Toonami Ratings for 3/17/18

FLCL season 2 is set to premiere June 2nd at 11:30. Presumably, this is the replacement for GitS.

FLCL season 3 is set to premiere in September.

This Saturday, Bebop will air its two final episodes back to back. Dandy moves up to 2am, allegedly for good. It is very clear now that April Fools will have something other than the normal lineup air. There is a chance Dandy moving up is just for cover.

Last week was positive growth across the board after the DB hour. This week the growth stops and we start a slow trend downward. Oh well. Naruto slapped Gundam and HxH shit again.

10:30 Dragon Ball Super 988 0.48
11:00 Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters 826 0.39
11:30 Black Clover 643 0.30
12:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 549 0.26
12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 474 0.22
1:00a Hunter X Hunter 468 0.21
1:30a Naruto: Shippuden 488 0.22
2:00a Outlaw Star 460 0.23
2:30a Space Dandy (r) 438 0.22
3:00a Cowboy Bebop (r) 386 0.19
3:30a Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (r) 317 0.15

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Other urls found in this thread:

Say your goodbyes boys, last week will be the last real night.

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Never forget.
Seriously, though, the two of them left and took all the fun with them. It's all feels from here on out.



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i`m gonna miss you guys.

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>12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 474 0.22
>1:00a Hunter X Hunter 468 0.21
>1:30a Naruto: Shippuden 488 0.22
IBO I get, but people would rather watch Shitpudding filler than HxH? Really?

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>Outlaw Star ends with the crew uniting on more adventures
>Bebop ends with the crew leaving one by one

Gargantuan if factual.

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>FLCL airs in English first
>Japanese/subbed is IN THEATERS ONLY


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>we will never get spinoff featuring autistic hacker girl and her dog wandering ruined earth.
They were right to end it when they did but I can't help but wonder what could have been.

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They're throwing a real shitfit over this in their threads. It's hilarious.

>>Japanese/subbed is IN THEATERS ONLY
Seriously? I know they're pretty much making this for us here on Toonami but they didn't have to fuck over the nips this hard.

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wait seriously?
thats hilariously fucked up

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So, what happened on the Super finale? Do I get that free lapdance or not?

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They're going fucking crazy, like three 500+ threads today alone, doesn't help the trailer [as] put has "progressive" in the title

FLCL is being promoted as a Toonami show though, so this is wrong.

yes and Toei is getting Ass-blasted about it

Outlaw Star Ratings Retrospective

Average Rating: 409,500

Highest Rating: 470,000 - September 30th, 2017 @ 2:30 Ep. 6

Lowest Rating: 343,000 - January 27th, 2018 @ 2:00 Ep. 19 & February 10th, 2018 @2:00 Ep. 21

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>FLCL 2 and 3 will air dubbed on Adult Swim's Toonami and simulcasted with subs on Adult Swim's streaming platform, DeMarco said.

>HxH airing its millionth training arc
Shouldn't be surprising

Yeesh, that's probably the last time they spent money on nostalgiabait

Toonzai when?

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Alright boys, is he being honest or is he full of shit again? Will we get something related to this on April Fools?

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Current Series End Dates (accounting for marathons):
Dragon Ball Super - November 16, 2019
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters - June 23, 2018
Black Clover - January 19, 2019
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - August 11, 2018
Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans - April 21, 2018
Hunter X Hunter - June 29, 2019
Naruto: Shippuden - December 7, 2024
Space Dandy - August 4, 2018
Cowboy Bebop - March 24, 2018
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG - May 12, 2018

>people claim that HxH subverts shonen tropes
>does a million training arcs like any other shonen
Why is HxH so shit, bros?

HxH is better for that binge than it is watching it weekly

Probably gonna have to add a week on everything from Jojo down

Obviously full of shit like usual. To him pushing boundaries is airing something that isn't a generic Jump title or something ASA aired before

on Fishcenter this week, Kim Manning said she watched Pop Team Epic and liked it


Haha, now the japanese have to simulcast OUR subs. How do you like it!?

>people claim that HxH subverts shonen tropes
It's Asspull x Asspull fags only that say that, and they're completely deluded.

>implying anyone will watch this turd cashgrab outside of Toonami smoothbrains

I'd like to remind everyone that this is the one-year anniversary of Demarco cancelling One Piece, but, even so, it's still the best selling comic book of all time, WORLDWIDE!

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>americans get their hands on anime
>female protagonist
>call it FLCL Progressive

Not content with destroying their own IPs, like the cancer they are libshits expand to destroy those of other countries.

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>not liking prog rock
It's like this mother fucker doesn't even roundabout.

>you saved by shitpost image I made last year
Put a smile on my face


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>call it FLCL Progressive
>Not content with destroying their own IPs, like the cancer they are libshits expand to destroy those of other countries.
Nice b8

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Deflection for the prank. He will admit it was all early April Fools

Now that Outlaw Star is over I need a new anime to watch.

well i'd suggest some but i'm annoyed saiki s2 isn't being simulcast

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I'd like an anime that's starting at the beginning. What's replacing Outlaw Star?


Just a half hour of the test pattern?

Hopes mildly raised for the FLCL continuations after finally getting some substantial footage. Hopefully they aren't Diebuster-tier disappointing sequels.

SMPTE Bars season 29 begins next week

the japanese don't care about FLCL to begin with

It really went downhill after season 18, let's be honest. The move to HD was a mistake.

No, a second showing of Bebop

Progressive and alternative are forms of rock

redbar-chan is best girl.

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Bullshit. The rights to that show are owned by SpongeBob.

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Well shit, I've already seen that.

In "probably not Toonami related but I'm bringing it up anyways" news the second season of Mob Psycho 100 was confirmed over the weekend at the event for the OVA. (The OVA is currently available subbed on crunchyroll.)

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I know everyone's already seen it but Mob Psycho is a show I wouldn't mind.
It's short, great action and incredibly likeable characters. Perfect bridge between now and FLCL.

Demarco already confirmed it's not an option because someone else picked it up

yeah, I'd be happy with it as long as it airs at least before naruto

spoilers from the ova because it's funny

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>Sup Forums is making fun of us again

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The only place I've seen with it is Funimation's website, and that's not a problem since Tokyo Ghoul aired. (The live action version is a Netflix exclusive, but that's Japan only.) Do you got a source?

diebuster is at worst exactly as good as gunbuster, just different

thoughts on new flcl girl?

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FLCL is going to fail, isn't it? It's already agreed that it's the only reason Toonami is still alive right now. After it flops: POW! We're gone!

Would get cooly cooly with.

I feel like Toonami's margin for success isn't all that high. Even if it's moderately successful it'll probably be enough of a win to keep Toonami afloat.

Good, I haven't been able to post on my home IP since 2015

5 years is a good run

Fuck the mods too

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nice meme.

I'm more partial to himecuts, honestly.

The original FLCL was just a nothing OVA project for the studio to experiment and play around with. The show is only popular with the Cartoon Network audience, so it makes sense that they would make it an official [as]/Toonami show and produce more of it. Progressive and Alternative might surprise us and end up being better than the original.

My prediction is that Progressive will just be a soft reboot with the same plot and new characters, pure nostalgia bait, but Alternative will be space kino.

Wait, FLCL is getting a sequel?

Fucking newfags I swear

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Naruto is better than HxH

I liked the original FLCL but i dont really care about/want a sequel, is that ok?

They have to pay out the ass to license the shit they air. Notice how we aren't getting any new content? It's because Toonami is failing

Is anyone actually excited for FLCL?

that doesn't say someone else picked it up, just that they couldn't get the rights to it then

it's possible that Funimation didn't want it on TV then to maximize blu ray sales or some bullshit, but that could change

I hope he will SAVE US in April Fool's!

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Black Clover's pretty new, Super's a premier dub, HxH is a premier dub, Lupiin was a premier dub.
All of this stuff was only old by the context of not having been dubbed.

I'm excited to see it bomb and Demarco to go full damage control

>4 leaf clover

Here's last week:

10:30 Dragon Ball Super 1026 0.55
11:00 Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters 902 0.45
11:30 Black Clover 708 0.33
12:00a Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders 671 0.31
12:30a Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans 595 0.27
1:00a Hunter X Hunter 549 0.24
1:30a Naruto: Shippuden 536 0.23
3:00a Outlaw Star 445 0.21
3:30a Space Dandy (r) 440 0.20
4:00a Cowboy Bebop (r) 436 0.20
4:30a Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd GIG (r) 408 0.19

Interesting takes. At the same time, we might be nearly at the end of the road as well. This has been a fun six years overall.

In addition to this, when Netflix had the HxH sub, they never aired the whole Chimera Ant arc or the Chairman Election Arc, so in a year, we'll be in entirely new territory.

Ok I'll give you that, though I'm sure it was an absolute bargain
Secured late 2016
Secured early 2016
Secured mid 2017

I don't give a shit about yesterday, I'm talking about 2018 and it's fresh budget
Replaced by rerun
>Outlaw Star
Replaced by rerun
Replaced by rerun of same fucking show

We have got NOTHING in 2018. And the next opportunity to break that streak is in May. And as if that isn't bad enough, we have a lot of slot entitled shows coming up like Ghoul and AoT. So we aren't gonna get shit fresh this year most likely

Alright I'm not gonna argue with your delusion. There is another Ask where he is more specific but I'm not gonna sift through his shit for it. When he says they fucking can't get something, it's not going to air.

She looks more faithful to the FLCL style than Hidomi.

>Naruto is better than HxH

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>better plot
>better character designs
>better fights
Hunter x Hunter can't even compete.

he's said things won't air because they can't get it plenty of times and things have aired regardless

It's okay, user. None of us do either. It ended well the first time, wrap up the story while leaving the audience wanting more. That doesn't mean give us more, though. IDK what they were thinking giving a dying anime block all the way across the Pacific in burgerland the greenlight for 2 more seasons.

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>my carbon copy show is better cause I said so!

Yea, maybe fucking years down the line long after everyone stopped giving a shit

>better plot
It's literally Black clover but older so it isn't labeled generic
>>better character designs
If you're still this much in denial, just finish the CA arc
>>better fights
Yeah, the fights in the 2011 version aren't always the best but that doesn't mean they suck either.

Japan really doesn't give a shit about FLCL. It's just like with Big O, it was a total dud for Japan so no harm letting the Americans play with it since they liked it so much.

Just a shame AS seems to only have this fondness for the handful of shows they got when they just started anime. We may have been able to get some actual needed continuations of modern shows otherwise

>better plot
Literally the same as every other generic shonen. It has ZERO original ideas
>better character designs
Wowee let's take this horse ass and put it on a bird guy, I'm such a fucking good character designer. And let's have a talking penguin too!
>better fights
All shonen fights are basically the same. 1 out of about 10 ends up being good for any series

Every criticism you posted applies directly to HxH

well yeah, mob's rapidly approaching that point, it's nearly two years old and tokyo ghoul aired when it was between 2 and 3 years old

Not everyone can be the safety cone orange ninja, the edgelord Kurapika ripoff and the pink girl. Not even taking the physical aspects into consideration, the HxH characters are better characters overall.

Ah yes, some of us have to be the tank top wearing hard worker who pushes through every problem with his hard headed retardation.

>Japan really doesn't give a shit about FLCL
This isn't true at all, it was hugely influential within Japan
And whenever America "produces" an anime they're just one of many producers in a large committee investing into the project

Anyone know what kind of guitar white hair is holding just based on looks? Looks like a Fender Jaguar?

And see where that got Gon. He was about to try that against Pitou when Killua, realizing Gon didn't stand a chance, knocked him out and ran. Certainly better than 'imma get Sauce back even if he's threatening to genocide our hometown and all muh friends'. Gon's not even 1/10th the obnoxious tryhard Nardo is.
>inb4 Doing the same with Ging
Ging isn't actually trying to get Gon killed. Ging sucks as a dad but everything Ging's antics have dragged Gon into was Gon's choice to choose. Ging gave Gon the option to stay in his comfy life on his island with his aunt, to not become a hunter, to not get a copy of greed's island and Kite even repeatedly gave Gon the chance to turn back even after they realized how bad the NGL would be.

Something with strings and white paint. Certainly looks like some kind of instrument, a guitar of some kind.

Meant for