for 14 episodes last season but only made 10 because it was "too hard").

Adult Swim is going to hell in a handbasket but Venture is as good as ever.

>tfw you will never have such a perfect villain waifu at your side
Why literally live

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In his first appearance, Jefferson Twilight says that Dr. O has a secret identity. WTF is he talking about?

Dr. O in his blue windbreaker?

I'm really annoyed at how casually they retconned his necromancer status and abilities for the sake of the dead 24 arc. I'm similarly confounded as to why they couldn't just have the Sovereign be Bowie.

Its been ages, what did they retcon? I'm probably wrong in thinking that 21 never knew about Dr. O or interacted with him enough to know.
As for Bowie, I doubt it was a legal thing but probably to accommodate story changes or something.

Sovereign Bowie was probably a combination of legal shit and them realizing they were going to kill off Sovereign so they didn't want him tied to Bowie any longer.

I think user is complaining about how he said he couldn't resurrect 24 because his title as necormancer is pomp.

>I'm similarly confounded as to why they couldn't just have the Sovereign be Bowie.

From what I've heard that may have been because of legal reasons. As in some of the network higher ups were scared that the real Bowie could sue them or something.