Since people are going to die and get resurrected in Infinity War and Avengers 4 thanks to infinity gem shenanigans...

Since people are going to die and get resurrected in Infinity War and Avengers 4 thanks to infinity gem shenanigans, can we please bring Pietro back? It was stupid of Whedon to kill him off to begin with

Attached: Quickslav.jpg (2000x3991, 1.27M)

Bring him back as Evan Peters and combine the universes.

But he had a whole ten minutes of screen time, what are you talking about?

Hot take: Kick-Ass was way better as Pietro, Peters just had cooler special effects.

He was killed off since the deal with Fox was that since they both can use the twins thanks to legal fuckery, Disney would kill off their quick silver in exchange for exclusive Scarlet Witch usage.

They're not going to keep that canon and you know it
That's Whedon's script issue. He was kind of a waste like Ultron
This. FOX Pietro is just a glorified sequence and not really a character

Yeah but won't that become irrelevant come next year when the Fox acquisition is finalized?

Finally someone with the guts to tell the truth

What would the X-Men movies even do with Wanda though?

The thing they will do with Dark Phoneix

>Evan Peters
He will be the new Iceman, not gay maybe

It was stupid to include him or Wanda at all, the whole point of having them was to set up for an Inhumans movie that never happened.

They are classic Avengers, they should have been included for that reason.

Their convoluted backstory added nothing to the crap movie they were shoehorned into.

Hank Pym's a classic Avenger, he didn't get on the team. Janet Van Dyne hasn't even been in a movie yet. Simon Williams was going to be a cameo in GOTG2.

You can blame Edgar Wright for the Ant Man/Wasp thing

He will be one of the following:

> A fake Pietro living in a pocket dimension created by Wanda.

> Chthon disguised as a fake Pietro.

> A fake Pietro revived by Thanos.

Muh Magneto

She'd be a narrative cocksleeve for Magneto, and a lazy plot device.

That's what Wanda always is in X-Men stories.

I do. Often.

But I blame Whedon for basically why most of the MCU sucks now. Civil War would've actually felt impactful (except for the five second "Did you know?" scene, that shit was golden) if we'd had an Avengers team story that showed them as a team. Iron Man 3 would have been a crucial piece of character development if its finale wasn't entirely undone. AoU was the worst MCU film, through and through. Worse than Dark World, because at least Dark World can be forgotten, AoU's legacy still haunts every film, although at least its best bit was salvaged and put in Black Panther.

"Convoluted backstory"? Their backstory in the movie was "orphans who had mad science happen to them." You think I wasn't upset about Hank and Jan, too? And Simon was one of the most important members of the first Guardians team.

I do agree with you, though, Age of Ultron was fucking awful. Movie made me so mad.

I know, user. We lash out at each other in pain, but deep down we know that pain only comes from love.

>MCU resurrects Pietro
>it's that dude from the X-Men movies instead

Curse you, monkey paw!

You say that like the MCU has done anything interesting with her. She's been mostly a prop with plot-relevant powers.

I blame Ike and Whedon.

This just isn't true. Whedon was planning to kill Quicksilver before Fox had even decided to use him in DoFP.


The original script for DoFP had a young Juggernaut recruited for the jailbreak scene. After it was announced that AoU would feature Wanda and Pietro, they changed it to Quicksilver so they'd steal Marvel's thunder by having the first live-action Quicksilver.

Years before that, Whedon had discussed ideas for an Avengers sequel with Fiege, after work on the 1st movie was completed, but before release, and had decided on killing Quicksilver back then.

Make her the miniboss to a brotherhood terrorist attack the X-Men have to stop

I'm glad Whedon got the Vision/Scarlet Witch thing into the movies against all odds after most of Marvel treated her as solely an X-Men character (see her being left out of the Avengers cartoon because she was Magneto's daughter in the Wolverine & the X-Men cartoon).

But it probably screwed up the sequel. Everyone wanted to see the six original Avengers from the first movie, not all these new people.

I wonder though if the original plan was to have Avengers 3 be about the new team that was formed at the end of AoU, and then have the originals come back to save the day in Avengers 4. Then it all got scrambled up when they decided to shoehorn the Avengers into Captain America 3.

>I'm glad Whedon got the Vision/Scarlet Witch thing into the movies against all odds

Just think about it, ten years ago in the comics, he was dead, and she was a pariah who didn't even get to appear in the Avengers cartoon.

Things still aren't good for them in the comics, but millions of normies know who they are, and we're weeks away from seeing them as a couple in the biggest movie of the year.

Am I a retard for liking MCU Quicksilver more than FOX Quicksilver?

Attached: Quicksilver.webm (960x540, 3M)

I liked Quickslav more too. While he didn't have much screen time, I think you got the sense of his character pretty well
>Overly protective of his sister
>Friendly rivalry with Clint

>wanting Human Plot Device back
No thanks, bring QS back, the real WS, not the one who requires slow motion to show that he can go super fast

I wouldnt see that coming

Not at all, unlike Fox’s QS, which couldn’t even get his name right, the MCU version had actual character and depth to him despite a lack of screen time. Joss should have stuck to his guns and had Hawkeye killed off, it would have made Civil War far more better and would have had a major impact on everyone, but mostly QS and SW

Yeah, to make up for Coulson coming back to life, ostensibly.
What great contributions you bring to the table.

No, he was so much better as a character.

man he is so dang handsome

Attached: avengers-ultron-quicksilver.gif (500x183, 1.99M)