Infinity War first 20 minutes Leak

Opening scene is Thanos watching from a ship at the destruction his home world, Titan.


Thanos and his forces have attacked Xandar and are going for the Power Stone. The Black order manage to break in and kill most of the people inside the Nova corps except Nova Prime and a few others. Thanos then makes his appearance in a very Darth Vader esque fashion. He demands to know where the power stone is but Nova prime refuses to tell him so he has Ebony maw torture her. They gave it to Rhomann who is escaping the planet with his family but Thanos spots them and brings the ship down an energy blast from his hand.

He retrieves the stone and spares the family or at least you assume he does. He leaves the planet but while in Orbit he test the power stone out on the planet, wiping all life away.

Cut to earth and you see Iron Man, Spider-Man etc all going about their days and stuff.

Back to space with Thor and co. at the end of Ragnarok. Loki tells Thor they need to escape now but the ship comes under fire. Valkyrie, Heimdall, and Korg take some of the survivors away. Meanwhile Thor, Loki and Hulk stay behind to fight Thanos. Loki and Thor fight members of the Black order while Hulk goes after Thanos. Hulk gets a few good hits in but Thanos wipes the floor with him after getting annoyed. Loki wants Thanos to spare his brother and in return he'll give him the space stone. Thanos agrees and spares Thor but kills Loki and forces Thor to watch.

He flings Thor into deep space and sends Hulk to earth with the space stone. He tells Hulk to let them know he's coming.

Hulk is then seen falling to earth like a comet, alerting Tony and Dr Strange.

Attached: Avengers-Infinity-War.jpg (1600x800, 95K)

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Do you have a link to this?

Sounds pretty good. I really did want to see Thanos knock the green off Banner

Cool, did they leak the rest of the movie yet? Kinda pointless to only have the first 20 mins.

>Thanos punks Hulk

Hope that's without the IG, Thanos should be well above their paygrade not even counting the gauntlet.

It would definitely set the tone early.

This feels like almost exactly what I speculated to my wife. I'll believe it, and not even feel spoiled.

>Loki wants Thanos to spare his brother and in return he'll give him the space stone. Thanos agrees and spares Thor but kills Loki and forces Thor to watch.
Must be this scene

Attached: 1521207030755.jpg (1679x699, 36K)

>He retrieves the stone and spares the family or at least you assume he does. He leaves the planet but while in Orbit he test the power stone out on the planet, wiping all life away.
I kind of want to see Thanos laugh about it like this

>Thanos agrees and spares Thor but kills Loki and forces Thor to watch.
You know, I seen this pop up a few times now, and I'm legit surprised they would off Loki like that.

But then again, it is fucking Loki.

>>Thanos destroys Xandar and the Asgardians
>>Wakanda will be the triumphant ones.
This irks me because Wakanda just appeared.

This "leak" is basically 100% what we've been guessing will happen already which if anything, the lack of anything creative or interesting proves this leak is true

What gives you that idea? Everyone is going to lose

>Implying he won't be back after everything is fixed in part 2

>Killing off Loki
I mean, people have been saying it for a long time now. But I kind of hoped because of Hiddleston's attraction to audiences, they wouldn't do it and would keep setting up the "Saviour of Asgard!" title he gave himself.

Yeah, remember when Loki died back in Thor Dark World?

Oh wait.

I am still skeptical over that since fucking Thor 2 brought that up.

>Yeah, remember when Loki died back in Thor Dark World?
But it was teased at the stinger in the end of the movie that was fake. It wasn't like, retconned in the next film years later or something.

Because we're going to have a Black Panther II.
If all the death is just waved away, people would be pissed.
That's what I meant by "It is fucking Loki"

>Because we're getting Black Panther 2
So? No shit we will. But that's not for a while, and any damage will be reversed by then

I don't expect any BP characters to die, just canon fodder. I expect Xandar and Asgard to be extinct.

>Thanos agrees and spares Thor but kills Loki and forces Thor to watch.
but it turns out Loki is alive except he's become retarded. so, Gut-- I mean, Thor in Thor 5 is going to the Elf King's place to recover Loki's mind.

I don't think they'll pull that shit off a second time. Loki will probably say, as he lays on the ground dying, "it's... real this time... brother..."

Yeah its not like they have an all powerful gauntlet to undo everything...

Vision will probably go YAMERO to stop the massacre. Thanos doesn't look like a total and might be willing to bargain.

Do you really think they will undo all the effects of this film?

A film that they hype up for 10 years that would basically be "It was all a dream" levels of irrelevant? Why not just crash your movie studio right there?

Very much this. Which means a lot of major characters built up over the past several movies will die. A few might not come back, or will return only to die again permanently. We should have an idea of which those are by now.

I don't expect Loki to spell it out for us, probably a Black Order goon will say something like "Even he knew he couldnt trick his way out of that" or maybe have Loki TRY to weasel his way out but they catch him (Like Thor did with the ship stealing scene in Ragnarok), so the audience knows it's for real this time

I was hoping that they would try and at least make a Juha Bach vs Aizen fight with Thanos and Loki.

Hopefully they will kill him permanently and don’t pull the Thor 2 thing.

In this film? Hell no. In Avengers 4? You bet your ass they will. Why? BECAUSE THEY DID THE EXACT SAME SHIT IN THE INFINITY GAUNTLET STORY. Some characters might remain dead, but Xandar and Asgardians might get saved. Remember, Avengers 4 is part 2, with a fully assembled gauntlet capable of anything

That's the thing, they can't have a "it'll all be undone" copout at the end of this film. People would feel very ripped off. I think a lot of this stuff will be gone for good.

> this leak is true
Except it is bullshit. Cobie summers already confirmed on Kimmel to be in Infinity War but none of the bullshit leaks ever said her part. Either she is lying or the leaks are bullshit like the Black Panther ones saying Killmonger and T'challa were brothers.

The MCU is getting crowded enough. Might as well blow up Xandar and Asgard. You saw how casually they killed Thor's supporting cast in Ragnarok. If they were sticking with the cop out idea, why let Valkyrie, Korg and Miek escape? Shouldn't they kill everyone on that ship except Thor?

It's very disappointing. I was hoping this is not the case. Feige lied when he said Loki might show up for a while alongside Thanos when answering a question on whether Thanos has any company. It's disheartening.

Or maybe her part is minor and not worth a mention

Then Thor would be king of nothing. I think we can spare 2 races of literally who background characters who don't matter and probably wont see again

This isn’t the first time. Feige already lies about Spider-Man being long away and he is probably also lying about having no plans for F4.

>Juha Bach vs Aizen fight with Thanos and Loki
kek I don't think Loki has Aizen's swagger and ball size.

Which is why I get the idea that they will be gone for good. Still annoyed that Asgard ended up meaning nothing in the long run in the MCU.

If Loki is the major death then count me in. Nothing of value was lost.

I hate to be blunt, but if Loki is indeed dead, then you might as well kill Thor off. You can't really continue the Thor franchise without Loki

I don't think it is appropriate to lie in front of a whole room full of comic con goers. Lying to a reporter, fine, but saying that to so many avid fans is just terrible.

Loki was a good villain though. At least killing him, Captain America, Vision and Drax/Gamora would be a good way to give off weight and make it the grand finale to the MCU (even though there are more movies after Thor 2)

Loki was a comic relief in Ragnarok more than an antagonist. I don't think he's essential to the stories as long as you pair him up with other characters, like Hulk.

OP here I'll post a a detailed part 2 tomorrow but for now I'll just give some basics.

-Thanos actually has 3 stones when he fights Cap. Power, Space and Reality.

-The Collector gave the Reality Stone to Nebula who has been in his employment for the past few years. He knew Thanos was coming and got it out of there.

-Nebula shows up on Titan where she gets her ass kicked and the stone taken

-Tony and the rest on Titan all get their asses kicked and Thanos teleports to Wakanda

-Thanos fights Cap and Bucky in Wakanda and whips them pretty easily. Ebony who got split up with the Black order brings him the time stone

-Thanos fights Vision who uses the Mind stone against him and we see flashbacks to Thanos being born, his youth etc

-Thanos snaps out of it and destroys vision taking the Mind stone

-Thanos sacrifices Gamora and puts her "Soul" in the soul stone

-Iron man and co make it back to earth and Iron man brings cap his shield. Cap gives them a morale boost and says Avengers!! Assemble!!

-But they lose anyways and Cap dies. The avengers mourn for him but its short lived as Thanos snaps his fingers and they notice people start dropping over dead. Wakanda soldiers, Pepper potts, Happy, Hawkeyes wife and Child, the blond news reporter Tony slept with in Iron Man 1, Stan Lee, and random nobodies.

-Thanos smiles and his eyes turn pitch black.

Disney will want to end on a high note, which will include Thor rebuilding a new home for his people. They'll fix it with a literal handwave. I know Thor shit has been mishandled, but they'll retcon their deaths anyway. After all, Thor's getting a new weapon

They could reveal that Hela survived and then Thor has to go on a wacky adventure with her Unlimited Blade Works Sister (only without her unlimited source of power)

Can you not see how Killmonger and T'Challa could have been mistaken for brothers if the leaker didn't actually sit down and watch the whole movie? Honestly, with the nature of leaks, as far as I'm concerned, kinda right it still okay with me

He definitely has a large, mostly female, fanbase, but I dont think that's going to deter the plan to kill him off.

Loki gets decapitated.

>But it was teased at the stinger in the end of the movie that was fake.
Your point stands, but it was actually the final scene of the main movie. The stinger was the Collector scene.

At that point though, Thor's films would have absolutely nothing in common with his source material. I guess Valkyrie, but I feel like you make Thor with no stable anchors that he might as well be any other superhero at that point. It would be like Spider-Man but you killed MJ, Aunt May, JJJ, and every supporting character. At what point does it stop being that original character?

>Cap dying

FUCK ME! This sounds the most legit of all the leaks I've read so far!

I have one question does Mantis do anything special?

Attached: tumblr_p01oq8YuFP1r9u466o1_500.png (421x500, 276K)

In this case I wish he had stayed dead at the end of Thor 2. It's tragic how a great character gets wasted and goes out like this.

>The avengers mourn for him but its short lived as Thanos snaps his fingers and they notice people start dropping over dead. Wakanda soldiers, Pepper potts, Happy, Hawkeyes wife and Child, the blond news reporter Tony slept with in Iron Man 1, Stan Lee, and random nobodies.
misstep here. this should be end credits. Cap's death and the reaction(Tony breaking down etc) should be the final scene prior to the credits. have to give the audience time to take it all in before throwing another one at them.

Never going to happen, but I thought of a cool sequence for Avengers 4 when they rally against Thanos for round 2
>Doctor Strange disappears from the fight for a brief bit
>Everyone is getting their asses kicked
>He portals back to the fight
>"Where the hell have you been?"
>"I....made a bargain...."
>Dormammu manifests to enter the fight, buying The Avengers some time to think of something else

Attached: Dormammu.jpg (1080x1080, 171K)

>I don't think he's essential to the stories as long as you pair him up with other characters, like Hulk.
or BETA RAY BILL. loads of Thor stories out there that they can do that doesn't require Loki.

I really doubt they can do Beta Ray Bill right with the fact that Thor has his people escape on a ship and his new hammer is Stormbreaker.

Shit, having a hammer without the Odin spell means it's worthless anyways.

>Dormammu I've come to bargain. Actually that's not true. See, there's this purple dude who's been talking all kinds of shit about you. Says you look like shitty CGI and if he ever met you face to face you'd be like this flaming gay dude. Man, if I were you I wouldn't put up with it.

Kind of a transparent lie, if you think about it. I mean, if there were scenes of Loki alongside Thanos or his minions from later in the movie, the trailer guys wouldn't have been able to resist using a clip of it to show the threat the heroes face. Instead, all we've got is Loki handing Thanos the cube, and a shot of the Black Order having their weapons trained on him.

No because the Black Panther leaks had shit wrong like Killmonger's dad being T'challa's professor and a subplot about T'challa's dad cheating on T'challa's mom. These leakers are full of shit who probably learn a couple of plot points and then make up the rest as they go. I seen the leaks two times and not once Hill was in any of them but she is confirmed for the film.

Lying to a reporter is fine because you don't want to spoil it. But lying to a roomful of fans is cruel.

When did he say this? Source?

Brazil comicon.

2min in

> smiles and his eyes turn pitch black.
So death appears in Avengers 4.


She doesn't do much at all unfortunately.

Death actually appears twice or at least I think its death. The first time is when Thanos is watching his world be destroyed, a black mass cloaked figure is seen standing behind him. The second time is in his flashback to his youth, you see the same cloaked figure again. You can't see its face, just the cloak and Thanos never acknowledges it at all during the film.

It's quite creepy to be honest.

Does Loki show up in flashbacks after he dies?

> mass destruction of Xandar

I'm starting to think the brothers Russo and Marvel Studios genuinely don't understand The Infinity Gauntlet as a story.

Attached: wholecakeisland nutshell.jpg (255x246, 37K)

>Stan Lee
Top kek

How so?

He maybe believes it should not have survived its prior encounter with the Power Stone?

Seconding this.

Thanos' quest for the gems doesn't have any significance if it's shown he can do the same just as easily with one of the gems. Also it's more murderporn that have made the MCU very stale in terms of stakes.

Does Mephisto appear as a right hand man for Thanos?

Cap dying either here or in part 2 is all but confirmed, Evans's contract is done.

I call bullshit on him dying in Infinity War. He should die in Avengers 4

>Killing Loki

Fan girl tears. Thank you based Russos!

I expect a massive surge of fanart following his death.

Question: Does Bucky do anything? I have hard time believing he would still live after Steve dies.

Then cuts to Thanos sitting down in a chair.

"Fuck, I need to rest my legs."

Do BP side characters like Shuri interact with the Avengers?

That's why only a fraction of those that die will remain permanently dead after Part 2. As long as the few that die for good are characters of significant importance, the audience will accept a bunch of the others getting revived along with a handful of minor characters and a huge amount of nobodies.

What I'm saying here is, a lot of named characters will die, but only Tony and Steve and maybe one or two others are going to be permanently dead by the end. People that really wanna cry foul will cry foul, but that'll be enough for most people.

> Bucky not saving Steve and dying in his place

I don't believe you

This sounds so fucking made up, and anyone who's been paying attention to everything they confirmed happens, could peace more than half of this together.

Bucky is a damn side character. He'll probably stand in the background and have like 3 lines.

Given Stan's age and his recent health troubles, there's no fucking why they would have Stan Lee's cameo be him dying.

Confirmed fake.

You would need Gaea, Beta Ray Bill, Valkyrie, and Korg, at least.

> Killing Stan

Holy shit that would be in super poor taste. No way that happens.

I'm 90% sure the pre-title prologue will be Gamora's world being invaded and Thanos adopting her.

Marvel movies almost always start with a flashback to the past which becomes significant in the story.

No BP parts?

>killing a child in a movie

Marvel is stupid, but they're not retarded

Either he or Sam will be the next Cap. They need to develop towards that.

> but Thanos spots them and brings the ship down an energy blast from his hand...
Very good was really hoping they would not skip on that power. Just hope it's not from the glove.
> Hulk gets a few good hits in but Thanos wipes the floor with him after getting annoyed
Is he wearing the armor during this? (Please god).

I don't really see why people are acting like directors lying to drum up artificial hype is anything new. Michael Bay did that all the time, remember when Sentinel Prime WASN'T the main villain for Dark of the Moon? Me neither.

Shit, that's a legitimitely cool design for Dormmamu instead of the quasi-Galactus we got.

> Bitter about the bad things that happened to his people.
> Justifies his thuggery with a persecution complex.
> Views his daughter as a tool, not a person.
> Creepily abuses his daughters.

He's literally Space Magneto.

Everyone dying would be retarded as the audience would simply shrug and not care, as that's obviously bullshit.

Yeah I'm still willing to bet there's only going to be one major death and it's going to be Gamora.
Also you all know there's only going to be one movie right?

>where's my gold one-eyed willy.jpg