Would you kill half the universe for a chance at this fine piece of ass?

Would you kill half the universe for a chance at this fine piece of ass?

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No. Death is a thot, and Thanos is a cuck for squandering his potential on her.

If I had ultimate power, I'd just make myself a gf. Or force Death to love me.
Fuck off Thanos, you pussy.

>only half

Go for the gold, or don't even bother.

I would, but she wouldn't want me to do that for her

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She's dead sexy.

>Death is a thot,


>not killing every single universe

It's like you don't want to usher in an age of pure, everlasting peace.

What’s weird is he started out fine just being random servant and understood he could never have her as a bride but somewhere after his first resurrection he just went nuts at the idea of having her as a mate.

Depends on which half.

Is she about to cuck thanos with his son?


I think that's called the Emmerich Special.

Would you kill piece of the universe for a chance at half of this ass?

I'd kill the whole universe for free.

Greek lesson time.
I'm fairly confident, when they made Thanos, they basically got inspired by the word Thanatos (=death), but just wanted to change it a bit.
HOWEVER, "Thanos" also has a meaning in greek.
It's a shortened version of another greek name, Athanasios. (much like Dick is for Richard, Jim for James and so on).
Athanasios is the male version of the female name Athanasia, which is also the greek word for immortality.
So, Thanos' name technically is about immortality, not death.
And the way the word immortality works in greek, etymologically, it literally means "un-death-ness".
So, Thanos can't get with Death.
It's right in his fucking name.

Thanos is like that guy who finds out his crush likes dogs so he shows up at her house with a literal truckload of dogs.

If that's true i would date Thanos.

actually it's more like he finds out his crush is an funeral director so he kills people and brings corpses to her office

thanos with the gauntlet could get any bitch in the universe

death is literally a oneitis

Huh, I already knew about the thanos=thanatos thing, but that's pretty funny

do you actually talk like a tryhard 14 year old or is that just for when you post?

Thanos is a cucklord and every time he is reminded his waifu wants another.

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Death is CUTE

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