Will DC ever recover from the shitfest that was Suicide Squad?

Will DC ever recover from the shitfest that was Suicide Squad?

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Recover from what, making a ton of money? "Ayo hol up" memes?

I really like the idea of Joker not being an edgelord but more of an occasional nuisance. That way Batman and him can have a more lighthearted relationship.

It may have made a ton of money, but that and BvS were bad enough to kill most public confidence in the DCEU. That's why Justice league barely recouped its costs.

Suicide Squad was awesome
we need more stuff like that

This design is pure sex.

>[Suicide Squad] and BvS were bad enough to kill most public confidence in the DCEU.
Then the question that should be asked is "Will DC ever recover from Suicide Squad and BvS?"

Or more accurately, "Will DC ever recover from the fact that they've only released one good movie in the last five (arguably ten) years?", at which point picking on the one where the Fresh Prince and Killa Croc thug out to the popular music of today's kids seems to be overlooking the actual systemic issues with the DCEU.

Dark knight rises was more than five years ago now so let's throw in dark knight and just say two good movies in ten so that dc doesn't sound like a complete shambles on the movie front.

Idk It was a typical blockbuster, just like the marvel-movies.

>Suicide Squad] and BvS were bad enough to kill most public confidence in the DCEU.
A baseless claim without evidence.

That's like saying Batman Forever was bad

I take it you already forgot about Justice League.

I take it you don't really have an argument here.

Rises was bad, Nolan giving a shit evaporated with Ledger's death

The argument is that JL's failure is because of the bad taste the previous movies behind it left. Read between the lines dumbass

> shitfest

You spelled "Academy Award winner" wrong

>The argument is that JL's failure is because of the bad taste the previous movies behind it left.
Can you actually prove that though?

Box office already did

So you don't have an argument here.

You don't think the general audiences disinterest in what was supposed to be the biggest cape blockbuster of the year has anything to do with SS and BVS being horribly received?

Justice fucking League. These characters are some of the most iconic cape characters of all time. Everyone knows them. This shit should have been a guaranteed billion, but it couldn't even beat Dr. Strange at the box office. .

What is your argument user? That people loved it and everyone saw it? Box office numbers and audience reviews state differently. Are you too retarded to use google?

The DCEU world should've been built alot more before it was even considered.

I don't really need to argue since anyone with a brain can see exactly what happened. Sorry you're such a brainlet user.

DCEU was dead on arrival. The sole reason WB decided to go ahead with MOS as the base for a shared universe was Avenger box office money. They've been rushing to create their own ensemble movie ever since.

The stuff with talia was bad and as a result made the ending feel flat but everything else is at the least decent. Plus it’s the last film nolan made where the sound mixing wasn’t fucked so it has that going for it.

>snyderfags still exist
wew lad

Attached: Snyder Hired This.webm (341x192, 956K)

Nah, Cat Woman was shit in it as well. And I loathe the idea of Batman quitting.

>You don't think the general audiences disinterest in what was supposed to be the biggest cape blockbuster of the year has anything to do with SS and BVS being horribly received?
No. You have to prove that to me.

Justice League should have printed money. After multiple shit films, people just didn't bother going to see it. They expected it to be just as bad, critics said it was bad, and word of mouth from people who saw it said it was mostly bad.

It's really not hard to see why it didn't get very far. If you keep getting burnt by something, you will probably stop picking it up after the first couple of times.

The outlier here is Wonder Woman, and shows that even with poor reception for previous films, good word of mouth can rescue a movie and could potentially explain why JL didn't do even worse just from the previous installment making it possible they've found a way to salvage the DCEU.


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Can see why Nolan made him retire. If he'd left it open, WB would have pushed to make more films. As it is, it all wrapped up relatively nicely in a self-contained trilogy.

It was beloved by fans if not critics and won an Oscar before any Mousevel dreck did, so yeah, I imagine they'll be fine.

>Justice league should have been successful by the merit of it being the justice league alone.
Give me one good reason why that should be true.
>muh premier superhero team
Is not a reason. That's you making assumptions.

Suicide Squad made more money than Justice League on half the budget... I guess DC will do fine if they continue the SS route.

>These characters are some of the most iconic cape characters of all time.
Pic related.

Attached: Casuals.png (800x343, 247K)

So you can't connect the dots. You don't know how hype works and why ensemble movies are made. You also don't understand that movies in a series are related to each other. Ok brainlet