Getting into comics

Jesus Christ, where do you even begin? I tried reading Amazing Spider-man all the way from issue 1 but stopped at issue ten when the age really started to wear away at me. After seeing Logan, I wanted to read some recent X-men shit but was totally lost on who pretty much everyone was. So after that debacle I decided to read up on sniktbub's sister/daughter/clone and found myself cringing through most of X-23 but crying at the end of Target X. What would you recommend for a newbie like me?

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Don't read capeshit.

Fuck off we're full.

Wikipedia is your friend. I’m doesn't take long to familiarize yourself with the characters. Also DON’T read anything Marvel from the last 5 years.


Tell me characters that catch your attention and tell you what good comics to read.
If you want something of x-men that serves for novices, New x-men of morrison is buana option, you only have to know:
-Magneto has its own country of mutants called genosha
-X-23 does not exist yet

I'm a fan of the John Romita Jr. years of Spider-Man.

>pick one that looks cool
>read the first page which has been dedicated to bringing the reader up to speed for the past seven decades
It's not that fucking hard.

There is some good Marvel stuff. Its rare but there

Spider-Man really picks up around issue 31.
If you aren't feeling a part, just speed through part of it. There were some eh villains of the week, that I just sped through for one or two pages of romcom bullshit that I enjoyed. That's one of the best parts of back issues.

Don't read something from the very, very beginning and expect to make way up to the present; it's not gonna happen and might even deter you further from wanting to embrace the medium. Instead, buy classics, read them, and get comfortable with the chracter. Then, research what you want to read and buy it. You can always figure out stuff online if you're confused, too.

Lists like these can help guide you, but the order and which ones you pick is up to you. I recommend Spider-Man Blue, a fabulous one-shot.

And don't be afraid to ask about stuff to others who are familiar with comics. It's a whole world that once you dip your toe in it, it then pulls you in.

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1. Go into your nearest comic selling place.
2. Remember your favorite color.
3. Spin around clockwise three times.
4. Go over to the first comic which has enough of your favorite color on it to immediately catch your eye.
5. Remember the number of your letters in your last name.
6. From the comic with your favorite color on it count left the number of letter in your last name.
7. Buy that comic without looking at it.
8. Go home.
9. Masterbate enough to get aroused but stop before you orgasm.
10. Read comic.

There, you are now officially into comics.

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Learn to be willing to hear shit that you don't know about and not get upset about it, and know that if you actually manage to care about it, you can look it up later.

I don't know why people treat this as some BIG deal.
I like watching period royalty movies. Random shit that I have no context for show up all the time there. If it's important there will be, in general, some explanation for it. If they are not, and I think it's cool, I'll research it later.


pretty much this

t. plebeians

user the only right way to get into comics is just by diving in head first. You read and absorb as much as you can, see what works for you, and then you worry about continuity later. Big events aren't always good reading, but they have the benefit of introducing you to a plethora of new characters. Moreover, trades provide a good way to read complete stories as opposed to the usual monthly floppies. Remember that you don't have to be stuck reading the big 2 (Marvel/DC), and there is still publishers like Image, Dark Horse, and Vertigo. Although given what you've told me, you're looking for Marvel stuff, which I'm sad to say current stuff isn't exactly great material, so you may need to dig back a few years for story arcs.

Anything else I can do for you?

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>not reading capeshit is plebeian

I like cape comics bro, it's just that dumb asses like OP act like every problem inherent in superhero comics can be applied to the rest of the industry. Reading non-superhero comics solves all his problems

The easy way is to go to Comic Book Herald and pick the reading list that really catches you attention and just download them off GetComics, then go buy the ones you like the most

Also DC is way easier to get into and is now at a much better place than Marvel, so I'd say start there

Following on this, the right way is to just go over to GetComics, go to the DC Week/Marvel Week section, look up which week the latest reboot happened and then just downloading everything from then on, reading whatever seems cool from each week. Then when you've been at it for a while go back and read the classics.

Thing is, Marvel has been mostly shit since like 2011 (or 2002 depending on who you ask) so you might want to go with DC if you go down this path Forums_Recommended_Comics_Wiki
I recommend you checking your local library as well

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Best place is to have a friend who's already into comics help you out,Or you can just go into a comic book store and ask for any recommendations. Comics is an entire medium not just capes. It's like say I've never watched TV before what's good

>not reading capeshit

*Saying "I've never watched TV before, what's good" *
Sorry I'm retarded

claiming all cape is bad and non cape is by default better is pretty plebeian, yes

Fuck, been doing it wrong since I was 5!

Not to be that guy, but Marvel comics kind of suck ass. You should try DC if you're into capeshit

DC Comics > DC Cartoons > Marvel Movies > DC Movies > Marvel Cartoons > Marvel Comics

If you don't like any DC, then this site will help you navigate Marvel:

Check out the other links on there, too.

I would also recommend as it is a repository for recommendation images made here, although years out of date
Someone should really update it all

With Capes, starting from issue #1 is almost always the wrong answer. I mean fuck, you usually know their origin story already.
What you want to do is read a particular writer's run, their time writing a title or character.
For instance, if you want to read Spider-Man, you might start with Dan Slott, the current writer whose stranglehold is finally letting loose after 15 years.
Or you want to read Batman, the last great paradigm shift was with Morrison, whose time writing Batman spread over several titles.

After you've got some continuity under your belt, then you start reading the old stuff.

Non-big Two stuff tends to be shorter, so Issue #1 usually is the right place to start.

You sound like no matter what you won't like anything.

I think comics just probably aren't for you.

Usually you find the start of a writers time on a character and go from there. Hopefully a celebrated writer.

Capeshit can be good, but some people (OP) shouldn't read it because they have the wrong mindset for it.

They're just "getting into comics" and they're more worried about where to start reading based on their favorite movies instead of just what comics are good and enjoyable. For OP, comics will always be the lesser medium, the shadow of the movies, unless you change their mindset. The image in offers a good approach to that problem, but not focusing on capeshit is the main key to saving OP.

Did you even read my post you absolute mongoloid?

>t. Grant Morrison