

Attached: the_goofy_and_pluto_conundrum_by_andydiehl-d4xdv1h.jpg (825x638, 236K)

A man taking a monkey for a walk.

There's also one short where Goofy is trying to hunt ducks.

It's the same as a Sajonska walking a Pisnedge, you only ever see it once and once you do you're murd

Men and monkeys don't look the same

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They're different breeds.


so is the monkey diane or jordan, jordan's a black name right

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One is a person, the other is an animal.
Don't overthink it.

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My wife said this to me once.

One is drowning in dish detergent and picturing his life on the other side, and the other is asking God why his suffering only makes his penis bigger, and that's what he sees when God holds up a mirror to him. If you can figure out which is which you have your answer OP.

Sadly the last time this was accurately answered was back in 2011, and there are no archives for you to pathetically go to and copy and paste.

white man taking a nigger for a walk

You know, i’ve been reading old Donald Duck issues and i gotta say, The solo stories Goofy get’s in them to pad them out are really making me lose love for the character. It’s almost always
>Goofy tries to do X task that he’s unqualified in
>Someone is dumb enough take him up on it
>As expected, Goofy fucks up X in a ridiculous fashion and causes ridiculous amounts of destruction for the person
>He doesnt even look or act remorseful for it.
>But it’s all okay in the end becuase either A. a criminal just HAPPENED to be there and ended up getting foiled by his incompetence, or B. through Dumb Luck Goofy just HAPPENS to solve a problem or find something valuable
>Goofy gets off not only Scott-free but a hero as well, having learned nothing and continues to be a nuisance or a menace to everyone around him.
It’s not only so damn formulaic but makes him so unendearingly one note too.

And the genius nephew Gilbert they give him to act as a foil is just as annoying and one note, with his “condescending genius who just has to remind everyone how smart he is” schtick. The only story i liked with him was one where Goofy was trying to get him to play with other children because he felt bad that he was Basically a socially maladapted shut in obsessed with his research.

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but goofy black

they flipped a coin as to who could talk and who could lick their own balls

goofy lost

no wonder Peg was all over him

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i hate tumblr

So does that make Mickey, Michael Jackson?

It's only weird if the animals can talk to the anthros.

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>pic unrelated

Geez, they really went overboard with the OCs. It's not even a good one.

God I hate comeuppancefags.

Are you referring to Gilbert? Because you would be correct. He is not.
Shoo Mouse Apologist. They were bad and you know it/