Bcb - Bittersweet Candy Bowl

it continues

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Where is head fixing user, PLEASE

Give final fantasy cat the birthday party he never had.

Don't hold back, Augustus! Leap into Lucy's mother's bosom!

Why does that cat looks like a twink? I seen gay porn with subs that look far less gay than this guy.

man I have the most specific autism for this shit because I see a fuccboi with a buckled choker, I'm thinking Galerians

Don't read this comic

it shouldn't.

>she goes bananas for birthdays
Lucy's 16th is in like five weeks. God know how long the comic will take to go there, though, or if it'll just skip it.

If this comic was more popular on Tumblr the Lucy x Augustus ship would be decried as pedophilic

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She's a whole two years and five weeks younger than him after all.


because he literally is a twink catboy

Is it just me or are these recent updates coming out earlier?

>Keep making this the bes ship
>In the end Taeshi will just make MikeXLucy happen as endgame because she is creatively bankrupt.

...you may want to check the /trash/ thread

Daylight's savings ended. Or started. I don't remember.

They already have Daylight Saving Time in America. If you're in Europe, the updates come out an hour early until we also get DST, in two weeks.


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We've found the one, und precisely von, person Lucy isn't a complete ass to and of course Taeshi says she still has her set for Mike. Why give them such good chemistry then?

>magically nicer Lucy
I do not like this whole fixed-by-timeskip deal. Shit's forced.

This whole thing seems awkward because his coloration makes it look like he's wearing everything but pants.

>Escape Route
>"Lucy reckons with a fragment of the past."
Alejandro is coming back with a vengeance, just you wait.

Let's have some fun.

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I started this a while ago but I can't draw for shit

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For a second I thought you were a huge faggot but inspecting the image further revealed you to be a man of taste.

What are you talking about? The time skip had nothing to do with Lucy and Augustus getting along. This has been building up since like volume 3 and he saved her life after she tried to off herself. If anything, this is one of the few relationships in the comic that makes sense.

They've both been consistently snarky and pushy toward each other. Lucy's sudden niceness is way out of the blue.

She's pushy and snarky to people she likes.

As someone who got into this super recently and skipped 90% of all the chapters except the shit that relates to December, I'm enjoying it.

I just like watching dumb drama and a comic that has actual consistent scheduling.

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Prediction- They are about to bone(or at least heavy petting), and eventually she will wear his collar under her ribbon.

>happy birthday loser
She's still snarky though

She's never nice to people she likes unless it's the pets.

i cant believe lucy's mom will invite alejandro and toby to the party.

This is kind of sweet and I hate it.

I've been thinking and I'm starting to think this chapter will be about Augustus and Daisy instead of Alejandro. I don't have it saved but I remember Tae posting some spoiler dialogue on twitter or someplace where Daisy bitches Lucy out for forcing Augustus to stay away from her. That shit was months ago so I'm hoping it won't be too long until we see it.

I'm kind of hoping for a plot point where it turns out Lucy told Aug to stay away from Daisy at least partially because she didn't want anybody coming between them. I mean, if you're only going to have one friend you don't want them fucking around with the people you're avoiding.

Postan without image this time here's hoping I'm not b&

Why not? It looks cute.

That would actually be a good development and fly in the face of Lucy's supposed selfless martyr bit.

>I remember Tae posting some spoiler dialogue on twitter or someplace where Daisy bitches Lucy out for forcing Augustus to stay away from her
I thought it was Lucy lecturing Daisy about not considering Augustus as a love interest because....Lucy always knows best or something. I don't know. If Daisy won't to forget the "attempted rape" and get her fat hands on emocat I don't know why it's Lucy's business.

Ah, that early-chapter lull when there's nothing to talk about...

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>Lucy lecturing Daisy about not considering Augustus as a love interest because....Lucy always knows best or something.
Please no. Taeshi has made Lucy an insufferable Mary Sue already and this goes against Lucy's standing orders that Augustus not go near Daisy.