Getting American comics in Europe

How do my fellow europoors get their american comics?
I tried Mile High Comics, Midtown Comics and MyComicShop but all three of those suffer from a combination of high shipping fee and extremely high shipping delays.
Amazon has next to nothing and then you're pretty much left with local comic shops that have nothing in English apart from what random people sold them.

>inb4 you don't need to read comics in English
I agree in principle, I'm not too triggered by translated dialogs but what grinds my gears to no end is characters' names being translated.

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pls respond

Bookdepository has free worldwide shupping as far as I know. No idea if they carry floppies/trades though.
Instocktrades is another site, no idea if they ship outside of burgerland.
Comixology has a .eu version too, if you don't mind digital.

If neither of those work, you're probably shit outta luck, unless your country has a shop that imports.

Don't bother, burger comics are shit

Where do you lives?

I'm from France but currently in Spain for a few months.
I tried looking around the local comic shops as I thought it'd be a good way of learning spanish but I came across a Deadpool comics where his name was translated to "Masacre". I put it back down and walked out.

There's a comic shop in the capital that lets you subscribe at anything (from Big 2 to stuff like Boom or Valiant), and sends you your subs once every month. Prices go: 3$ = 3.2E, 4$ = 4.4E, 5$ = 5.6E and so on.


You talking about Madrid there?
Is it Akira Comics?

In the UK you can get them really easily through Forbidden Planet, you can probably get them from there too, but shipping might be a bitch

If you're in France it should be super easy to get them in a comic store (it is for me at least) and hy the hell would you want to buy US comics wen visiting Spain?

There's actually a Forbidden Planet in my hometown (in France), I'll see what the can do when I get back there.

Order from the UK maybe? There are plenty of comic stores over here and if you order in bulk shipping probably won't be too much.

must agree.

in germany all american comix are translated and sold on every corner.

I'm not visiting, I'm there for work for four months and I don't want to stop buying comics while I'm there.


funny story.. deadpool was copyrighted and maerbel american managers went with massacre. you should piss on Stan Lees gave for that.

user, come on, we're talking DENBTS here...

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The duck comics sold here aren't really that American tho. The main format is an anthology containing multiple Duck stories from several countries, but mainly from Italy. When you think about it, American comics play a small fiddle around here. Ducks are widespread, Manga is in every bookstore, but good luck finding a floppy here.

Actually checked Forbidden Planets' website and they do ship in all of Europe. Postage fee is 8£ which is kind of expensive but not retardedly so, and at least shipping won't take 4 to 6 weeks.

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>what grinds my gears to no end is characters' names being translated.
You would have loved french translations in the 80s
>Wolverine: Serval
>Wolfsbane: Félina
>Susan Richards: Jane Richards
>Blob: Colosse
>Nightcrawler: Diablo

>Nightcrawler: Diablo
Actually knew that one from the X-Men movies.
Fucking horrible.

Big surprise: these are not names, but pseudonyms, so they can be translated.

There are very few quality american comics, it should not be hard.

Same happened here in my country from the ~70s all the way up to 99. Every single big2 name got translated no matter how retarded it would sound. Then they started using the original names in 99 in an attempt to boost sales. It didn't work and all big2 titles got canned in 05. If memory serves, Batman is the only thing that still gets translated and they only get sold in hardcover trades.

In a similar vein, half of the names in One Piece gets literal translations and the other half gets left untouched. For example, Akainus name is a literal translation, Bluepheasant.

Dealing with Japanese names that are meant to be read with their literal meaning in mind is always tricky.

They should've left all the names as is, instead of going halfassed on them, in my opinion. Not that I read them anymore, so it doesn't really bother me. I discovered scanlations when I came to the Thriller Bark arc and found out I was ~15 tankos worth of chapters behind.
rip onemanga ;_;

It doesn't bug me either, but to the original audience those names are literal descriptions of the character. If you don't translate them at all you're failing to properly simulate the experience for the reader in another language. The problem comes from Japan's heavy use of names that are just regular words, so if there isn't an elegant solution where a local name is already close in meaning it just ends up looking weird.

>How do my fellow europoors get their american comics?
Spain here, in my local comic shop.... well not really because I have to go to another city, mine sucks and is only for funko, warhammer
and magic, I live "near" the capital also and there we have a couple of streets with comic shops and a street market with second hand comics and things like that on sunday, we have also few second hand pages just like Ebay but more specialized.
You should go to Calle Luna if you are near Madrid, there's few there that are good, I wouldn't buy American comics here, all South Americans mock us for some of these "translations"

I still call Nightcrawler Diablo.

>>Blob: Colosse

What was Colossus?

>overpaying for floppies from burgerland instead of buying collected editions
Surely no one is this retarded...

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