Sup Forums Meme thread

We shall discuss recent memes, normie or otherwise, that've spawned from Sup Forums content

Attached: SavagePatrick.jpg (700x453, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Let me go check facebook and maybe I can report back


This face reaction.

Attached: ThomasinTrouble11.png (1024x768, 634K)

I would prefer not to see the show get ravaged by shit like this, but at this point the show is approaching Zombie Simpsons level.

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Nigga it's been there for years. Like Simpsona it's at the point where the bad outweighs the good

Attached: i'm tired of this shit.jpg (704x914, 139K)

Spongebob is normie bait when it comes to memes.

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You think this up by yourself, user?

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Attached: Thanos Star.jpg (702x708, 51K)

I'm digging the Gru memes

Attached: Gru on WW2.jpg (800x420, 70K)

getting the marshall plan was way better than dealing with the Treaty of Versailles. Don't think genocide was necessary to get the marshall plan though.

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I'm not sure if there are other recent memes besides these 2

I could post Sup Forums related examples of non-Sup Forums memes if you want.

Let's do it

Attached: 554.jpg (647x450, 79K)

>He says as SpongeBob's actually getting genuinely good again

>not changing the coffee mugs as well

Attached: image.jpg (400x591, 78K)

what should it say? also the resolution is too crappy to read what it says as is.

I usually don't mind Spongebob memes, some are funny.

But this one is just fucking stupid. There's nothing that funny about this frame. It's a fucking inbetween, not even an actual face.

This and the Peter tripping meme both make me wish someone would hack into and shut down Twitter already
I know that 2 months is an eternity on the internet, but whatever.

I'm so fucking sick of steamed hams.

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Where did this come from exactly? I mean, I could tell from the shape of Pat's eyebrows that it was from one of the early seasons - but I don't seem to remember watching him pulling a face like that?

The mugs in the original pic look like they say "Louder Crowder".

Attached: edgar allan whuh.jpg (500x285, 22K)

from the angle and background I think it's when Patrick is hiding on one of those rocks trying to hunt Spongebob when he was trying to be a jellyfish

and you can see part of the net in the lower left corner, so I'm pretty sure it's from Naturepants

So am I, user. Some of these are great.

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Anyone know how i can bypass the ban my phone has so i can get a new instagram account to look at all the memes again? I got banned because i was posting rule 34.

Kek that's the first one I've genuinely enjoyed.

Attached: IMG-20180312-WA0016.jpg (640x410, 42K)

Get a vpn app, maybe?

Attached: IMG-20180315-WA0017.jpg (460x444, 29K)

Attached: lcIUQG4.png (1456x932, 990K)

What is that?

Basically, when you turn it on, it masks your phone's IP address

Kind of a dumb joke, but I chuckled

Last one I have

Attached: GJDW6eC.png (1024x656, 998K)

Attached: cngru.jpg (540x339, 44K)

it's less shitty, but still not good.

holy fuck this one is great

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Attached: 239.png (607x767, 688K)


Attached: tfgru.png (680x680, 577K)

Attached: hlgru.jpg (680x504, 70K)

I lost it

Attached: gru2.jpg (1080x1080, 61K)

Thats fucking grrat.

10 fucking years.


Jeez, these 4-panel Gru comics are terrible. It's just good thing, good thing, bad thing, bad thing. There's no creativity at all put in them, not even the character poses in the background have any originality.

How come things like this and steamed hams get dredged up and pushde, successfully, to meme status?

>two months is eternity
No. It only depends on how long the meme would last and how relevant it will be for the coming years. Some memes today existed a long time ago and we just didn't know its origins because we're too lazy to research. But I couldn't think of a long existing memethere but I'm sure it's out there.

Like the loss meme?

you don’t have to like it but you could atleast understand the simple comedy behind it instead of bein pretentious.

These Gru memes are great

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Attached: you DENSE motherfucker.jpg (1252x1252, 173K)

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is there a that's my purse I don't know you change my mind version

challenge accepted

turns out I can't do it

also some guys want to talk to you

It never ends, does it?

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