Sonic Mania Plus Encore mode

Got any theories of what this will be like? In depth changes or just minor alterations?

Different enemies maybe? Certainly an altered layout.

Attached: ray and mighty.jpg (334x151, 15K)

This is Sup Forums not Sup Forums

We can talk about Sonic Mania Adventures though

This is not Sup Forums, my dude.

Hey buddy, I think you've got the wrong door. Sup Forums's two blocks down.

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Oh shit... well, 'sonic mania adventures' thread, then...

It looks pretty good, like the Sonic CD cutscenes. I like Boxer Hockey too, pretty sure the same guy did that.

>tfw Tyson axed Boxer Hockey and will never to give it a proper conclusion
[Komm, süßer Tod blaring in the background]

>Mighty is Sonic with a wall-jump and semi-Knuckles strength (breaks walls on a touch, but still can't enter Knux-only areas)
>Ray is literally Knuckles without his strength at all, only the climbing and gliding

fuck you

Can't believe No classic Amy. I'm happy for mighty and Ray tho. It'll be interesting to finally play as them and also watch them in the adventures cartoon

Well its not like you can actually talk about video games on Sup Forums anyway.

i hoping they're not either just reskins of sonic, tails & knuckles or have a dumb gimmick.

which is pretty much 97% of side characters in sonic so I'm not that optimistic.

she was never playable in the classic games

>Archie axed Sonic Mega Drive and will never give it a proper conclusion

Attached: 035.jpg (1988x3056, 911K)

that saddens me since it was the only sonic comic i liked

And Ray has only ever been playable in a rare trackball-controlled isometric arcade game. He's never been in a 2D platformer. If they added classic Amy and she played like she does in the GBA games, it would have been perfect. She wouldn't feel like a reskin of another character either, since she plays quite differently

Attached: SonicCDScreen1-article_image.jpg (418x293, 41K)

if she played like she did in the GBA games i can see her being useful in platforming heavy levels but not much else.

the problem with adding playable characters in sonic is that tails & knuckles basically cover most of the bases that a new character would cover.

The big problem there is Advance Amy requires two buttons. They seem pretty dedicated to keeping the one button system for Mania.

i'd post on Sup Forums myself were it not for certain dingleberries getting my isp blocked.

Sonic mania is overrated and Amy is defined by her connection to Sonic like it's 1950

all for Riverdale and horror, but we all know that well gonna's dry up soon.

>come on guis it's the current year!

>Four buttons
>The Config screen only shows two buttons marked Jump.
>The third activates Super Sonic
>The fourth is left blank but defaults to Jump
How easy it would be to make that fourth button an "Attack" function for Amy.

another tumblrcode to filter