Why do you still watch cartoons Sup Forums?

Why do you still watch cartoons Sup Forums?

I am over 26 now, i just watch some old Spongebob, Ren & Stimpy and Hey Arnold for nostalgia and that's it, i am surprised t hat there are people here over 20 that still watch Steven Universe, Rick & Morty, Nu-PPG and all that modern shit.

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Because I hate adulthood and want to rekindle my childhood.
That said, all the new stuff is shit

>Why do you still watch cartoons Sup Forums?

Why would I not still watch cartoons?

Rick and Morty is literally made for the 18-34 demographic, dumbass.

As for other shows, sometimes you just want to chill and a lot of cartoons are easy watching.

I don't, I'm here to shitpost about comics

rick and morty is for edgelords
it kills my boner everytime there's an instagram whore with rick and morty memes

Cartoons are cozy, they are a great thing to watch after a long day at wörk. And the local selection in television is decent enought.

I liked it until the memes went super nova, don't think I've watched it since

25 here. I guess overdosed myself on "adult" entertainment in my teens. Too much Law & Order and adult sitcoms among other shows, I just got bored of it all. So I went back to cartoons. They tend to have more positive, or at least not-serious themes, which kinda helps me get through some rough patches of depression as I lean back and just enjoy something comfy. It helps that I draw a lot too, so I can appreciate what I'm watching more, and enjoy drawing what I watch from time to time, too.

Gotta admit I'm not too big on most modern stuff, though. I liked R&M in S1 and S2, but S3 past the season premiere just didn't keep my attention. CN's lineup currently doesn't do it for me either. But I find the occasional modern cartoon to enjoy. And if nothing else, I can always go to older cartoons. the ol' Cartoon Cartoon standbys are always there for me.

>lol why u watch cartoons 4 children u r mature adult

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go back to Facebook, Jeffrey go ask your bait question to other normcucks.

well, like the rest of this god forsaken Christian woodworking forum, Sup Forums is filled with autismos. also cartoons are made by adults and the ones that you mentioned are barely targeted toward children
>SU's release schedule, airtime, and writing aren't really kid-oriented
>Rick and Morty, though likely popular among middleschoolers a la Family Guy, isn't a kids show
>NuPPG was made to profit off nostalgiafags

Because they're

That and I mostly stick to either old favourites I'm familiar with, popular suggestions that hit the mark for me and independant online stuff with hopes for the future.

>Cartoons are cozy

I'm 21, turning 22 this summer. I grew up watching a lot of the classic 90's Disney flicks like Aladdin, Hercules, then a lot of the early Pixar stuff (Toy Stories, A Bug's Life, Monsters Inc.) and also used to watch stuff like Digimon on TV (which had an infamously horrible dub in our country). Never really stopped watching animation, and only started to really expand on my horizons later on as a teenager. There is the cozy, comfy aspect of kind-natured toons like that certain pastel equine show, Jelly Jamm, Sarah and Duck and whatnot. Then you got some real good adventure/fantasy stuff like Oban Star-Racers or Wakfu (latter also being HIPS GALORE). And if you want to see some more adult-oriented toons, you got that too, just watch Moral Orel or something. Animation can also deliver on the feels department, just go check out "Leafie, A Hen into the Wild" for a nice way to empty out your tear ducts. Animation itself is a really visually appealing and expressive medium, you can do so much with it and it is very pleasing to look at. And there are so many types of animation from traditional cel animation to stop-motion to awful Flash tweening. I could write some more but the point is, it's fun to watch, it's a nice way of escapism and there are some really great works there just like in any other medium.

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Because they are fun to watch and easy to watch. Same goes to anime. They are great distraction from ones depressing life.

Because I'm a grown ass man.

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because i don't let other people's opinions determine what i find entertaining

Mostly nostalgia and I find it super comfy and relaxing.

Though there are of course just some series that are legitimately great like BTAS and JL etc.

Because a lot of them are better written and more entertaining than the television made for adults these days.

Being an adult sucks. Of course I watch cartoons. Grown up shows all suck. There's never anything good to watch on TV except cartoons.

The same reason you're on Sup Forums right now.

Cartoons are written by adults. The timeless classics that we grew up with were written by people who wanted to create a show that they thought themselves would be a great show. The jokes were written to be funny to the writers.
Just because a network tells the staff the demographic has to be children, it doesn't change the producers. PPG is one of the best examples due to Craig McCracken always living by the rule of creating something he would enjoy watching.

I watch old movies, usually animation between 1960 to 2005, usually because of nostalgia and as white noise. I usually end up not liking the movie I loved so much as a child.

I also watch the one cartoon that you can't talk about here and honestly I find it very charming, even though it's gone downhill since like season 3.

I still like cartoons. Outside of news, gameshows and breezy background noise like Cops and MST3K, they're pretty much the only TV-related thing I watch. Sometimes I'll pull up something I've never seen and binge it (Making Fiends was great, enjoyed Zig & Sharko more than I thought I would, Space Goofs wasn't very good) or sometimes I'll pull up an old comfort-food favorite to while away some hours.
I've learned over time that I don't care for lore-intensive story-arc series and prefer to keep to things lighter, less ironic and more humorous. Open to suggestions if you guys have any.


Isn't 26 the right age for Rick & Morty? lol

I'm 36 and can't sit through a cartoon anymore, old or new. But, I unironically love reading about what anonymous enthusiasts have to say about them. It's kind of like when people who don't cook watch cooking shows.

I watch cartoons when reality is getting to be too much to bear. I still watch heavy hardcore dramas too, so it provides a nice balance.

Btw, watching Counterpart right now and it is fantastic.

Mostly escapism. I started streaming the 90s shows I grew up with 10 years ago (X-Men, Batman, The Tick, Beast Wars etc) out of nostalgia, then through Sup Forums got into the then-current Marvel, DC and TF shows, then into things like Regular Show, Adventure Time, Motorcity, Symbionic Titan, Gravity Falls, TMNT, Rebels, Bojack, R&M and so on. I preferred them to live action as I find the majority of people exhausting to deal with in real life, the last thing I want to do with my free time is watch more of them being overly dramatic morons.

That said, most of the shows that interested me have either ended or are about to, and I'm kind of glad. I've gone back to university and have to spend most of my time studying or working now. It's somewhat serendipitous that everything I still watched started ending as I ran out of time and energy to keep following them anyway.

I still watch cartoons because it's easier for me to get into them. With live action stuff unless the acting is absolutely amazing I'm distracted by how fake it all is. With cartoons it's all abstracted enough that I can suspend my disbelief more easily. Also I see more creativity and variety in animation. I don't care if I'm a part of the target demographic of something I care if it's good, fun, or interesting.

>Why do you still watch cartoons Sup Forums?
There's nothing else worthwhile on the TV.

What's the alternative for entertainment?

I dislike reality shows, talk shows are hit-or-miss, the History channel was invaded by aliens, I don't really care for any of the live action serials, day time TV is something I have always avoided, HBO isn't really an option, there aren't even that many current animes airing that I give a shit about.
There are only a few video games I enjoy playing by myself, most of the others I like need more than one player in the room to be really enjoyable and it's not like I can hang out with friends every day.

What am I supposed to do, go out and spend money on booze? Smoke weed? Do hard drugs? Or whatever it is people do these days for cheap adrenaline thrills? Is that what people do these days to feel entertained and stave off the boredom for another minute?
None of that has ever appealed to me. It never looked "fun".

I'm still curious about where SU is going, I just avoid the fandom and even the threads because there's no decent discussion to be found of it here.
I never much cared for R&M. It just never clicked for me.
Fuck the noise that is nu-PPG.

You're an adult, why do you care what other people do to entertain themselves as long as they're not bothering you?
We're all adults here, even if we don't act like it, we can watch and enjoy what we want.

>Judging people who watch cartoons, regardless of age

Nice bait thread, Barneyfag.

Helps me find nice 2d porn. Enjoy the fictional girls, story is extra. Fuck fandoms all are the same.

Nobody over 8 watches Reboot-Puffs, ya dummy.

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