Why is this show hated on so much? I watched a few episodes and it was pretty funny

Why is this show hated on so much? I watched a few episodes and it was pretty funny.

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It’s Sup Forums’s predictable contrarian hivemind.

Because it garnered a massive fanbase so >reddit reeee

Season 3 was horrible, but thw hate before that was just asshurt christfag Sup Forums shitposters, which is hypocritical of them since they go on this site.

It's that, but also the fact that the show takes a massive nosedive in quality after season one and season three only has a handful of good episodes. Sometimes the contrarianfags are valid.

Because hating it is funny meme hahaha

They mostly hate fandom actually. Kinda like what happened with the bronys when the show was actually good.

I miss the memes. 2010 was my favorite year. All I every did was go to the threads and laugh at all the memesand reaction images, then suddenly REEEEE DIE DIE DIE MOOT BAN NOW BAN NOW REEEE which to this day still makes no sense to me on a site that throws dicks in your face routinely.

That show was the definition of "meh"

Love ya Lee my man.

Lee how did your dog’s asshole feel tell me please I wanna know if it’s worth it

Wow it's just like the last two threads we've had asking this exact same question with the exact same "muh contrarianism" line as the thread opener, and the other one isn't even deleted yet.
And then you people wonder why you and your shit show have become such a laughing stock.

Attached: FINland.jpg (600x467, 48K)

I don't think the fandom is even bad. Seems like the "high IQ" pasta took off and people started treating it like a real problem. That and the storming McDonalds thing didn't help. But overall the fandom isn't any worse than for other popular shows.

I loved the first season, Liked the second but the third one was absolutely terrible and made Sup Forums a shithole for 6 months after that

Season 3 had a great opening but making Rick a cancer on the family was a bad idea. Its a shame Dan is brain dead.

Attached: 1484334725199.gif (640x360, 1.01M)

>April fools 2016, toonami did a premiered season 3 instead of a Samurai Jack S5 episode
>income neverending reddit and morty memes

At least that just when I noticed it

Because its fucking lazy comedy. There's improv, and then there's shitting out any nonsensical string of words and not caring because your autistic fanbase will lap it up. If the writer doesn't care, then why should I?

>call him out on being a degenerate
>autistically screeches so loud the mods ban you over the horsefuckers
You've become what you hate lad. Look in the mirror and evaluate your life.

Reposting and ban evasion. Your caretaker must be so proud of you.

Season 1 and 2 have no reason to be hated strongly.
Season 3 is just dog shit in comparison though.

its pretty amazing until the second half of season 2
after that it starts to drop in quality.

you can feel the mainstreamization

i love rick and morty but this was a double dick move.

i wanted samurai jack, this was the final season!

theres was a hiatus of rick and morty after this surprise episode, killing the hype.

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

fucking die

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 6.36.01 PM.png (478x124, 21K)

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

Hi Barney fag, drop dead at any time.

How can one man be that autistic?

People at my school quote it all the time and it's so annoying ugh fucking normies how come they have girlfriends and I don't >:(

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

Season 3.
Do yourself a favor and take S3E1 as the canon ending.

Shit, I forgot about that. They also aired the first PICKLE RICK promo right after the show too, and it just spiraled out of control from there. Much of the enmity towards the show wouldn't exist if it wasn't for that one stupid, poorly-timed stunt by Adult Swim. I never realized how horribly managed that station is until just now.

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

>bfag self bumping a thread like a retard for over an hour now

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

the show isnt hated. just the reddit cringe fedora fanbase

it isn't hated except by calarts people and probably the mouse

On an April Fools day, many of Sup Forums expected a new episode of Samurai Jack to air, at the time with a massive fanbase deep with autism and waifuism they did not take too kindly to their show being interrupted by a surprise episode of Rick and Morty, playing over and over the entire night.
That was the beginning of the domino effect that lead us to where we are now.

To be fair it was really tasteless to pull something like that in the middle of the conclusion of another show

That trick was amazing

They only had to wait a week, it was a massive overreaction.

Attached: worlds smallest violin.gif (450x320, 565K)

OP was right.Hipster contrarian.Dont drop your latte on your lap,somelier

First season was good.
Second was OK.
Third was a pile of garabge.
Also i don't want to say i like it out of fear of being associated with it's fanbase

Hype turns to anti-hype. It's cool to hate the popular thing. Of course some parts of the fandom are stupid and annoying but that's not really the shows fault.

The episode wasn't good. Infact some if the later eps are much better.

The problem imho is that the show celebrates themself to much. Every other episode of season 3 was Rick is better and smarter than everyone.
The dad turned is getting flanderized and turns into a punching bag. The divorce plot lead to absolutely nothing.

But I still had fun and wish for a season 4.

Because Sup Forums are hipster douchebags that hare anything the normies like.

>April Fools Day prank incident
>Sup Forums gets massive hateboner for Rick and Morty anything
>Sup Forums gets in on it
>spreads to other boards
>Rick and Morty shitposting to the max
>pickle rick
>effects younger fans of the fandom who think all the shitposting is serious meme-ing and joins in on it
>season 3 rolls in, not the best season
>fuels fire and reason to not like R&M
>shitposting gets even worse
>mcdonalds sauce incident
>now more common knowledge of R&M autism
>more reason to be ashamed of R&M
>more reason to hate it

It’s the television equivalent of Undertale: Great show, TERRIBLE fanbase

I kinda get why people were mad but the overreaction was bizarre, it was a prank, yeah but I was smiling like.
>"Holy fuck two cakes!"

Attached: Zorak.jpg (462x699, 33K)

Because whining little hipsters want you to conform to their beliefs and you shan't think for yourself. . . EVER!

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Unsufferable fanbase.
Unsufferable creator who just won't shut up and call everyone he doesn't like a nazi.
Serious drop in quality in S3 with the show pretty much becoming its own parody.
Massive waste of potential as a result of reason 1 and reason 2 combined.

Because it became popular and Sup Forums hates popular things.

Because it's supposed to be just that, funny.

But you got so many psuedo "intellectuals" acting like it's crazy deep because of all the nihilism in the show. So their autism makes them sperg out about how great and amazing the show is and it's fucking annoying. Same thing happened with Samurai Jack, Steven Universe and Adventure Time. Ok to decent tier shows that got jerked off way too much

P_____ R___

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)


ure mom's unsuferable

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

>show is called rick and morty
>focus on the family grows throughout the show

If I want to watch marriages fall apart and high school girls being shallow I'll walk into the living room

So it was Sup Forums and Sup Forums's fault that the fanbase turned into the cancer that it is?
So every reason for the show's hate on this board comes from how crappy the fandom was, which was a result of salty samurai jack fans shitting up the show because of what amounts to THEIR copious amounts of autism?

t. underage
Why am I surprised

insecure jerryfags

It used to be good, but then they hired a bunch of women and Harmon got divorced and the show quality took a nosedive

>Beth and Jerry decide to solve their relationship troubles by going to therapy... ...in SPACE!
>Beth and the family go to therapy... ...Earth. Oh btw I'M A PIGGLE MORDY :DDDDDD LMAO SO RANDUMB

This, jerryfags are the embodiment of that millenial stereotype of how everyone's a winner and it's all good as long as you tried. It's not, and you deserve that gay little participation trophy you got.

Jerryfags exist because because beth is a fleshed out character that the showrunners are more sympathetic but is a total and utter bitch, while jerry is a hollow Flanderised shell of a character that somehow comes off better than her

Beth being shoddily written does not make jerry a good guy. Just because someone looks like they're the victims and they're always getting the bad end of the stick doesn't mean they aren't manipulative sacks of shit. Both of them are two sides of the same coin.
I don't have a problem with shitty characters being assholes. That just means they arent mary sues and have room for character development. Jerryfags thinking of him as a role model of sorts, using him to justify their behaviour is no better than the fat acceptance feminists they so vehemently despise.

that complaint is only relevant to two of the episodes though

>It used to be good, but then they hired a bunch of women
It's conclusive proof why you don't fix something that isn't broken. People will still remember a decade from now how women killed Rick & Morty.

how would you feel if jessica were a bigger character next season, and she kept getting into shenanigans with morty that involved more upskirt accidents

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 30K)

please bleed to death

Attached: Screen Shot 2012-08-11 at 4.16.35 PM.png (997x285, 59K)

fucking die

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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-14 at 12.47.18 AM.png (1024x66, 23K)

I sincerely wish that never in my life would I be reduced to this state of spamming a public forum with the same pics and pasta due to a decade old grudge I hold of a tangentially related topic regarding a show explicitly made for people outside my age group, in favour of a show even further out from said range.

You clearly aren't aware of how much a plague these fucks are.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 6.02.52 PM.png (985x63, 21K)

He doesn't sage. It's an act, a false flag. Still a very obsessive one.

>It's an act, a false flag.
It never was.

Attached: Screen Shot 2016-11-21 at 5.38.54 PM.png (989x87, 27K)

bleed to death

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 5.40.35 PM.png (263x89, 11K)

You're right, I'm not. I tend to avoid pastel horse-related stuff. Why are you barneyfagging up some random thread when the OP likely found out about the picture from a different site considering how mild of a reference that is?

Pretty sure spambumping a thread would increase the chances to annoy a mod enough to warrant a thread deletion

Looking from the filename, he clearly got it from another post made on the site. Once one matches up the filename with its Unix timestamp in something like Epoch converter, it was amongst some degenerate with a spambot who made a wave of posts across multiple boards which consist of tangentially pony-related pictures, usually accompanied by either "pic semi-related" or no text at all. This wasn't a serious thread, he just wanted to shill his shitty toddlers' show.

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Attached: Screen Shot 2013-08-13 at 6.30.05 PM.png (972x119, 30K)

It's just a cartoon bro, calm down.

I'd guessed as much. When I said different site I meant from the one you posted, it was likely that he saved nice looking fan art from the show from Sup Forums. I don't think OP has any ulterior motives other than possibly samefagging a fpbp. If you have evidence that he was a victim of a spambot or is the spambot itself, I'd like to see it, but I don't have the autism required to scan the archives for it.

Fucking mass quoter

>Season 1 and 2 have no reason to be hated strongly.

after the first 4 episodes it became very tired and tryhard

>t. Female Season 3 Writer

There were always a couple contrarians that hated it for being 'unjustly' popular or people who genuinely don't find the humor or premise funny. This only got worse with the fandom of the show growing and having it's fair share of Sonic-like autism. The whole shtick of being "an intelligent show for intelligent people" made it easy to hate (and justly so, it's mostly low-brow humor with imaginative environments and ideas).

The show actually took a nosedive in season 3 when it started taking itself seriously. The tone compared to season 1 is widely different and definitely worse. The strengths that made the show popular (light-hearted dark humor, cool sci-fi concepts) were sidelined for muh depression, edgy dark humor and family drama. They lost what made them special and tried competing with shows that did everything mentioned better.

I don't know if the show is actually cancelled but as a fan of the early seasons, I hope it is. It's only downhill from here on out, especially with Dan increasing in faggotry by the day.

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good fucking luck with that around here.

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

fucking die fag

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I'm starting to wonder if I could induce a lethal autism attack if I post enough MLP content.

i loved season 1 and enjoyed season 2, but season 3 was just fucking terrible and i hope to god the show remains dead

You should kill yourself for even thinking about that.

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fucking die

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 9.41.22 AM.png (1307x106, 49K)

It's really not. We're not talking about the interdimensional cable, its the entire "hey I'll just keep saying nonsense words mixed with a movie reference and call it a plot"

Or because people have different opinions and the world isn't a hivemind

Fuck yeah mr pickles will be replacing it

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

It's popular. That's like the only reason Sup Forums hates 99% of the shit it hates. This place is so full of losers with frail egos that they need to come together into massive circlejerks to hate on all the people that aren't as sad and pathetic as they are. This place fucking loved R&M initially and even though it's been just as bad now as it was when it started, the losers of Sup Forums with pleb tastes now need to hate on it because all the other plebs of the world found about their stoner meme show and like it just as much as they did.

Kill yourself you degenerate piece of shit
(remove the first period)

Funny thing actually, Lemon Zest from Friendship Games is in OP's picture. Call him out on being a degenerate.

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.jpg (307x156, 24K)

Season 1 and 2 were just as bad as three. But for some reason people on this board think edgy gore shit like this superjail and mr pickles is actually funny.
So much of the early seasons are either "it's random so it's funny" like the commercial episodes or just plain "oh, well, good for you I guess" like killing that alien rapist. Seriously, what was even the point of the season 2 finale? There was no fucking joke, just things happening.