Dammit Marvil!


Attached: house of ideas guys!.jpg (864x811, 91K)

wait wut
Is this how they're going to resurrect her? Really?

Is this their way of retconning Widow so that she's technically not a hundred year old like in the MCU?

Yep, Natasha is now 2nd best girl.

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>growth starts at the brain

Seems kinda silly.

probably so, because being a Perpetual like fucking Vulkan or a Immortal MacLeod is something too far fetched for them

fucking brilliant letterer

Meh. Who cares? It's just Marvel.

I thought supersoldiers age really fucking slow, did it need more explanation beyond that?

more like we Metal Gear Solid now
When's Liquid Widow

Welcome to the club

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Artist, not letterer. Unless the letterer position now involves filling out text in the actual artwork and not just the dialogue bubbles.

Also, I think it's more like "Ee-atasna", without the "ya". A harder shift between vowels.

It's actually Iatasna.

И is romanized as "I"

My mind turned elsewhere


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At least it's better than the Hydra Cap retcon


Bitch lasagna?

This is good idea, now we can explain how black widow isn't dead.

jfc, Shang, you just had to show your ways of clonning.

The only other Black Widow is Yelena unless they're somehow cloning the Golden Age Black Widow too.

She's now the best parts of both of them.

she's a plant woman now

>we MGS now
Uh... I guess it doesn't make much of a difference. Also, I'm kinda pissed that a title called Tales of Suspense, featuring Black Widow and dealing with her past relationships, doesn't even feature Iron Man. It's a travesty. Daredevil should've been there too, but Stark was a must.

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Les Veuves Terribles?!

>we MGS now
All the more interesting considering that Snake himself, David Hayter, tried to shop around a Black Widow script years before the MCU was a thing after his success with the first two X-men movies. Pity it never came to fruition.

I legit would love a BW movie that is basically russian MGS

Atomic Blonde?

So what's the implication here? Is Nat a clone or are they making clones of her? Did the Jackal's Gwen boner stop and turned his attention to Nat? Is she really going to have to go through this 90's Spidey bullshit?

Attached: jackal.jpg (336x450, 40K)

so instead of having that serum that keeps her young like Nick Fury they retconned her to be clones like Dum Dum Dugan?

Dum Dum Dugan is still alive actually, just fatally wounded and didn't know he was using super-wifi to control LMDs. It was low of Nick to tell him he was a robot instead of the original.

You want to introduce an entire clone angle, the specifics of which can range between spiderweb thing to exhaustingly convoluted, to explain why someone isn't dead in a universe with a revolving door on death?
This is a good idea to you?

So if this happens to everyone in the Red Room does that mean Nadia has some evil twins out there?

We don’t need another clone saga

it would be

>natasha meeting with johnny and she dealing with the devil
>the time as the short lived west coast Champions

>Generic Russian Honey Trap
>Genetically Engineered Russian Honey Trap
Now you have my attention.

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Damn, that's a shame.

Shit, now you reminded me that Herc is missing too. I get that it's MCU synergy, but a title that featured the FAs of Stark, Barton and Nat, should at least feature those 3 instead of the shoehorned WS backstory.

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Natashadow the Hedgehog

Shitty Russian knockoff.

That's what I was trying to express, but phonetically.

Regardless, it's a fuck-up nevertheless.

>Иatasha Яomanova

Natasha in russian is spelled Haтaшa

what comic is this?

This Week Tales of Suspense

no one at Sup Forums asn't done a storytime yet

I want one. Wipe the memories. Leave in the seduction training.

Oh. So that's how Yelena keeps coming back.