It's basically Rick and Morty without the Redditors to ruin everything about it

It's basically Rick and Morty without the Redditors to ruin everything about it.

Attached: image.jpg (960x1440, 220K)

Other urls found in this thread:!ABiYXlzu-iyc7ps&cid=32A2D5EFEC759616&id=32A2D5EFEC759616!3578&parId=32A2D5EFEC759616!2639&o=OneUp

Sure, until Reddit finds it and ruins it.

Just keep shilling Rick and Morty as the superior show so they don't touch this one.

Can you only think in terms of memes?

Please get your shit together show. I need something to replace Futurama.

Unfortunately no ones watching it

Attached: 1513478976835.png (1089x648, 25K)

7) Keep posting this image whenever you see a thread about the show.

Begone Reddit

Honestly while the humor is pretty hit or miss, it has enough plot elements being tossed around to keep my interest every week,

>It's basically Rick and Morty
Is everything si-fi now Rick and Morty?

i didn't expect to go in to feel

Attached: 1439099199495.png (349x323, 135K)

Is Gary's dad voiced by Ron Perlman?

Olan is a shit writer and voice actor. Show is garbage

so what is this about? i've heard of it but haven't looked into it at all.

I've thought of it as more like Adventure Time if it were made for old Toonami.

This thread again

Attached: old man.png (500x395, 300K)

Is this show good or not?

Is there a link to episode 5 yet?!ABiYXlzu-iyc7ps&cid=32A2D5EFEC759616&id=32A2D5EFEC759616!3578&parId=32A2D5EFEC759616!2639&o=OneUp

Thanks a ton friend

yes but the change from the pilot is really a bummer
I also don't get how people compare it to rick and morty or futurama

my biggest gripe is the changes from the pilot
granted it's not much to go on but the change in gary character, origin story, and his relation/interactions to others
it felt like gary would have been immature but knew when to get serious at times instead he's a gooefy character and has to have others act as the straight man to keep him in line
I kinda which they keep the whole being military trained thing going on
granted with episode 4 the backstory reveal with his father seems great at times

also the pacing makes it feel like it trying to appeal as it count be picked up at any episode and you could follow from there

I'm not sarying the show isn't a 180 of the pilot but rather it went off in a angle I didn't see coming

other then that it's good and can be funny

Maybe try posting on some different sites, Olan.

does olan actually post here

Im pretty sure he is
Its like Bravest Warriors, Futurama, and Nolan's Interstellar had a threesome.

I feel like the plot change may have been from executives or from conan himself

that usually how it rolls with these sort of things

After I heard his voice I tried to check the credits at the end of the episode but they didn’t list any of the voices at all for some reason. If it was him it’s awesome to see him still doing VA work. He looked really old in the last film I saw him in

The VA line up they did for the promotional trailer listed him and it sounded exactly like him. Im glad its an important part and not just a throw away character.

I doubt he’ll get many more lines unless the do an entire flashback episode

Space Opera stuff, has some interesting narrative stakes by the episode.

I like the Queen of the series better, rounder and hotter


>does olan actually post here
who knows but he seems like a legit really nice guy, I would share a joint with him.

queen, quinn, whatever, the black girl

He's a nice guy but he was just not ready to run this show. It's super high production for really low writing.

sweet thanks
good episode

>It's super high production for really low writing.

I disagree, the real dramatic moments and set pieces have a lot of weight to them.

You feel that there is a big story going on and I like that a lot, you don't get this too much in adult animation.

considering the current state of US television animation I'm more than happy with a show with Final Space's production value regardless of the writing quality.

>regardless of the writing quality.
I think that the show is getting better with each episode.

Also I just saw the video that the creator did with Conan and I think that they mention Gary growing as a person to the point that you can tell the difference between episode 1 Gary and Season finale Gary.

Will they fix his stupid voice at least?

I have no problems with Gary's voice, the guy doing his voice is pretty good at it.

i think his voice is fine

Give it time..

And then it turns out that Avacato was really bitten by people shrinking nightmare demon.

i wish there were more eps with just gary and avocato before quin arrived