Characters With The Least Screen Time In INFINITY WAR To Be At Forefront In AVENGERS 4

Who's hyped for Clint and Scott's excellent adventure?

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>Hawkeye, Antman, Nebula, and even Captain Marvel
>frontlining Avengers 4

Aside from Scott, that honestly sounds so boring.

Captain America too. Reports say he's in INFINITY WAR much less than people expect.

From what I've heard Infinity War has Thanos at the forefront/main character.

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Carol's the best though.

I want Strange and Wanda banter.

>Captain Marvel
pls no

Best girl!

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If he gets less time in Infinity War but more time in Avengers 4 then I'm good.

I hope this time Thor gets a little more than in AoU.

Which means he'll barely be in Avengers 4

Is this early damage control I smell? It's obvious a lot of people favorites will only make one scene cameos so marvel is covering their asses early

>Assembles the Infinity Gauntlet by the end of Infinity War
>Not the main antagonist and only limited screentime in Avengers 4
What? Are you dumb?

You don't even know yet how Movie Carol is as a character

>holds the bow with the right hand
>holds the string with the left hand
>arrow on the right side of the bow
I'm no expert, but that looks odd.

Well we know Avengers 4 will be shit then right?

I just don't want a situation like they kill Cap in IW and resurrect an older version in A4. To be honest I'm still pissed he got 37 minutes on CW and Stark got 36. CW wasn't a Cap movie.

>CW wasn't a Cap movie


I was hoping the group would be Tony, Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and Mantis time hopping because it's the three members every overlooks.

>More MCU Harkeye and Scarlet Witch
Why? They are sooooo boring.

Awful taste

Agree about Hawkeye, he is a non factor but don’t you dare insult Scarlet. AoU wouldn’t have been possible without her.

Jeremy Renner's good as Hawkeye, but Hawkeye himself is pretty dull. Wanda's far worse though

They said Thor gets the most screen time besides Thanos in IF, does this mean he’s most likely dying? I feel like too many people are expecting Captain America to die when really Iron man or Thor are way more likely too. The shot at the end of the trailer seems like a bait and switch, showing that and then killing cap is just too predictable

How many times are you going to post this, bro?

They wouldn't kill off a character who they just figured out how to make good movies with.

How many times will people say they want the film to end with Thanos snapping his fingers?

Oh fuck off already

>implying that wouldn't be awesome
Why are you retarded?

I think Thor having the most content has more to do with him bridging the Guardians and the Avengers stories. Like it just grew out of the plot that Thor had to be on screen longer than usual.

Awful taste

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Read a comic sometime.


Waititi ain't doing more Marvel, might as well have Thor go out on a high note

Someone's butthurt.

They're really gonna do it.

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Honestly I really like Renner as Clint after AoU and CW. I don't know why everyone hates him.

I dont get the love for MCU Hawkeye. He's fucking boring and attempts to give him more screentime are just wastes of precious time. He, like Rhodey, are so different than their comic counterparts that they are best relegated to supporting characters.

Man can you imagine the butthurt if they announced that the movie was going to follow Hawkeye?

Because somewhat recently the only good Marvel book was Hawkeye, so people think the series is alright.

just kill hawkeye pls

Clint is pretty competent, Nebula is a good antagonistic foil to Clint and Scott's wiseass behavior and Scott is a full on comedic character.

But keep Captain Marvel out of this shit plz

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>But keep Captain Marvel out of this shit plz
She's going to be all over this shit and you know it. Unless her film absolutely bombs, Carol will be used all over posters like Black Panther.