Kill Six Billion Demons ksbd


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at least tell her who you sold him to

yah fucked it up:

>"The vault of Ynamon was built to contain everything its lord wished close to him. Now it's only purpose seems to be to keep everyone and everything away from him." - Payapop Pritram"

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End of the arc or calm before the storm?

Wouldn't mind spending some pages just chilling with the dragon

thats not important right now. Alison still hasn't told off grampa...

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Wouldn't the other demiurges be pissed that Mammon sold him? Didn't they entrust his safety to him?

I don't think any of the demiurges trust any of the others except maybe inky/jaggyOTP4LYFE

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He likely sold the boy to one of the other demiurges.

They're still grabbing for power, and what better power than to make the supposed heir of Zoss in debt to you?

As far as I remember/understand, anyways.

This just happened.

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>done with the lesbian and self-help guru stuff


Why are libarts majors so mean to their betters ;_;

My thoughts exactly.

I was really hoping by the end of this book they'd have recovered Zaid.

I wonder if the appearance of Mottom's castle has anything to do with this. What if she is the one who purchased Zaid to make him her very own heir? I mean, Zaid is unaccounted for in Jadis' prophecy, but the identity of the heir isn't clear. What if this is one of those TES king/rebel situations where it's cosmically ambiguous which of the two will actually end up as the hero? "The Ruling King who sees in another his equivalent rules nothing."

Either way we have a bunch of devils unaccounted for and no means of escape for the team. I don't think we're done quite yet.

So 000001 is officially working behind Mammon's back, to try and keep out all the Red City politics and bullshit. That seems like a reasonable goal.Although I guess with how senile Mammon is it's barely 'working behind his back', since he probably wasn't paying attention anyways.

Thinking about reading this because it looks just utterly fucking out there, which is good for a comic.

Thinking of buying the physical books because I like sitting on a couch and/or the crapper when I read. I just prefer a book in my hand.

Does the physical book have those little quotes from in universe books or whatever they are I saw on the web version? How is that kind of stuff handled?

There's a couple of inserts, but they mostly just seem to be there to break up the pageflow if a double-page spread otherwise won't end up where it should be.

The print version's nice (especially since the first volume is going to be reprinted in a big format soon) but honestly I'd just read it on the web if you're interested in the quotes and stuff.

Okay so no quotes. Just enough to fix page spreads. That's sort of frustrating I guess. In my mind a physical version should contain all of the thing.

Nice to hear about the bigger version. I heard the second volume was bigger. Mismatched shit on the shelf is annoying.

I'll guess I'll at the least wait for that, and then browse the site for the quote stuff. (It is sort of superfluous weird in universe religious/ancient text stuff, right?) Or I'll just read online, whatever.

So I get the feeling we're supposed to feel sympathy for these people, but they ARE also running a multiversal bank which we know is involved in maintaining the status quo in Throne.

I say tear it all down to start Anew.

> I get the feeling we're supposed to feel sympathy for these people

Jesus, how aspie of me to say.

This is a great page. Mildly disappointing the whole dungeon crawl was for nothing but character development, though.

>Alison still hasn't told off grampa...
For what?!
At this point, he might be the closest thing to a truly innocent character. His sins were so long ago that almost everyone who was around for it is dead, he can hardly remember them, and he is sorry for what he did. If anything, he's the real hero of this story.

Those children are awakening my motherly instincts, so fucking cute.

Really? I fully expected this. Dunno, it'it felt like exactly the thing that should happen.

Finding Zaid is the motivation behind the story, so I doubt he'll be recovered until the story is over or (more likely) Allison finds another reason to stay in Throne.

I was expecting them to find him soon since Abby has said he's going to be an actual character instead of the plot coupon.
You don't get to be an actual character if you only show up at the end.

>my motherly instinct

Something you want to tell us, user?

>End of the arc or calm before the storm?

That flying city/palace is still crushing through the vault as they speak.

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There is nothing wrong with banks, user.

>Sell him to Motty because she want's to use him as bait to catch Allison again

Makes sense.

t. Goldberg

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We're talking about the kind of bank people associated with the current US president would run were they to team up with the various vampires currently active in California.

Stop being an anti-semite, goy.

The problem is with privately owned central banks, anyways

They'd probably do a better job than the Keynesian's desu.

The government owned central bank when it existed wasnt much better.
I want to buy them. How much for the girls?

>The government owned central bank when it existed wasnt much better.
not much better is still better, user.

They have sympathy in the same way Mottom does. Any mitigating factors aren't nearly enough for what they've done and are and this is obvious to anyone with half a brain.

Whatever 000001 believes to be true, at the end of the day she is taking advantage of Mammon's condition in order to do as she pleases, her word and any form of actual honor be damned.

No, its because in the early days the problems of handling money that didnt exist was barely a problem. If it continued it would have similar problems of cronyism and corruption. Barely better is in hindsight divorced of current situations.

The third book was drawn in a taller format than the first two, so your shits gonna be mismatched regardless.

The quotes are superfluous to understanding the story, yes.

>I say tear it all down to start Anew.

How very Thorn of you

>Zaid is the prize of whoever wins Solomon's martial arts tournament

So... You think any surviving members of the vault party will get to loot anything? I was expecting at least Oscar or Princess to show up by now.

>nuclear powered virgin mary sold Zaid to Solomon because she's his sister; she fled to the Vault specifically to escape everything her sibling represents but doesn't care about any part of the outside world

What's the fail condition Sup Forums?

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>yfw if he ended up with the sphinx

I mean they made it to the vault, there might be a cute moment where they try to bring this down on their heads and Allison or Cio produces one little coin she pocked from the vault to say "Yes we plundered till we were content."

You draw that?

>Math major being a chad

>speaking and understanding the fundamental language and structure of pure creation
>not alpha as fuck

Artfags wish they were as cool as mathematicians; even physicists are babbymode, having to deal with disgusting physical reality.

The funny thing is both have about the same odds of being employed.

>ywn be a beetle shepherd in the purple fields of the great vault of yre

Says you, I'm a math major enjoying my 300k starting

I can smell the virginity roiling off this post. I find it... arousing.

Wrong, there's at least a demand for mathematics tutors.

Rupees aren't actual currency, lad.
>or professor
Such a broad range of careers, should have gone civil engineering. Half the work, all the jobs.

>Implying math isn't just man's feeble attempt at understanding creation, rife with flaws

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>indulging in the crude pleasures of the flesh when you could be doing math

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>Such a broad range of careers
As opposed to barrista or professor, and at least math is useful when applied plebs get around to actually finding uses for it

I'm actually a statistician, so I've got job prospects beyond "teach other nerds" and research

>pure logic

>Pure logic as defined by man himself
>Taking such a warped concept as truth

>caring about the abstract
May as well be a priest for all the practicality of advanced level math brings you on a day to day basis, pure math is for wankers. Chemistry and engineering are what lets you drift in adjunct professor positions wondering where you went wrong, mostly fed and sheltered instead of starving like a well educated dog.
>not being applied maths
You're waist deep in the shit of real life instead of chest, thats about as pure as a two dollar whore on a Saturday night shore leave town.

What's warped about logic, user?

>May as well be a priest for all the practicality of advanced level math brings you on a day to day basis, pure math is for wankers.
If the only thing that was important was what's useful on a day to day basis, I doubt we'd have half as much as we have today. You like signal processing, right, user? Useful for all your phones and such? Complex analysis used to be considered unimportant for day to day stuff too.

>>not being applied maths
I know, I'm just shitposting because I'm bored.

He could get his own chapter.
Story focus on him for a hair with maingirl nowhere in sight.

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There has been precisely one point in my life where I held the most well-behaved baby in the world, and it legitimately felt like my womb was in a screaming inferno.


Well, we learned very little about Yabalchoath or her foray into the vault here. And Mammon seems like he's about written out of the story for the foreseeable future. So meh.

On the other hand this chapter hints at mysterious dealings. The alliance of demiurges is even more fragile than the pact between Incubus and Jagganoth made it seem. I can go either way on this arc.

>Mammon finds out
>goes full REEEE dementia rage because it fucked up his count
>crushes most of the palace
please abby

>Wouldn't the other demiurges be pissed that Mammon sold him?
Yes. I mean they expect some double dealing I'm sure but this completely fucks up their truce. This is almost as bad as what Incubus was doing. It really didn't take much of a push at all to make the entire thing collapse.

Odds that Zaid is getting mindblowing sex with Mottom right now, at whatever age he prefers?

They're bitter over all the time and money they wasted.

Zaid's a virgin cosplaying a chad, just like Allison is a virgin cosplaying a Stacy.

You can feel sympathy for horrible people. It's ok. It doesn't mean you endorse what they're doing.

>user thinks the mentally ill wreck that ruined their own life and locked themselves in a basement away from all contacts with nothing but a waifu he made out of stuff he bought with stolen NEETbucks is the real hero

This is a webcomic. Fiction banks are different from real life banks. Fiction banks exist just to suck up wealth and horde it for spite. Real banks exist to do that but also create wealth at the same time because economics is a beautiful magical thing.

There isn't one. There isn't a win condition either. At the same time they both exist simultaneously. Himself can do anything he pleases, regardless of what Allison does. Himself can do nothing, regardless of what Allison does.

Well, the best thing you can say about Keynesian policy is it's better than a planned economy, so that's not hard.

That's just what the US government said just before it caused the Great Depression.

>No, its because in the early days the problems of handling money that didnt exist was barely a problem.
Spotted the commie.

No money really exists. Money is just an abstract consensus representation of value, which itself only exists in peoples' minds

not bad for fanwank

They penetrated the deepest vault and will presumably leave again. They win. Cio will live and in time remember her true self and return to the Pit.

Fuck that'd be the best. I like this better than Mottom.

>heretic's throne

this tbqh

I might be ok with this actually, even though I like Allison.

You're thinking of science, user. Empiricism inherently cannot find truth, but logic is infallible.

Pure logic is masturbation. The only truths it can find are the ones it itself defined as truths. It's completely circular. Empiricism imperfectly grasps at truth and can never find it, but asymptotically approaches it through eternal self correction.

Being a math major is only better than being a philosophy major in as much as it actually requires some kind of skill be demonstrated.

>Pure logic is masturbation. The only truths it can find are the ones it itself defined as truths.
That's a rather narrow way of looking at things, user. Deriving truth from a given set of axioms is a fair bit more involved than saying "A is true, thus, A is true"

When those axioms result in structures and relations that are similar to reality, it can, and often does, provide hints and clues on where to look next.

>Empiricism imperfectly grasps at truth and can never find it, but asymptotically approaches it through eternal self correction.
There's no one absolute truth, user, nor are there even a set of absolute truths; there can be no formal system that is both complete and consistent, and this includes human thought. Unlike rigorous mathematics, which is consistent but incomplete, empirical knowledge might approach completeness, but will be inconsistent

>When those axioms result in structures and relations that are similar to reality, it can, and often does, provide hints and clues on where to look next.
That's no longer pure math.

So you agree with me?

>That's no longer pure math.
Retroactively redefining a field or discipline as "applied" because someone found a practical use for it a century later on doesn't change the fact that the person who initially discovered that truth was doing it for anything other than academic reasons.

>So you agree with me?
No. A "complete" descriptor of physical reality will ultimately just be a subset of all truth; it may be consistent and complete within its own context, but is miniscule compared to the scope and breadth of pure mathematics.
TL;DR: Mathematics can be used to describe reality, from the simple to the complex. Reality cannot be used to describe mathematics.

Besides, reality is just a particularly messy mathematical abtraction

>Retroactively redefining a field or discipline as "applied" because someone found a practical use for it a century later on doesn't change the fact that the person who initially discovered that truth was doing it for anything other than academic reasons.
Hm, fair enough.

>Nerds arguing over mathematical and philosophical concepts because a damsel in distress is canonically a math major
This is the reason why these threads and this community are my favorite part of this board

Look at that smirk on her face when she drops the news. She wants to hurt Cio any way she can, even if it's small and petty. I'd be surprised if she gives any more details on Zaid's new location.

Is it just me or does Mammon's size fluctuate from page to page? He seems bigger here than the last few pages he was in.

I really doubt Mottom fucks anymore

These threads are very schizophrenic. Sometimes they're good like this, other times they're pure trash.

She's a glutton and she's ravenous for more than food.

Little bit, in he first panel his ankles look twice as tall as the followers but in the middle-bottom they’re about the same height.

We love you too, user.

>He has returned to his heretic throne and the worlds which he shall ruin
So either Mottom bought Zaid or whoever bought him threw him back to Allison's Earth?

be careful user, you might summon Abaddon's old fetishes.

Nah, heretic throne is the Red Throne. He's been bought by one of the other Demiurges.

I'm not sure it's Mottom either. I think it could be Incubus or Jagganoth, as they want to start war again.

Just as planned.

Those little nuns are too cute.

Frankly, if any of them didn't expect OG Mammon to sell Zaid off the second he heard the right price, they are dipshit morons. He bought his fucking universe-ruling key for fuck's sake. Did they at least pay him SOMEthing to keep the kid secured? Some kind of price that a buyer would have to beat?

I just wonder if they're actually children, small assassins, or both since I don't remember if there were male disciples.

>These threads are very schizophrenic. Sometimes they're good like this, other times they're pure trash.
It's integral to the Sup Forums experience.