Jackie Chan with all 12 Talismans vs Superman

I think Jackie takes this with ease.

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>Uses monkey

He has no way to really hurt Superman though. Although vulnerable to magic, its what you do with that magic. If you magically make heat beam eue blast, well it was MADE magically, but heat beam eye blast dont hurt Superman.

Monkey Talisman should work on him. You could probably fuck him over with the Tiger or Sheep too, if you can get them to activate on him.

But he doesn't want no troubles.

If he is smart he can even body swap with Superman using Sheep.

Anyway, Monkey is basicaly an instant victory if he hits him, and with Rooster and Rabbit, Jack has a great chance of doing so.

Any attempt by Supes of attacking Jack will be useless in the end with Horse and Dog. So at some point he will be hit by Monkey.

Them the fight is over.

Does he also have a ladder and want no trabble?

Historically that's not how it works at all. If someone magically conjures a fireball, that's a magic fireball, and it fucks up Supes' day.

Using the Monkey to turn Shendu into a rabbit didn't stop him from using heat beam eyes or levitating

What if you just ended up turning him into a dog with Kryptonian strength?

He never wants any trabble

The Talismans are magic, so of course Jackie takes this with ease. If he had maybe 2 or 3 Talismans (depending on which ones they are), Superman might still have a good shot of beating him, but not all 12.

The implication of turning him into a sea cucumber is pretty obvious, user. Jackie would just have to stop panicking and think of it.

You use Tiger talisman and make Superman fight himself. You get a 50/50 shot of either having a good Superman or the Clark Kent alter ego

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>Using the Monkey to turn Shendu into a rabbit didn't stop him from using heat beam eyes or levitating

Because he had the other talismans INSIDE him. The talismans dont go away with the transformation, even more when they are "part"of you, and you have to literaly remove them with your hands.

>What if you just ended up turning him into a dog with Kryptonian strength?

He wouldnt, because he would be turned into a normal dog.

>all 12
supes is fucked

>because he would be turned into a normal dog.
You don't know that. Everything in the show that got turned into an animal by the monkey talisman retained some of their characteristics, be it physical appearance (Jade kept her hair and eyes, Shendu became a really evil looking green rabbit with red eyes) or physical properties (rocks became rock statues of animals), it would be perfectly plausible Superman would turn into an animal with kryptonian qualities.

>Supes becomes Krypto.
Well shit.

can someone remind me what the talismans do again it been so long.

Still, I think Jackie Chan could probably beat a Kryptonian Earthworm

I thought there was a distinction between fireball and magic fireball? Maybe its autism idk

>You don't know that.
Because "kryptonian dogs" are not REALLY "dogs", but aliens.

If I say "turn into a dog", you wont turn into "the closest thing which an alien specie has to a dog".

superpowers to user

Horse: Healing factor
Dog: Immortality
Rooster: Flight
Pig: Eye rays
Sheep: Astral projection
Monkey: Transforms things into animals
Rat: Gives life to inanimate objects
Snake: Invisibility
Dragon: Combustion, fireballs basically
Rabbit: Super speed
Ox: Super strength
Tiger: Balance, but it's broken so it splits yin and yang into two entities

Cheetah managed to scratch supermen with her claws simply because they were imbued with magic

Rat - motion to the motionless. You can bring statues and toys to life
Ox - superstrength
Tiger - Spiritual balance. Can split you into yin and yang halves if broken
Rabbit - superspeed
Dragon - fire blast
Snake - invisibility
Horse - healing
Sheep - Astral projection. You can't interact with the physical world but you can haunt dreams
Monkey - animal shapeshifting
Rooster - levitation and telekinesis
Dog - immortality and vitality of youth
Pig - heat beam eyeblasts

Yeah, I get that. But on the show people hit by the Monkey kept some of their characteristics, and Superman might too. He wouldn't become a Kryptonian dog, but an Earth dog with Kryptonian qualities.

Cheetah is a demigoddess

Cute how you all assume Jackie NEEDS the talismans and is not just holding on to them for assurance.

Dog also gives seemingly unlimited stamina/vitality too. When Uncle used it he said it felt like he was young again.

Rooster also lets you lift people + things telekinetically

Horse also lets you heal others + inanimate objects

Sheep allows you to possess someone's body if they're also astral projecting

Talismans are OP, please nerf.

See that's an issue.
OP didn't say if Jackie "don't wan no trabble".
So we have the assume that he is here for trouble and has his stats nerfed by 90% as a result.

>Rat - motion to the motionless. You can bring statues and toys to life
And they get whatever abilities they're "supposed" to have. Bringing a toy of a superhero to life gives it super strength and the ability to fly, for instance.

Bring this and win.

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What if Jackie used the Rat on a Superman action figure? Would Toy Supes win against real Supes because he's also magic?

The only one that he would keep is something like his eyes and his curly hair.

nah. The attack itself has to be magical with a relevant magic spell to be precise. You can't just say that the fireball can sing and that alone will be enough to hurt superman. It has to be enchanted with some "this fireball will burn anything" or "this fireball will hurt superman", in order to work.

If rocks become an animal made out of rock, than a Kryptonian would become an animal made out of Kryptonian cells, he would retain all his powers. Also, this looks like a dumb discussion hack TV writers would put on a show to make fun of the nerd characters.

Superman action figure is still made of plastic

There are limits to the magic

To be fair Jade once turned a log into a stingray so it didn't stay wood

I should watch this show.

Is it good all the way through?
How many seasons?

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>heal others + inanimate objects
Oh yeah, didn't they fix a hole in the hull of a sinking ship with Horse?

Shendu also used Sheep to remove a man's soul

5 seasons.

Season one is a series of encounters around the world to get the talismans.

Season two is a series of encounters around the world to seal away powerful demons.

Season three is a series of encounters around the world to reclaim the escaped powers of the talismans after they were destroyed.

Season four is a series of encounters around the world to find mystic masks that control armies of shadow ninjas.

Season five is generally considered the weakest due to a weird OC main villain.

But Superman would never start any trouble. That keeps Jackie in check for perpetuity.

Is Superman still weak to magic?

>implying Manhattan would do shit to help you
He'd just fuck off to Mars, confusing the fuck out of Astronauts years later

Shendu had those powers as a rabbit because he still had those talismans in his possession. Supes doesn't use macguffins, all his powers are based on his biology.

you are right op.


one more thing. superman is WEAK to magic.

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He's also holding a baby

>Jackie uses Sheep talisman to steal Superman's body
>proceeds to accidentially crash through town with superpowers

Depends on the function behind the spell
Is the spell to give you heat ray eyes? Or is it to burn a target with your eyes?
In the first case, Supes' would probably be unharmed since the magic is just giving Jackie a super power. In the second case, Supe's would probably be hurt since effect of the magic is to harm.

I mean Jackie could just use the Rat on a Genie and just wish for Superman to not have his powers or wish for Superman powers of his own.

It’s just a matter of if Jackie is clever enough to even think of that, or if that’s Jade level out thinking

Jackie will still lose the fight only cause he doesn't have a ladder with him

I want to see a drawing of Uncle slapping Superman while saying MAGIC MUST DEFEAT MAGIC now

Superman accidentally touches the broken tiger talisman. Jackie and kind Supes team up to stop jerk Supes before it's too late. It's tough, but they win.

>jerk Superman tries blasting Jackie with eye lasers
>Jackie's dodging like he's never wanted trabble on his whole life
>Kind Superman getting people out of the way and crying because jerk Superman made a pigeon explode
>"Bad day, bad day, BAD DAY!"

Don't ever call jackie chan fucking jack

Not weak Uncle, just as vulnerable to magic as a normal person who doesn't have some form of built in resistance/immunity to it.
So for example, if you have a blade that can cut through any kind of flesh, it would cut through Superman the same way it would cut through a cow.

Rat talisman is omnipotence if you use it correctly

Jackie Chan with all 12 Talismans that wants to fight and doesn't like using props
Jackie Chan that wants no trouble, is protecting a baby, is having a flashback of his mentor, has found out 12 Talisman Jackie Chan killed his mentor, and the fight is held in a priceless museum that Jackie Chan works in and desperately needs to keep his job to pay for his nephews surgery.

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I'd rather see Shendu fight Superman

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this is the real question. supes would have no chance against the second jackie.