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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm going to email him and tell him just what I think about this

>He may seem a little cynical at first, but once you get to know him you'll see he's ten times more cynical than that
I laughed

The fact this was made like three days ago fills me with existential dread

I think there's some level of self-awareness here ... I hope

The old Internet is sure a ge-
What the fuck.

I would watch Titania whore herself on twitch desu

Attached: tumblr_p0oearUCSK1tv2iceo1_1280.gif (1279x635, 83K)

The author of this comic is stuck in a time warp, unable to progress beyond 2005

Please, help them

Attached: tumblr_otbhevJAAl1tv2iceo1_1280 (1).gif (1279x750, 88K)


I wanna see Titania's Titanias




Attached: tumblr_ounhwmsYb71tv2iceo1_1280 (1).gif (1279x1279, 145K)

Fuck helping him, I want into that time warp!

Pyro has good taste.

Attached: 5c77bb23e40a28627de7a769fa95f758.png (1369x1500, 986K)

>All of this outdated cringey gamer humour
>Lazy, lackluster copy-paste art
>Cookie-cutter webcomic character archetypes
>Didn't even fucking bother to colour the thing in
Holy shit, this HAS to be a parody, there's no way this could've been made non-ironically. He had to have watched that Zero Punctuation video and deliberately make the comic like this. He couldn't have made this thing thinking it'd be original or funny.


this has been updating consistently for three years and there's no signs whatsoever it's a parody

Attached: tumblr_p1hk7rx9uC1tv2iceo1_1280 (1).gif (1279x1279, 113K)

Oh god...

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why the fuck did the punch line not use the term 'lack-o-lantern'!!

Inb4 Loss-edit

Doesn't hold a candle to the only good gaming webcomic series

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>games were incredible in the 90s
>have been a dump since
Well that explains it - both his gaming tastes and his webcomic tastes are from decades ago.

This has got to be some kind of meta-joke, but something about them being dragons just feels like it's being played dead straight.

Attached: 2012-04-16-Comic-Relief.jpg (900x682, 326K)

As someone who frequents /vr/ I can assure you the super cynical ones are actually just people trying their hardest to fit in thinking people who play retro games despise modern gaming rather than just not being that into them for various reasons.


>on the brink of collapse
I'm so fucking sick of this stupid god damned myth being perpetuated still. The crash wasn't some near end of the world scenario for video games the most that would've ever happened if Nintendo didn't release the NES in America is that they would've had a more computer focused gaming market like Europe did at the time.

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You can't deny Sup Forums, especially the videogame boards, are also packed with contrarians though

>causal gamer