Is there any villain who had more wasted potential than this...

Is there any villain who had more wasted potential than this? I honestly thought they were going somewhere with Kuvira and were going to do something unique. They could have shown that real life politics is complicated and your current opponent is not necessarily pure evil. Even a dictator could be a useful ally and a better alternative to what they had before. This could have been the moment where Korra learned to grow up and realize the world is not all black and white.

But nah, fuck that. Just make her Hitler!

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I'm not sure we're actually allowed to have a thread about her without this picture.

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fuck off already

B-but, being hot hapa hitler was a feature, not a bug.

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Even Hitler had better reasons than Kuvira. They actually went ahead and had her go 'muh orphan feels'. It was laughable.

>he turned out to be exactly what fans predicted
what did you expect?

They could have at least shown her being this super evil Hitler. We are told she put people in camps but we dont see these alleged work camps, only told about them by people she imprisoned, most likely bandits that she was shown arresting.

all the Korra villains were wasted potential. the original series had fantastic villains, namely Zuko for the first two thirds and Azula. while Ozai was the main villain, he ended up being pretty simple

Korra in comparison had a great roster of villains from a variety of backgrounds, carrying different kinds of threat, but they were all handled disappointingly

The problem with Kuvira was that she did nothing wrong yet was designated villain and writers couldn't properly criticise her because they are hacks.

Zuko was a deuteragonist, Zhao was the real villain in the first season and he was weak. Azula was fine but her demise came rushed and was unsatisfying, and Ozai was never particularly good when spotlighted; he worked best as a faceless looming threat. His "burn the earth kingdom" plan in the final moments was comically evil.

The series had a trend of having good villains conceptually, but failing on the delivery or closure. Korra simply continued that.

the season was still entertaining as ever by the end of the third season, but it wasnt as good, not as solid a narrative as the rest of the series. i think it was rushed. i think that's why the reveal of ozai's new plan was so awful and why azula got such an unsatisfying finale

i know zuko was always a deuteratagonist, but he served the role of a villain well enough in the first season - though he ultimately wasnt

Whilst I agree that Amon and Kuvira had unrealised potential, I think everyone on this board expected too much out of a children’s cartoon. Do you really think that they’d have “villains” that have a better cause than the hero, without then giving revealing that they were actually evil all along? The problem is, that The Last Airbender and parts of Korra are so good that you’re forgetting that it’s a kids show and holding it up to scrutiny against other entertainment made to be consumed by adults.

As far as American kids shows go, Korra is one of the best I’ve seen. Sure, it’s worse than TLA, and I have several problems with the plot, but the very fact that I care so much about the plot to nitpick it is emblematic of how good the show is overall.

Like, if you all hated it so much why did you sit through 4 seasons of it instead of just dropping it a few episodes into season 1?

I don't get why Kuvira became super hitler, she had a pretty decent life beforehand. Also how come she rose to power like that? She was just a regular soldier in season 3.

High expectations are the only thing that can (potentially) keep series from going the way of Star Wars/Trek.

I feel like Unalaq could have been very interesting if he wasn't just saturday cartoon villain. Make the plot about Varrick and Unalaq presented two ideas and have Korra in the end defeat them both and implement parts of their plan, like more spiritual practice aswell as technological progress.

S1 only failed hard near the end
S2 was shit all the way through, only blind hope motivated me
S3 was actually good, just dropped the ball near the end like S1
I lost hope by then and didn't bother watching S4

>he turned out to be exactly what fans predicted
A cyborg Aang spirit bender? I thought he turned out to be a mutant bloodbender

People still have high expectations for those films and just get let down every single time.

I don’t think it pays to call everything that is flawed “shit”. Nickelodeon almost canceled Korra after season 2 and season 3 was the best season by far. Shows that are flawed but still good should at least be praised for what they’re doing right, while simultaneously criticising them for what they’re doing wrong.

It’s too bad Netflix or some other online streaming service hasn’t bought the rights to avatar. It would be nice to see a third show. Maybe with one of the avatars before aang.

What part of season 3 dropped the ball for you? I thought it was great the whole way through. Season 1 definitely dropped the ball a bit at the end but I expected the twist with Amon so it wasn’t too disappointing for me.

Season 2 was downright bad throughout. 4 drops the ball hard in the second half so you were probably right to skip it.

I just wish the writers hadn't pretended it was deep and that the villains had these great intentions. If the writers had just been upfront about the villains being evil instead of trying to make it shades of grey i don't think many would have had a problem with them.

>Like, if you all hated it so much why did you sit through 4 seasons of it instead of just dropping it a few episodes into season 1?
Personally i loved the presented concept of each season, and there were some interesting characters in most of them. It was also Bryke, the creators of Atla, who were making it so my hopes were high that they could pull through Nicks meddling with their show.

That was until the end of book 4 ofcourse, with the giant mechs. Spirit laser canons, Talk no jutsu and political pandering at the cost of good story telling. Book 4s ending showed me that Bryke were the ones holding LoK back and suddenly all the little issues here and there made sense. That they came out to get praise and shit afterwards and blamed the fans for their poor writing just made it all worse.

I understand your perspective. I kinda prefer that they at least look like they have honorable intentions though. At least then you can understand why people follow them. It’s always a pretty disappointing when you reveal that your character is less deep than you originally portrayed them though.

Not sure if anyone ITT plays video games but they did the exact same thing in Pokémon Gen 5 with team plasma. It looked like they had philosophicaly solid intentions all along and then at the end it turns out the leader is just straight up evil because apparently kids can’t handle any form of moral ambiguity.

Zaheer's ultimate goal/philosophy was non-sensical and Korra yet again couldn't earn a victory on her own. It was especially frustrating because you could see where they were trying to go with Zaheer but they failed to articulate it well. Really it felt like it should've been a season focused on the red lotus with the Korra krew being pushed into secondary roles. I'm not sure if it was a good or bad thing that they made the antagonists so much more interesting to watch than the heroes.

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The lesbian stuff didn’t really drag the show down in my opinion (possibly because nick didn’t let them take it too far). I honestly didn’t even know that they were meant to be lesbian until after I watched the episode and came on Sup Forums. I see girls hold hands/hug all the time so I didn’t even question it.

Not him, and i loved book 3, but i think it dropped the ball on pacing a bit. It felt kinda slow on a rewatch up until the hype episodes.
It was also a bit annoying we had to retread waters on Tenzin being a bad teacher and leader, despite being the leader of the air acolytes and republic city, so for me the airbender plotline wasn't up to par.

And i think they dropped the ball a little on the other villains outside Zaheer. I mean they had cool bending, but other than that there's not much to them. For instance why was Ghazan willing to die before going back to prison like last time? What was Ming Huas connection to the others? Are there more combustion benders or is P'li the last one? etc. Also just some more history to the red lotus would have been awesome, i must admit it was surprised when suddenly they had a small army of guards and metal bender with them, where did they come from, and where did they go afterwards?

It's not so much the act (which is bad for writing purposes imo), but rather the realisation that they wanted that and thought it was decently to well done. With that in mind i don't think Nick had anything to do with the horrible addition of Raava/Vaatu or Unalaq being retarded and inconsistent on his goals. Or Amon/Tarrlok storyline and bloodbending. It was just what Bryke thought was good shit. Before that i thought maybe Bryke had been under time pressure to make book 2, but it seems unlikely now, since we know they had time, they're just bad writers.

>despite being the leader of the air acolytes and republic city
Nothing changed to make Tenzin a good leader from seasons 1 to 3. In three they examined it further but it was just touched on in 1 and 2 with him being ineffectual against Tarrlok, not understanding that someone who is not brought up in air acolyte culture and has an earthly attachment to their destiny identity but has the potential to airbend will need to approach it from a different angle. He was a leader in Republic City be "default" since the theme of the council at the time was all benders despite an air acolyte being on the council while Sokka was on the council so another air acolyte could have been on the council instead of Tenzin but then Bryke wouldn't have as many excuses as they like to have for bad writing.

Why would he be a bad leader to begin with? Also he learns to listen to people with Korra, he grows as her teacher in book 1. In book 2 he overcomes his mental block of comparing himself to Aang (poorly imo but still). And come book 3 he doesn't know how to inspire anyone or how to keep anyones attention. He has been the leader of the air acolytes since Aang passed away, maybe even before then. It's really strange that in all those years he didn't pick up anything about leadership and instead has to learn it from his daughter and wacky brother. Atleast the brother was a general so he should be a leader too, but Bumi is just wacky not really inspirational imo.

Bumi got promoted through bloodline prestige alone. If everyone knew he was an incest baby he would've never gotten anywhere

I can believe it. He also stayed a general through luck, as we see in book 2 he is getting by on dumb luck.

What's with this faggot of an excuse of Korra? Stop bringing up this retarded meme of "It's a kid show", yeah and so what? TLA was a kid show and one of the most well written show ever. It doesn't matter what piece of demographic it's supposed to be, it's entertainment and a bad piece of it. How come when we talk about cartoons that are bad this excuse, but not ever for when a cartoon is good? Korra was nothing but wasted ideas, pandering, retcons, and bad writing. It was a bad piece of entertainment that only be remembered by nothing else but being part of a successful brand.

I watched the series because I wanted to see how bad it gets and it didn't disappoint.

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you're asking Sup Forums why it didn't drop a cartoon it didn't like? delusional

>Why would he be a bad leader to begin with?
Same reason Korra lost fights until the last episode of each season: bad writing.

I mean sure, but that's where they dropped the ball with book 3. Initially my point was that it was a problem.

>TLA was a kid show and one of the most well written show ever.
for a kid's show*
ATLA was good, but not some magnificent piece of art

Did I say that it was Citizen Kane of something? I said that it was one of the most well written shows out their. Their many American adult animations or shows that got nothing on TLA. It's just a great show that can be enjoyed by all ages. Again, no matter what demographic it's for, it's a piece of entertainment that can have actual good writing or bad writing.

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But she was right.

There's animes that blow ATLA out of the water, and that's saying nothing of live action shows east or west. It is not "one of the most well written shows ever". It's one of the best animated shows produced in the west, yes, but I thought Sup Forums of all places would be painfully aware of how anemic that category is.

>Is there any villain who had more wasted potential than this?

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The problem with Korra is that it repeatedly takes us outside of the place where simplistic child-friendly solutions are satisfactory. Just like ATLA in its final part, it puches way above its weight and fails miserably.

If you want to skydive, but don't have a parachute, don't. Jumping off the plane without parachute is not an acceptable compromise.

ATLA is mediocre and thoroughly overrated.

You want to see wasted potential? I'll show you wasted potential.
>centuries old head of a global crime syndicate
>played has a good actress
>does fucking nothing and dies like a bitch before the end of the season and her cancer feels more like afterthought
She could've or should've been female Shredder with a drop of Walter White but God forbid anything about Hand in Netflix shit is ever compelling.

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*played by

The thing is, for most of season 4 Kuvira was actually right. She was unifying a broken nation, eradicating bandits, providing infrastructure, building rails.

And then it's like Bryke realized they can't have Korra beat up someone doing more good in the world than she herself was, so they had to make up a bunch of blatantly evil horseshit to turn Kuvira into Cartoon Hitler.

>lol let's make the villain win!
you're an idiot

And to make matters worse, the "Hitler" comparison is lost even further, because someone so thoroughly dedicated to their cause as to open fire on their lover reneges because being a doughie bitchboy for a season is like being a starving orphan, and the two girls bond over it enough for her to "apologize" for the forceful relocation and bad stuffs. You're supposed to feel bad for her! And the catharsis is that she says the world can do what they please to her after her terrible crimes.

Which is hopefully fuck her, instrumentally, one by one, every citizen of every nation, because FUCK her. She couldn't even An Hero like Hitler and die by her own means, even though the show had the perfect set-up for her to shove Korra out of the way rather than accept her help and face /the collective world government's wrath/.

Her ending was bullshit. Last season someone's head exploded, another one gruesomely melted, and the last one was electrified to death ON SCREEN after they choked a queen to death by sucking the air out of her lungs, so for people to use excuses like "it's a kid's show :3" and "making her true to Hitler wouldn't work" are lying to themselves. Fuck you, and fuck Korra season 4.

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I disagree, they don't ouright show her evil acts but they do imply they and tell us about them. For instance the governor has to hand over his land to her if he wants to save his towns from bandits or get food from Kuvira. He also tells us that Kuvira pretty enslaves the people and sends them to her mines to get metals for her army.

Then there the reeducation camps that she admits to having. Where they send dissenters and people from other nations, who we also meet later on with Bolin and Varrick. We also see her interest in uniting parts of the world that isn't part of the Earth kingdom like RC, and she goes so far as to abolish the EK to make her own nation under her rule. They rather set her up to be the lesser of two evils, but then turn her into pure evil later on.

Imagine how bad Kuvira would have been if book 4 was being made during Trump's election.


>"Kuvira is literally holding these people in concentration camps!"
>"That's alternative facts!"

>Jinora while saving Korra after getting beat up by Kuvira: "nevertheless, she persisted"

>Is there any villain who had more wasted potential than this?
Literally all LoK villains were wasted potential

Would he be raiko or kuvira?

Literally all of LoK could be summarized as wasted potential, though.

>Allegations that the Earth-Nation isn't doing everything they can to solve these huge tragedies big league are fake news. Very sad!

>Kuvira draws inwards, stops giving speeches and begins sending out very short televised electronic despot messages through a heavily regulated, censored and filtered screens all citizens use (but the real purpose of these screens is to spy on citizens, garner personal information, and fuck over political rivals or dissidents)

>Korra is a loser who can't even bend the four elements at once, and just got beaten very badly last encounter with God Empress Kuvira. Parents should be ASHAMED!

>New character: Zambo -- a spunky rough, tough minority who crushes on Korra rather quickly, and is just trying to get her start as a journalist in the heavily skeptical-of-all-news-not-from-the-screens-Earth Kingdom (because the fake, dishonest lying news media promoted the accord that stripped the Earth Kingdom of their land)

>Season finale: Zambo and the Burger Kings Kid Club of anti-Trumpers begin to lay siege to the giant Earth Kingdom buildings that have cropped up despotically as a testament to Kuvira's reign

as they chance across a fat man by the name of Ronald Drumpf, the real author behind the screens. He's cowardly, makes light of pissing his pants, and basically implies he wants Korra to piss on him. Quickly knocked out, and the REBEL SCUM turn the screens in favor of promoting an idea of resistance, as METOO becomes synonymous with taking up arms.

Eh. I'd ___ watch it.


Trump would have been memed into a villain by Bryke

If they were honest of course he would be the savior of the Earth Kingdom by building a wall to keep filthy (((Air Nomads))) out.

>Building a wall to keep out people who can fly

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It's more of a dome really.